Cesar Altieri Sayoc Looks like a frame up!!! activated Manchurian candidate??? QProof to Frame Pro- POTUS in QAnon post 1641 back in Jun 28 2018.
He was a Bernie Sanders Campaign worker?
Cesar Altieri Sayoc was #Bernie #Sanders Campaign worker
#Florida #Man
He followed 32 people Obama included, but not POTUS45???
Cesar Altieri Sayoc is not a #MAGA all Left leaning #Democrat follows on twitter
#Florida #Man
With Trump stickers on his Van??? Note no fading look brand new...
Now here comes the Frame up , look at these pics from the MSM???? Notice the difference on the back window picture???
Cesar Altieri Sayoc
Looks like a frame up!!! activated Manchurian candidate??? QProof to Frame Pro- POTUS in QAnon post 1641 back in Jun 28 2018.
Also had this account all MAGA???
Truly the making of a frame up.....
Cesar Altieri Sayo #frame up #activated #Manchurian #candidate #QProof #Frame #Pro #POTUS #QAnon #post #1641 #Jun #28 #2018.