Still Eating White Rice? You may aswell be drinking a coca cola according to recent studies.

in naturalmedicine •  6 years ago 

One thing I just can't seem to get over in the plant based healthy eating community is: WHITE RICE


People tell me they only eat healthy whole grains food but somehow white rice also fits into that category?

Or that because i'm gluten free I have to eat, white rice.

I know this is a sensitive subject and that many people in the world live off white rice on a daily basis, it's ingrained into their culture.

I do wonder however if the rice was always eaten white....? and if everyone decided to eat wholegrain, wild rice & red rice from now on would we have a complete paradigm shift?

I still don't get why people choose 'white' (except for really superficial reasons) over other colors that are much more nutritious and less harmful to your body.


For me personally even before I got into healthy eating, I knew white rice was stodgy, starchy, made me feel bloated but also hungrier as well as tired & lethargic after eating.

These symptoms are pretty much the same from having a carb over load or eating sugar.

Little did I realize that eating rice is actually worse than drinking a sugary drink! And is said to be the main cause of diabietes among asians.



I think this information is something everyone needs to consider when you look at these tables white rice has a higher g.i than white bread. I know I personally can't function consuming high g.i food. I don't drink caffeine so I have no pick me up for the crashes. Living on a cycle of caffeine and sugar dips is an endless cycle, that needs continually replenishing and your adrenals end up stressed & you feel depleted.



The best remedy is eat less high carb/sugar food & minimize intake of caffeine, be kind to yourself by allowing your body to rest when it's genuinely tired or breath deeply and take a walk, do yoga or more brisk exercise if you prefer to wake the body up.


Do you eat white rice?
Does this research affect you, will you stop eating eating rice altogether, will you choose other colorful grains?
How much do we really need to eat carbs?
Let me know your thoughts.

🥑 🍎🥝 🍉 🍇 🍐🍓🍈🍋🍑 🍍🍊🍌🍏


For more health, nutrition, spirituality + more @celestialcow....



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All images are created by @celestialcow

Thanks for reading




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That information was very informative. I eat white rice usually jasmine or basmati. I also eat brown rice and wild rice. I did not know the differences among the various types of rice though. When we know better we do better.

I hope u can choose the healthier options more often now you have the information.

I definitely will do that in the future.


谷物是廉价的 ,但如果整个谷物你不需要采取的壳。 红色的稻米也很容易成长 历史上的某处人们认为白色的比较好看 ,但西方人民的不像以前的人都认为白色面包更好。

Like anything a for me it is variety that is important. I do much prefer brown rice or wild rice as the flavour is nutty and it has more protein. But you can't go past a nice white arborio for a risotto or paella.

Posted using Partiko Android

Have u tried brown rice risotto? IMG_20181121_083519.png

Oh yeah it's good! Of course, I grew up on brown rice. I meant moderation for me really... which means not a lot of carbs unless I need them, but I'm pretty aware of my body's nutritional needs.

Posted using Partiko Android

thats good you are aware, i wouldnt of thought otherwise just alot of ppl aren't fully aware, i was talking generally. Also i think white rice and paella/ risotto rice are bit different

I think everything in moderation works from person to person. Normal doctors often say that to ppl when it come to eating habits and it can be quite confusing from person to person what moderation actually means, in can be vague, is once a day, once a week or every so often in a blue moon. High g.i foods are quite addictive so moderation might not work for ppl and especially those who are suseptable to diabetes may want to consider only eating whole grains or ppl who suffer with other sugar related issues like candida.

just mellow on the stuff this "Bloombergie" guy is talking... I get your point and agree to eat whole grains any way. but that article makes me ask lots of questions...