I sit at the computer after an eight-hour working day. I have no strength. He lights a cigarette and reach for the cup of coffee gone cold. God, how I need to be somewhere else. Go out with friends? For when? I fucking. Surely I would need at least three vodkas to be able to smile, to find the strength and ask them how they are. Leave this job. It has "Facebook". I do not even have to get up from the computer. Hour, two, three. And a game for dessert. I think I am addicted.
To what? To cigarettes? Alcohol? Internet? Coffee? Phone? That's everyday life. This is everyday life for most of my friends. Almost everyone you meet is held firmly with one hand her cup, her cigarette, her tired all the annoying boyfriend.
I live in a society - Holice
And while all drown in a more or less harmful biases, the shadow of dependence over the world is growing. According to statistics, one out of every eight people in the world has a serious problem with alcohol or drugs. Almost 12% of young people regularly take psychoactive substances. Bulgarian students are the first in Europe by alcohol abuse. About 70 percent of addicts have an employment contract and according to doctors contribute to many accidents, problems, stress and aggression in the workplace.
Over 10% of the world population are seriously addicted
to one or several things. Again, not to mention innocent, living dependence and busting the border from which it starts to threaten the health and the normal rhythm of life. Meanwhile, the list of dependencies is growing - pathological gambling was officially recognized as a problem, according to the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems ICD-10. From addiction to sex is treated not a Hollywood star. According to the director of the Center for the study of addiction to the Internet at Harvard University Mares Orzhak between 5 and 10% of all web users are addicted to it. Obsession for healthy nutrition and perfect figure addictive to food, anorexia, bulimia, bigoreksiya. And the list of drugs is not end there.
21st Century has emerged as the century of addictions. More and more people are fatally tied to things that we can describe as simple as ... strange, and sometimes even healthy - but obviously not when we fully absorb.
Hardly will you surprised by noting that
favorite drug of the new century computers.
If compulsive checking your email every 15 minutes if you can not do without "Facebook" at least a few hours a day if you prefer cyber-sex to real affection and show withdrawal symptoms, you stay off the grid for more than 48 hours - beware! It is likely to have developed an addiction to computers. The threat is serious! Medics from around the world even discuss the inclusion of addiction to the Internet and computers in the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (DSM-V), which will be released in 2013
How to know if you kompyuholik? Just answer honestly the following questions:
You adore cyber-sex? If you can not stop looking at pornographic sites unless you go out at night by chatstai adult and have become online role seksigri a way of life; if all this destroys your ability to create and maintain normal affairs in real life - you're kiberholik.
Your virtual girlfriend is it? In the world of "Facebook" and "Twitter" more and more people are content with long-term relations ... on the internet. If you keep in touch with your spouse network only if your virtual friends become more important than real and profile in "Facebook" you are exposed as a family of people who have never met - come out right away! It becomes dangerous!
You show signs of compulsive behavior? In the event that you can not help to play another (and then - another) game of online poker, if you thought that today there is no check on your virtual farm you brings tears of despair and outrage, you show one of the -opasnite symptoms of dependence on computers. Many people as addicted to online commerce sites such as eBay to such an extent that conspire and lose work and family.
Are you addicted to the information? The constant flow of information that floods us from the Internet and social networks such as Twitter, can lead to serious addiction to eating time and forces us to pay attention to other things in your life.
Known as gamers are not only among friends but also your workplace? Computer games are one of the most dangerous and prevalent forms of kiberzavisimost. According to studies by Dr. Mares Orzhak 40% of online role-playing strategy World of Warcraft are addicted. This and many other games are reason and not one reported death. In 2007, young Chinese Yuan Zhu died of a brain hemorrhage after 15-hour session in front of the screen during the New Year holidays. In 2005 Sunseob Li from city Taegu in South Korea play StarCraft 50 hours without interruption. Finally, his heart stopped and he died in hospital. Six weeks before Sunseob short with his girlfriend and was fired from his job, because he can not get away from games.
"He was igroholik. We all knew that.
He could not stop, "said his grieving friend.
The good news is that kiberzavisimostta treated. In the United States, China, South Korea, the Netherlands and Canada were opened clinics to treat computer addiction. Although studies of this disease is still in its early stages, doctors use medication, psychotherapy and programs of 12 steps of the kind of company "Alcoholics Anonymous," which is generally treated and many other addictions. Online Gamers Anonymous does is an online community that helps addicts. OLGA was founded in 2002 by Uli Elizabeth after her son Shawn committed suicide after playing EverQuest.
Source: www.sciencealert.com ,https://www.gettyimages.com
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