Daily Nature Fix: Spring Things! (Original Photos)

in nature •  7 years ago 

Hi fellow nature people. I'm coming at ya a bit earlier than usual today. I'm trying to avoid missing days like I had recently, so since I have a few free minutes right now: here I am! Spring had begun a few days ago here in central Pennsylvania and things are slowly starting to warm up. It's got me itching to get out and do some hiking and spend some time in nature. With that sort of feeling in mind, I'll be sharing a few photos from another springtime hike. I think these are from around 3 years ago and were taken at one of my favorite places to trek around, Red Rock Mountain. Plenty of flora and fauna every time I go.

^^^Here's a green frog hanging out on a lilly pad. Pretty much the quintessential frog thing to do, no??

^^^Some of the lilly pads were just beginning to bloom, which is always nice to see. I think that must mean this trip was taken around late May or early June.

^^^This is a red-bellied brown snake. They're a small little species that eats slugs and salamanders. This place is the only location where I have ever encountered them.

^^^Here's a northern water snake swimming close to the shore. These guys can grow up to, and occasionally over, 4 feet long. Their diet usually consists of aquatic animals like frogs and fish, but will also eat small rodents or birds if there is an opportunity to do so. They're also somewhat aggressive by nature, but harmless and they don't possess any venom or anything.

^^^Another green frog, just a big closer up. They're nearly fully aquatic, only rarely spending time on land other than the banks of a pond or lake. They can reach just about 4 inches in length as adults.

^^^This is a blue damselfly. These things are all over the place in the spring and their brilliant coloration is striking. Blue is a color you don't see incredibly often in nature (aside from the sky), so I always enjoy when I do.

^^^Here is a newt known as a red eft. These guys are probably my favorite lizard native to Pennsylvania. During their terrestrial life phase (seen here), they are orange in color with bright reddish spots. They tend to walk the forest floor after a rain storm, in search for a puddle, pond, or other body of water. There, they enter their second life phase and become fully aquatic. They look completely different at that point and they breed in the water as well. During the land-phase, they are really adorable though. Their tiny eyes and toes are very visible and very cute. They also are not slimy or anything like a lot of salamanders.

Thanks for reading! I post a nature-themed Daily Nature Fix blog every day. Please upvote if you enjoyed it and resteem if you found it especially interesting! Be sure to follow me @customnature so you'll never miss out on your nature fix! See you tomorrow. - Adam

*** These daily blogs showcase the natural world. It is all original content using photos, stories, and experiences from my own travels. ***

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I like Amphibians, they represent the evolution of leaving the water and finally get on the ground. That was a very important transition

Love this comment. Yes, amphibians are half way between fish and reptile/mammal. Amazing what time and nature can do together!

@customnature nice to meet you my name is Gail. I've never seen a red eft before. Very vibrant. And the tiny brown snake well thats as cute as a button. Giving you a follow, I like what I see , til next time.

Thanks Gail! Glad you appreciate these little critters as well.

Well, I'm getting two kinds of emotions now. One is creepy and the other is I really fell in love with your pic, It was such crystal clear.

Great shots! I'm still waiting for a frog to sit on such a leaf, so I'm a bit jealous. And that newt is cute.

Classic frog envy!

All the photos are amazing, thank you, you moved me to the forest with your art.

And the forest is a lovely place to be!

Looks like a great place! That newt is crazy bright!

Big fan of those little guys. As well as the spotted salamanders we have, which are much larger.

Wow! How did you find these interesting reptiles? I found this large one in Mexico before the sun could warm up its body so it couldn't run away.

Ha! Using their cold bloodedness to your advantage. I found these guys by flipping logs and rocks as well as snooping around the marsh areas.

That newt is the cutest thing!

They really are. They should be starting to come out any day now, actually.

Spring is one of the 4 conventional seasons, following winter and preceding summer. Its so many various technical definitions of spring, however neighborhood usage of the time period varies according to neighborhood climate, cultures and customs. ... Spring is the time when many flowers begin to grow and flower.
The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. Harriet Ann Jacobs
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/harriet_ann_jacobs_284799?src=t_spring

Very nice post! Thank You very much for sharing! @customnature

I agree with a lot you had to say.

Fantastic photos...it is still pretty cold here in Wisconsin. Not much is moving out there yet!