Gay Lions Seen in Kenya National Park [+IDN]

in nature •  7 years ago 

photo taken by Paul Goldstein

Kenya's Masai Mara - seen a romantic encounter between two male lions in kenya national park.

Although same-sex sexual activity is illegal and severely discriminated in kenya and punishable by up to 14 years in prison. But in Kenya's Masai Mara national park there is a romantic encounter between two male lions.

Homosexuality among lions has been observed over the past few years. Dr Ezekiel Mutua, who is responsible for TV and film censorship in Kenya, has called for the two lions in question to be caught and kept in isolation until scientists can 'determine how they acquired homosexual behaviour'. And He believed that the lions would either have spotted gay men having sex in front of them, or been possessed by demons.

'These animals need counseling, because probably they have been influenced by gays who have gone to the national parks and behaved badly,' Dr Mutua told to Nairobi News. Dr Mutua also called for an investigation into whether the two lions - despite their grand manes - were really male.

''we should not jump to conclusions that the lions were both male'. Mutua said

The images taken by London-based photographer Paul Goldstein. he explained, he accidentally saw two male lions who were sitting together during a trip to the Masai Mara.

"Sometimes you just see something that takes your breath away. I was guiding in the Masai Mara recently and we saw two impressive alpha males in perfect light," Goldstein says.

"This however was astonishing. I normally loathe any sort of humanising with animals and our documentary channels are full of it, but this was not only surprising but it was impossible not to smile. When lions mate it normally last a few seconds, these two were at it for over a minute and the obvious affection afterwards was very evident, as opposed to the violent withdrawal when male and female mate," he added.

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Kenya Masai Mara - melihat pertemuan romantis antara dua singa jantan di taman nasional kenya.

Meski aktivitas seks sesama jenis itu ilegal dan sangat didiskriminasi di kenya dan dapat dihukum 14 tahun penjara. Tapi di taman nasional Kenya Masai Mara ada pertemuan romantis antara dua singa jantan.

Homoseksualitas di antara singa telah diamati selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Dr Yehezkiel Mutua, yang bertanggung jawab atas penyensoran TV dan film di Kenya, telah meminta dua singa tersebut ditangkap dan diasingkan sampai ilmuwan dapat 'menentukan bagaimana mereka mengakuisisi perilaku homoseksual'. Dan dia percaya bahwa singa-singa itu pasti telah melihat pria gay bercinta di depan mereka, atau telah dipengaruhi oleh setan.

"Hewan-hewan ini membutuhkan konseling, karena mungkin mereka telah dipengaruhi oleh gay yang telah pergi ke taman nasional dan berperilaku buruk," kata Dr Mutua kepada Nairobi News. Dr Mutua juga menyerukan penyelidikan apakah kedua singa tersebut benar-benar laki-laki.

'' Kita seharusnya tidak sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa singa itu laki-laki '. Kata Mutua

Gambar yang diambil oleh fotografer London Paul Goldstein yang berbasis di London. menjelaskan, dia secara tidak sengaja melihat dua singa jantan yang sedang duduk bersama saat melakukan perjalanan ke Masai Mara.

"Kadang-kadang Anda hanya melihat sesuatu yang membuat Anda bingung. Saya sedang berada di Masai Mara baru-baru ini dan kami melihat dua jantan yang mengesankan dalamkondisi cahaya yang sempurna," kata Goldstein.

"Namun ini sungguh mengherankan, saya biasanya tidak menyukai manusia dengan hewan dan membuat buat memori dokumenter kita penuh, tapi ini tidak hanya mengejutkan tapi tidak mungkin untuk tidak tersenyum. Ketika perbuatan singa itu biasanya berlangsung beberapa detik, tetapi keduanya melakukan Selama lebih dari satu menit dan kasih sayang yang jelas kemudian terbukti sangat nyata, berlawanan dengan kebiasaan kekerasan saat pria dan wanita, "tambahnya.

Terimakasih yang sudah mampir :)

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