This is CNN

in news •  8 years ago 

CNN's epic fails keep getting worse, and their channel has become almost impossible to distinguish from an SNL skit. Here are just a few of the most recent examples. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.

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CNN.... pff...

Right on Craig!

Now this is Epic!!

CNN isn't cool, but neither is this alt-right war on CNN.

i do my own homework. cnn lost credibility and deserves to wither on the vine for consistent subjective reporting.

if they actually performed journalism, they wouldn't be losing viewers. unfortunately, they're getting money from... somewhere.

I agree and it's the same with the BBC in the UK. Instead of honest objective reporting they have become politicized mouthpieces spreading propaganda and out right lies. I'd even say they are complicit in their support of the crimes against humanity witnessed in modern times - especially the BBC!

Thank you for being the logical voice in the room. I'm particularly curious as to if it's all mainstream media these people have a problem with, or if the mainstream far-right news is fine.

"Alt-right" - Who is alt-right? I've met numerous people who support Trump including people..and I would not consider any of them alt-right. Trump can be seen giving the media what they deserve on video from the 1990s. Trump has been consistent on this over decades.
CNN has earned everything it gets. They are a criminal organisation IMO. Their own people privately talk of the stupid Russia "nothing burger". CNN has lied so many times. Too many to mention.

you should already know not to watch any type of public news.


I always hated CNN lol

What "news" is real?

CNN is total trash they talk about the same trash over and over again. As if nothing else is going on in the world just garbage. I am all for media outlets but actually report the right shit and not some trash to try and get ratings. People are now seeing right though this just look at the decreasing amount of traffic going to this network.

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CNN failing hard doesn't make trumps fails any less bad.

CNN is so cringe worthy now. The 2016 primary and endless shilling for hillary made me tune out. I enjoy watching fox, msnbc and cnn die a slow painful death.

All news media have an agenda, this includes left, center, right and alt-right, I have heard dumb ass lies on CNN on Fox News and some incredibly stupid conspiracy theories from Alex Jones.

Agreed, news media has always been used for propaganda, do your own research, you do not need news media for information.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Trump is trying to control and manipulate news about himself, saying CNN is fake, so his followers and voters they believe him and tune out the so called fake news. and wallah! it lowers CNN ratings. but the truth is Trump doesn't like to hear anything negative about him from the news media. So he calls it fake. He's just a big vocal insulter of things and people he doesn't like and perceives them to be his enemies, when in fact they are not! they are just truth seekers of the Good, Bad, and Ugly world we live in today.

implying Trump supporters are too stupid to not be able to recognize CNN is subjective as hell

Trump has been calling out the likes of CNN since the 1990s at least. It is nothing new unless you are ignorant of the truth.
See video: Trump Schools CNN Reporter in 1990 - Then Drops the Mic - Literally


Thanks for the video it was very informative . Upvote for upvote / follow @mannyfig1956

Hai !! I really like your post, let's get closer to follow and vote @munzil

It's all about TRP

CNN is an EPIC failure.

I'm just trying to figure out why ever brother on there gotta be that is a requirement to be on the station.

amazing post

hi, I learning steemit,now.Please can you help me.

What agenda is that

Not very often is it that we see this much going back and forth - love it!!

When your living in the new world, and they are still living in the old world.

COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK....openly airing PAID stories along with the rest of their boot-licking fear-mongering bullshit

CNN is not a communist organization. Read up on communism buddy.

Appreciate the briefing, I know...just poking fun

Recent reports indicate many at CNN are jumping ship, sending out resumes en mass to get out of there. If so they are set to lose some real 'talent'.

Lovely post, Followed and Upvote you.. need same favor from you.

My main problem with CNN is that it doesn't own up to it's bias, and claims to be the moderate neutral news station, when in reality they were caught working hand-in-hand with the DNC during this past election. All media sources have a bias that is inescapable, but some own up to it, while others do not.

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Kids understand life so well. You can see this because they always hate when the news is on.

Don't you think that's a sign of awakening in humanity?

Check out 1:00. He stuttered more than my video when I have poor signal

Cnn why you do this

Trump has been grilling the mainstream media since the 1990 at least.
See: Trump Schools CNN Reporter in 1990 - Then Drops the Mic - Literally

Thank you for the vidio you have post master @craig-grant information from you very valuable .....! You give information well,

They are about to be obsolete! They already are!


giphy (63).gif

Go Trump!

CNN is fake news, as is every other mainstream media outlet. Furthermore, Mark Dice is controlled opposition.

Trump destroyed CNN.

Just like CNN craig is falling like a house of cards.

is real?

CNN i hope trump is watching hahah