Always read the fine print!

in news •  8 years ago 

So, it turns out that those who use the website are losing the rights to their own DNA...The lesson of this story is ..well, don't hand over your DNA!! I am sure you can research your past by doing a little digging....

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Sort Order: is actually building a clone army. They need your DNA as fuel.

All the more reason to avoid this site and others like it

Oh yeah Ancestry is truly up to no fucking good. All part of the usual suspects efforts to genocide the roman race.

Definitely. I wonder just how big and bad they would find themselves if all of us who are awake stood up against them.

The berserker gene is alive and well.

If they get enough people to participate, they can fill in the blanks with those who don't, and eventually have everyone's risk of any disease or unacceptable behavior. This makes it easier to decide who lives and who dies. Watch the movie "Gattaca", which was made in 1997. Pretty scary.

I take a lot of the movies that are released with a bit of caution because I know that Hollywood has a serious hand in the nwo...And you are right, it is very scary when you sit and think just how far these sycophants have come and how much further they want to go

I figured a long while ago, they were up to no good :(