Guy Dies from Drinking Trump's "Cure"

in news •  5 years ago 

Guy Dies from Drinking Trump's "Cure"

--An Arizona man dies from drinking a fish tank cleaner that shares a chemical with the supposed "game changer" cure that Donald Trump has been talking about for coronavirus

Is Trump responsible for this?

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Trump didn't recommend drinking fish tank cleaner


Yet all sorts of people went online and were buying the stuff from aquarium's 99 percent pure chloroquin...they were selling so much of it they doubled the price. Sounds to me like the wife should sue the company as they surely must have known what the sudden buzz around it was all about and they even took advantage by doubling the price. The man overdosed on it, meaning chances are if they had proper dosing instructions they'd been okay like evidently many others who have purchased it yet haven't died....they probably know someone taking it for immune disorders and know what the limits are.