in nature •  7 years ago  (edited)

#treetuesday all photos are my own, taken with canon cool pix @old-guy-photos contest

stream bent cottonwood++.jpg

Cottonwoods in the Jemez New Mexico, USA a glorious place to sit and meditate

#treetuesday contest created by @old-guy-photos contest

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So beautiful! Where in New Mexico is Jemez? I grew up in El Paso, TX, so I'm familiar with a lot of New Mexico.

butterfly 010.jpgThank you, can't beat God's beauty. The photo gave inspiration to the painting above your post.Jemez is the gateway to Bandelier National Forest off rte 550. It is an Indian pueblo that crosses over the town of Jemez Springs. It is just south of Los Alamos. If you go there be sure to go to Battleship rock. While we have had many forest fires lately the damaged trees allow one to see the mountains better.

butterfly 010.jpgThank you, can't beat God's beauty. The photo gave inspiration to the painting above your post.Jemez is the gateway to Bandelier National Forest off rte 550. It is an Indian pueblo that crosses over the town of Jemez Springs. It is just south of Los Alamos. If you go there be sure to go to Battleship rock. While we have had many forest fires lately the damaged trees allow one to see the mountains better.

In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.


I love your work. SteemON!