Ocean pollution

in nature •  7 years ago 

Ocean pollution


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I recently saw a video that shows a great invention to clean the oceans.

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Did you know that every year 8 million tonnes of plastic are thrown or fall into the sea? This waste kills a lot of marine animals, including turtles who think they eat a jellyfish and end up smothered ...

Many of these plastics and various wastes are transported with different ocean currents to the largest plastics dump in the world, and are located off the Hawaiian archipelago. This landfill is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, this landfill is the size of six times France: 3.4 million square kilometers of land area for 22 200 kilometers in circumference.

These currents, under the influence of the rotation of the Earth, curl in a clockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and in the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere. The waste is sucked by these currents and they can accumulate up to 30 meters deep.

It is nicknamed the 7th continent, because there is so much compacted waste that we can walk on it.


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The fauna and the flora

These marine dump sites are time bombs. Greenpeace estimated that about a million birds and 100,000 sea turtles and mammals (seals, dolphins, whales, ...) die each year from the ingestion of plastic bits, either by suffocation or hunger, because their stomach stuffed with this material offers no room for food.

The smallest pieces of plastic, which are not swallowed by animals, mingle with plankton, composed of microscopic organisms: larvae, crustaceans, seaweeds, jellyfish ... This is a staple food for many small fish, molluscs and birds, not to mention whales and sharks.

Then, the men eat some of these marine animals, marine animals that have ingested plastics that contain mercury derivatives and endocrine disruptors that accumulate in the human body and disrupt the function of vital organs (heart, brain, kidneys, liver, ...).

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Here is another invention, created by a wonderful and hopeful student for our Ocean

The 21-year-old Dutch student Boyan Slat has developed an ingenious system for recovering plastic waste. The first tests are planned this year.

In June, a prototype will be tested in the North Sea, 23 km off the coast of the Netherlands. The net used will be 100 meters long.
A second test should follow off Tsushima Island, between Korea and Japan, a location where the ocean is particularly polluted. If the trials are successful, the team should then deploy large-scale nets into the Pacific Ocean by 2020.

Boyan Slat had the idea for his project after spending a holiday in Greece in 2011. There, he is struck by the number of plastic objects of all kinds that he sees in the water during an outing of scuba diving. He decides to react and launches the Ocean Cleanup project. He had a hard time making himself known and getting funding, like what, the cleaning of the oceans is not the main concern of many investors ... It does not pay enough I suppose ...

The next time you go swimming, if you ever see a bit of plastic or waste, pick it up and take it out of the water, it could save a lot of people; o) Or simply, if you see some on the beach or the edge of the coast, indeed, a simple gust of wind and these waste are found in the water.

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I wrote a novel about the great garbage patch!



An other wonderful and informative and impressive content from your side..
I really enjoyed to read this. Especially the video to clean the ocean is amazing this is a great job because due to throwing waste material in the sea a lot of animals are being killed that is the sad fact. so I am surprised that a very tiny student Boyan Slat is going great for the solution of wastage.
Thanks for sharing wonderful video dear @lndesta120282 keep it up

Ocean pollution is a huge problem that happens today the ocean is not our trashcan! You have my vote

nice nice post thanks.

We don't really need plastic.
Man is doing the stupid thing by trying to fullfill his short term needs by making more plastic.
I think we should think long term and start using paper and cloth covers more often, no matter how much more expensive it can get.
It is our responsibility to leave this place as better place for the next generation.
Seabin and ocean clean up are both really good projects for the sea cleaning.
We need more youth to take part of the Anti plastic movement

"no matter how much more expensive it can get"
Do you really think that this doesn't matter?
The problem is how to make people do correct disposals. Replacing plastic with paper or cloth is unreal and will never happen.

It's possible!. Here in Belgium, the stores can no longer distribute plastic bags, we must bring reusable bags or buy them. As for plastic bottles, it would be enough to drink only tap water or use reusable water bottles made of non-toxic plastic and many other things like these. It is impossible indeed to remove all plastics but we can still reduce the use strongly if we all make an effort.

@anakur I feel its all about what the People want. In India, the Narendra Modi Government did try the Swatch Bharath Abhigyan which means Clean India Initiative.
After this moment , we saw some positive responses from some of the indian provinces. The People started taking cleaniness seriously and a lot of the young people went out clean the waste dumped around the surroundings. My city Mangalore is cleaner as a result of this Moment.
So Provinces did respond Positively to this call , while some dint.
I think one of the village in North East India named Mawlynnong is now the cleanest Village in Asia,they completely banned plastic usage.
So if people really want Ban plastics , they can.
It's all about Truely wanting

Hi Indest, What a wonderful article on Ocean Pollution. I'm new on Steemit and writing about health-related, yoga-related, and spiritual concepts. Will you follow me so I can get a foothold in this lovely community? Thank you and All My Love, Michael

Nice to get it confirmed by a professional, Thank you. Re-steem.

Muy buenas tardes amigo, es un tema muy interesante, lo felicito ya que se trata de la contaminación del océano y es grave no tomar conciencia , por eso es necesario que las personas , industrias y otros no duden cuando tengan que realizar programas para evitar ese tipo de

Ocean pollution is the worst thing and plastic plays the most important role in ocean pollution.
It's really a great video.
Thanks for sharing.

the bottom line is, we have only one planet...

great video and technology............thanks for sharing

The first picture is sad... turtles are majestic creatures, but most species are either going extinct or facing populational challenges.

A lot of turtles die each year to eating plastic bags they mistake for one of their favorite foods, jellyfish. T.T

it is my firm belief that the idea that it should be legal to create products that have no long term use, and/or packaging that becomes junk the moment it is opened, is a mind disease that is capable of wiping out the human species.

there are many designs out there for water bottles that are built to have long term uses and connect to other bottles to form structures, but why are 100 billion bottles dumped in the trash every year?

Wow your information is so helpfull.

I support you in this topic, because people themselves pollute the ocean and the waters adjacent to it ... and now people themselves want to correct their mistakes, and I think it's right, we are responsible for our planet and we must protect it and bloom the flora .. thanks for such a good topic for thought

great technology @lndesta120282.good topic sharing.

Great video thank You bro

Follow me and like me @tjunaidi

All the best.lets keep the ocean clean togheter.

its danger for the animals who live below the surface of the water because the pollution cfause damage to their life

great technology@lndesta120282


Hello good post saludos desde venezuela 🙏

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It is a shame that some countries do not respect nature, the oceans become garbage cans; I am sometimes ashamed to be human when I see what some can do.
I had seen an invention that allowed to recover waste on the surface, a kind of garbage that sucked the detractors. It was left adrift and they were a few days later to recover it to clean it before putting it back in the water. I do not know if this invention was validated but I found it judicious and inovante.meric for this publication that I upbote with pleasure ^^

Ocean pollution is the worst thing and plastic plays the most important role in ocean pollution.

On behalf of my country, I am so so sorry.

We are reminded everyday to throw our trash in proper places. To segregate them and use organic wastes as compost. But with all these reminders, we don't execute them properly.

I once reprimanded a guy for throwing a trash outside a public jeepney. In the end, I was the one berated by the guy. Other passengers silently cursed me for messing with someone else's business.

I live in Playa Del Carmen and it's a tropical paradise here but it amazes me how much plastic and garbage are along the mangroves and the jungle edge meeting the beach. They are finally implementing a lot beach clean up here but they have a long way to go. Hoping to see massive changes in the future here. Today is a huge beach cleaning effort so I look forward to following up with some good pics and stories. Great post! This kid has a great idea as well. Together we can all make a difference

really nice article..enjoyed the videos.At the end of the day, it's a problem it should bother everyone

very nice

I saw this recently too!! Such a great idea. I posted about a movement that has started in Seattle to stop using plastic straws (#stop sucking) ! It's such a great idea and so easy for any individual to implement. I currently live in Playa del Carmen and see first hand the overuse of straws in the tourism industry. It is so NOT necessary. I hope it catches on across the globe. I'm with you...if everyone just picked up a bit of garbage on the beach, maybe less and less would end up in the ocean and/or tangled around our beloved sea creatures! Thanks for posting this!

Hi there! I'm in complete agreement; i've been following these inventions also. It's heartbreaking to see our oceans & environment used as a garbage dump and I think it's high time people learn to live with nature as opposed to trying to conquer or take take take from it!

You should check out a post i did (I'm new here and only have a few!) but it's a movement to get rid of plastic straws called #stopsucking; started in Seattle).