They look perfect, all the same, with the perfect shape, the perfect tones. However, each rose is different, there is not one exactly the same as other one. Roses have their own personality and they express it with the number of petals they have, the smell they give off or the way they bloom.
Hundred of roses, but all of them unique.
What does Khloris mean?
KHLORIS (Chloris), whose Roman name was Flora, was the goddess of flowers. She was the mother of Karpos, god of fruit.
Why Khloris?
I decided to choose Khloris as the name of this chain of posts for a simple reason: she is one of the greatest representative of flowers.
I will post one daily picture using photographies that I have made and I will make. It will be a complete deal, as I will be posting for 30 days, trying to make each picture better than the previous one.
If you like this idea, I invite you to follow it, so do not forget to mention me in your flowers' posts and use the hashtag #khloris.
So, let's start the flowery month!
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