RE: FLAT EARTH | Physical Proof of The Firmament "THE SKY STONE" (2017)

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FLAT EARTH | Physical Proof of The Firmament "THE SKY STONE" (2017)

in news •  8 years ago 

But you're not debating a point anymore your just making foolish childish comments everybody can read. Wheres your proof the world is round come on?

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It is not my fault you don't know how to find proper curvature calculator.

Or how to use it.

I can and have but you still haven't shown me shit except to slag me off. Come on put together a post we can all understand proving the world is round.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Ok, here short list of evidence:

  • sun light on bottom of clouds on sunset and sunrise, that can't be possible on fe model
  • when it is sunset in fe model you can't see sun in one moment because it is gone to far according to fe model. Ok than I can took telescop or something and point in direction of sun after sunset, according to fe model I should be able to see it.
  • sun on sunset should get smaller according to fe model but it is never smaller
  • video proofs like this chicago video, but there is much more similar videos, toronto lake video and so on
  • correct calculations. Curvature only calculation is for ground level, if you introduce aspect of height of buildings, then it is super easy to calculate and realize why we can see top of buildings in chicago for example

And lot of other evidence.

FE is total bullshit.

But I have shown you evidence already in the videos this is not true Maybe if you looked at them you wouldn't be sending me this list of junk.

I looked at every fe evidence, it is all bullshit. Don't want to be mean to you, but I lost patience with you guys. When you answer with arguments on this list of junk, maybe I will talk to you. Until then goodbye.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Ha Ha you lose no evidence just a list been nice talking please watch one of those movies and be open-minded every one of those points on the list is answered.

You're nearly there keep looking the truth will reveal itself soon. Goodluck nice chatting have a lovely day.

Flat brain activity

Come on mate your better than that I thought you were going to debate me not call me names I must of struck a chord for you to be thinking about it for all this time, that's good keep searching.

just look at one of the clips I'm sending you.

I wrote already...I saw it, it is all bullshit.

Iv been hammering you with evidence since the beginning with no real reply. Just get yourself a high power camera. Wait til a ship goes off to sea and disappears over the curve. Then bring out the camera repoint it at where the ship disappears and Bosh there it is again. Didn't go over any curve. Easy simple experiment you can do for your self.