Steemit, do you believe the porn star claiming she had an affair with Trump?

in news •  7 years ago 

Adult movie actress Stephanie Clifford, whose industry name is Stormy Daniels, says that she had a consensual, prolonged sexual relationship with Donald Trump about twelve years ago and that she was paid $130,000 for her silence on the matter

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What is wrong in consensual relationship ?

He is paying her off for silence, and he was newly wed to Melania at the time. 10 years ago this would have easily been grounds for impeachment/resignation.

If republicans had evidence Obama had cheated on his wife there is no doubt they would be calling for his head.

What a strange world we live in.

I'm not so sure about that. In order for the Articles of Impeachment to be invoked, there must be evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. An affair does not qualify.
It was different in the case of Bill Clinton though, for the charge of high crimes and misdemeanors was not on the basis of his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but rather on the charge of perjury in that he lied about it, and obstuction of justice regarding the Paul Jones case.
There is absolutely a discussion to be had if those two charges qualify as "high crimes and misdemeanors" but make no mistake about it. The charges were over perjury and obstruction of justice, not the affair itself.
In Trump's case, giving money to keep an affair quiet is certainly questionable ethical behavior, but it does not qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors. If Obama had done the same thing, I don't think Republican's would have had a case against him for that same reason.
I'm not trying to take a side here, but rather to call this issue like I see it.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Trumps wife would have a problem with it if it wasn't a sham marriage anyway.

Kind of like his consensual presidency?

If you're busy banging porn-stars separate and apart from your marriage, sure it might be consensual, but you're still a muppet.

And then paying to cover it up to seem like a better person...


This guy nails it.

haha, stunningly well-said

Yes, I believe Stormy Daniels. We already know that Trump has a history of cheating on his wives. The rest? Well just re-listen to the Access Hollywood tape.

What drives me crazy is the hypocrisy. Trump supporters, and evangelicals will turn a blind eye to the fact that he has 5 children with 3 wives, and has been accused of sexual harassment by a dozen others. Yet, when Barack Obama put mustard on a hamburger . . . the world was going to end. Not to mention the fact that he has 1 wife, never cheated on her, did not have an Access Hollywood tape or ever been accused of anything.

I believe her initial statements as well, but not her most recent denials

Trump denied it -- so yeah, almost certainly true. And I'd love to see polling on this, because I suspect most of the country believes the porn star over the Commander-in-Chief -- which really would be a damning statement as to the credibility of the White House.

Or that theoretical poll could be interpreted as a damning statement to the credibility of the media. I’m not a Trump supporter, but it’s very startling that so many people still blindly believe the mainstream media and are angry at Trump for tweeting so much. I don’t know what’s true, but I know that the media comes from the narrative angle of the story being true. This leads non critical thinking people to ‘know’ it’s true, which propagates the opportunity for more and more outlandish claims. (I’m sure you could say the exact same things about the other side. That’s the point. Almost nobody is willing to look at these stories with nuance or shades of grey.) having said that, I always enjoy civil dialogue and am happy to look at things from all possible sides.

He lies. A ton. About everything.

From the small stuff...

  • "most watched inauguration ever"
  • "won the election by a landslide" the big stuff...

  • "Obama wiretapped me"
  • "millions of illegal votes"
  • "America is the highest taxed nation" the dangerous stuff..

  • comparing CIA officers to Nazis
  • "global warming is a hoax by the Chinese".

He's the most prolific liar to ever take the office. It's pathological.

When he blames everything on the media and cries fake news, it's a diversionary tactic to protect his own ego from being challenged. Which is a shame because there are legitimate reasons to criticize the media, but he's now turned that into a "boy who cried fake news" scenario.

I understand your point of view. Furthermore, I agree(obviously) with your examples. I’m sure you are smart and that would get along well. Having said that, I’m a historian and I have written papers on American history. I see history through a long lens and have seen much worse lies-even by great presidents. Lies(especially false pretences for wars and foreign regime changes) by former Presidents have caused millions of deaths. Andrew Jackson going back on his word(lying) and sending the Cherokees on the Trail of Tears was due to broken promises and broken treaties(lies). The lies causing/escalating the Spanish American War, Vietnam War and The Iraq Invasion caused horrific carnage and decades of ramifications that still are felt today. As well as these, Nixon was impeached for ostensibly lying. Here’s something you may find noteworthy - Lincoln suspended freedom of the press. He shut down over 60 Northern (Union) newspapers. I don’t condemn these former presidents, I only mention these examples to give context.
It is easy to point out lies of Trump because the media gleefully perpetrated and celebrated them instead of repressing them like they have for literally centuries with presidents who ‘played ball’ with them.

I would believe ANYONE over Trump. Anyone in the entire world.

I would believe a 4-year-old with paint all over their face and hands that they weren't the person that got the same color paint all over the walls and furniture before I believed Trump.

That said, yeah, I do believe there's something here.


Impossible to know what’s true, but one thing I do know is that the media is desperately hoping that it is. It’s very sad that so many people want the president to fail. There’s a never ending supply of stories that come up to distract us from the record stock market and the ever decreasing unemployment rate.

Anything is possible with Trump.

"We are talking about special media, the social mobility of American society, which responds to these challenges. At the right moment you can always get the right recollection, the incident to "turn off" the awkward man of social and political life. It's quite frightening trend. So social emotions allows to influence the policy of entire States. The basis is often competition for financial and political clans, which thus solve their problems."


What if they decide to have fun? There is nothing wrong about this, LOL!

If somebody produces video evidence of this tryst, I'm going to throw up.

He said, she said. They're the ones that know the truth. Them and God.

The lady has no case atall. This was what happened long time ago, and she was paid handsomely for it. This is a case of cheap blackmail,she is seeking for money. Thanks for the news. I follow ans upvote you.

Her complaint seems to be that he agreed to pay to keep the affair silent but didn't.

How is it possible for the president of the USA ?

Is it still an affair when you pay for it?

i delive it

As far as every bad thing Trump has done, it's fucking nothing. It does speak to his character given that he cheats but no one should be surprised.

Trump is definitely not the first president to cheat on his wife, in his case it was years before he ran. The only reason this is an issue is because he represents the holier than thou "family values" republican party. If this information had come to light during the campaign it is hard to say if it would have made a lasting difference considering all the other stuff that was swirling about.

Ha ha

should she get arrested for trying to blackmail Trump.

it is not blackmail when you do not demand anything. She is just telling her story, again.

trumps a chump

I think the lady should be arrested and charge to court for breach of trust and defarmation of character. If actually Trump did what she claimed,so what? Atleast she got paid for it. I upvote you.