in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

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UN are hypocrites, loyal to lslam, I don’t need their approval to do the right thing-Trump
Donald J. Trump speaks to Media
President Trump in an interview by an American leading media made some speech regarding his declaration of Jerusalem as Israel capital.
He said:
My coming into power brought an end to the unofficial defeat of ISIL , the total annihilation of Islamic extremists in Syria which warranted the withdrawal of Russia troops by Putin. This were done just within a year after I was sworn in.
The UN was there witnessing the massacre of the Christians across the globe and did nothing, terrorism was on the rise and they(UN) did nothing.
But barely four days of my declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the UN summoned a security summit within the shortest notice.
I have said it before and am saying it again that UN’s gathering is like a gathering of market women’ which after they’re done deliberating and decisions are made; it ends right there in Geneva.
The UN seat is filled with Muslims and people who are loyal to the Arabs, they are all hypocrites and cannot be trusted,Jerusalem declaration was long over due and they know it but they kept quiet .i do not need anybody’s permission to do what is right, Trump said.
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WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL ABOUT JERUSALEM? - Making Sense Of All The Controversy
At the very heart of Bible prophecy is ISRAEL - and at the heart of Israel is JERUSALEM. God has made it abundantly clear in His Word that He has a covenant promise to the Jewish people and to their land. Not only did He promise to bring them back to their promised land, but He promised to restore their capital as it was from the beginning…
Zechariah 8:7-8
Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Behold, I will save my people from the east country, and from the west country; And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in THE MIDST OF JERUSALEM: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness.
In 1948, the "impossible" happened. Israel became a nation overnight. The Arab nations immediately attacked Israel to wipe it out. While outnumbered in every way, Israel won the war and actually gained more of their land. Yet Jerusalem was still under foreign control. During the Six Day War in June 1967, between Israel and the Arab states of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, Israel not only conquered the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights, BUT ALSO REGAINED THE CITY OF JERUSALEM!
This was another amazing impossible event, but further proof that God's Word will come to pass. And yet, the battle has not stopped. Hell is determined to make God a liar and is doing everything to destroy God's plans for Jerusalem. Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times, and COMPLETELY DESTROYED TWICE. But God has a plan for Jerusalem, and it will come to pass
Zechariah 12:2
"Behold, I will make JERUSALEM a CUP OF TREMBLING unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem."
THIS IS AN AMAZING PROPHECY! God is going to make Jerusalem a cup of "reeling, staggering, shaking, intoxication" to all the people. In other words, people will act like they are drunken over this city, as they boast against it and threaten to fight it, even though they can't even stand on their own. Have you ever tried to reason with someone who is drunk? They don't think rationally, they see things from an intoxicated view.
Drunks have their "senses impaired" by the alcohol, dominated by an intense feeling; drunk with rage. And it's as if most of the world has their "senses impaired"; because they can't think rational about Jerusalem. They are "dominated by an intense feeling - drunk with rage" concerning Israel's right to exist, and Jerusalem as its capital.
Their thinking is irrational, it's just plain ridicules, it makes no sense at all. However, the world better sober up, because they are not merely fighting against a group of people; they are fighting against the Word of the Lord God! Read what else Zechariah's prophecy says…
Zechariah 12:3
"And in that day will I make JERUSALEM a BURDENSOME STONE for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be CUT IN PIECES, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."
God will make it a hard, difficult, tough, strenuous, exhausting stone for all people. All who try to move it will injure themselves with gashes and lacerations. The Lord is warning to not even mess with this city; it's bigger than any drunk man or "strong man" could ever handle…
But some may ask, why Jerusalem, John? What's the big deal about Jerusalem. Well, that's really quite simple. Jerusalem has so much importance to God and His plans for the entire world. And obviously, Hell doesn't like that at all. Consider these facts about Jerusalem…
Jesus died for the sin of the world in Jerusalem
Jesus rose from the dead in Jerusalem!
Jesus ascended to heaven from Jerusalem!
The Holy Spirit was first poured out on believers in Jerusalem!
The birth of the Church was in Jerusalem!
The Gospel was first preached in Jerusalem!
The Antichrist will rule from Jerusalem!
Jesus will return back to Jerusalem!
The headquarters for the Kingdom of God on earth will be in Jerusalem
God truly loves Jerusalem!
And these are a few reasons why Satan hates Jerusalem!
Jerusalem Is Mentioned 814 Times In The Bible!
Jerusalem Is Not Once Mentioned In The Koran!
KING DAVID FOUNDED THE CITY OF JERUSALEM 1,600 YEARS BEFORE ISLAM WAS FOUNDED. Mohammad NEVER came to Jerusalem. Jews pray facing Jerusalem - while Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.
For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has NEVER been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they NEVER even tried to make it their capital, nor did any Arab leaders come to visit it as such, because it wasn't important to them.
ALSO, CONSIDER THIS: The Arabs are represented by 8 separate nations, yet there is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations have initiated all five wars against Israel with Israel defending itself each time and winning each time. Interestingly, the Arab refugees living in Israel never began identifying themselves as part of a "Palestinian people" until 1967, two full decades AFTER the establishment of the modern State of Israel Under control of the Arabs and Muslims, the city laid in complete ruins for centuries, yet when the Jews returned to their homeland, suddenly the Arabs wanted to make the city of Jerusalem an issue!

This is the ONE place in all of the world, that Jehovah God - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob - has singled out and called "His Very Own"…so no wonder the controversy!
2 Chronicles 6:6
But I HAVE CHOSEN JERUSALEM, that My Name might be there; and have chosen David to be over My people Israel.
After Trump's Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel's Capital, Pakistani Historian Mobarak Haidar Writes:
'Muslims Of The World... Have No Religious Basis Rule Jerusalem'
After U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, on December 6, 2017, Mobarak Haidar (above), renowned Pakistani historian and author of multiple books, wrote the following on his Facebook page:[1]
"Jerusalem And Muslim Claims
"The Holy Koran spoke of Al-Aqsa Mosque when it was not a 'mosque' in the Islamic sense. It was a holy place because of the prophets of Israel, from Moses to Jesus. It was the holy spot of worship for Jews and Christians. Obviously, there were no Muslims in the city of Jerusalem till the era of Emir-ul-Momineen Umar ibn Khattab... The Prophet [Muhammad] and his followers prayed with their faces toward this Jewish-Christian holy temple because Kaaba (the present center of Islamic Hajj) was full of idols.

"After the 'Conquest of Mecca,' Muslims were told to turn their faces toward Kaaba and away from Jerusalem. They have never faced their loyalty toward Jerusalem after that, for the last 1,400 years. No Muslim ever went to pray in Jerusalem till it was conquered by the second caliph [Umar ibn Khattab], although there was no restriction on Muslims. They do not go there today because it was no longer their center.

"Christians were masters of Jerusalem before Muslims conquered it. It is still a holy place for Christians. But Christians have no dispute over ownership of the city. It is their religious right to visit the holy city; and the Jews do not stop them. Muslims, too, should have the same religious rights, and in fact they have those rights; Jews do not stop them. Muslims of the world, therefore, have no religious basis to rule Jerusalem. Most of the Muslims have never even wished to visit Jerusalem. As for the political claim, only Palestinians can make it and only they should negotiate.

"It cannot be a collective Muslim claim. Quraishi Arabs were masters of Jerusalem for some time. Then Mamluks, Muslim kings, took over. Turks came after them. Colonial Christians were the last political rulers. It is interesting to note that Iranian Muslims or Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent or Southeast Asia or of Africa have never been its masters. They can claim only spiritual ties.
"Active centers of Muslim faith are none other than the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina. Iranians have never controlled these active centers. But they are passionately building deadly weapons and jihadi forces to conquer or destroy Israel. It is sectarian politics of hegemony which can generate nothing but division and pain."
This will interest you.....


If you are alive and reading this post and you haven't made peace with God, you may wish to know that about the last of Jesus' prophecies concerning the endtime has just been fulfilled.

With today's decision by World Power, the US to officially recognise Jerusalem as Israel's Capital and further directive that its embassy be moved there from Tel Aviv, the next major event the world is about to witness is the RAPTURE!

This should interest all Christians and indeed all Bible students.

In 1948, God's promise to gather and to restore scattered Israelites and bring them into their own land was fulfilled with the declaration and recognition of Israel as a sovereign nation, Ezekiel 34: 11-16.

But Jerusalem had remained in dispute till date. Though the US Congress voted in favour of the move 20 years ago, all US Presidents from Bill Clinton have blocked the move, until today.

Any follower of Endtime prophecies in the book of Daniel would agree that Donald Trump's ascendency to the White House was something out of the ordinary.

Zechariah 12 reveals that at the time of the end, Jerusalem shall become the centre of world attention 'with all the nations of the world joining forces to attack her,' verse 4.

Today, that process has effectively, officially begun.

Fox News correspondent Shepherd Smith in reports strategically dubbed 'Capital Controversy' says that American embassies all over the world are already bracing for trouble, after that historic and stunning broadcast, today by President Trump.

"I have determined officially that it is time we recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Israel is a sovereign nation with the right to determine it's own capital", Trump said.

Barely a few minutes after the broadcast, more than 17 countries including Palestine, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, and the Hamas have signed up to vex Israel and Jerusalem with fierce reprisals and rage.

This should not surprise you.

Speaking on the signs of the endtime, Jesus said in Luke 21:20 'And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh,' KJV.

Concerning the armies currently encamping round about Jerusalem, God told Zechariah in chapter 12: 3-9 that 'when that times come, I will make Jerusalem like a heavy stone - any nation that tries to lift it will be hurt. At that time, I will terrify all their horses and make all their riders go mad ... The surrounding nations shall be destroyed and the people of Jerusalem will remain safe in the city ... At that time I will destroy every nation that tries to attack Jerusalem."

Beloved, the only other yet to be fulfilled prophecy, that is probably holding back the rapture and the concomitant chain of events, is Jesus' Words in Matthew 24:14.

In that verse of Scripture, Jesus said 'And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.'

You may ask: how possible is it to reach 8 billion humans with the gospel.

Well, that's almost already done - from Indonesia to Mongolia, people are already being reached with the message of salvation.

Prophet Daniel in chapter 12:4 inspired by God's Holy Spirit foresaw that in the last
days, knowledge shall increase and give rise to amazing technologically innovations.

That prophecy was one of the earliest to user in the last days.

Today, ICTs, satellite communication and Internet-ready, hand-held digital personal digital assistants and gadgets take the gospel to every corner of the globe iBn real time, 247.

So there isn't any tenable excuse,my dear friend.

If you have read this post or ever heard the message of salvation, that's a Testimony.

RAPTURE IS NEARER THAN WE THOUGHT. Make the decision today.

God bless you.

Cited from.......
Let the Words of SALVATION go freely out of your mouth



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The worlds inability to destroy the Jewish people (i.e. their continued existence) is one of two examples given as evidence that they were chosen to be put through the (almost) never ending furnace of testing, i.e. the covenant.

The Jews were promised to be a byword in every nation, hated and persecuted. Ironically, those that fight the Jews are fulfilling this prophecy by their actions and (seemingly irrational) hatred; the very act of pushing someone into a corner makes them fight for all their life, and over many generations weeds out the weak and leaves only the strong.

That isn't to say people of Hebrew decent are all good and noble. It is the evil actions of the few that paint the rest with the same brush. But it is also the shunning and scapegoating of the Jews that forces them into trades that are uncommon, and in turn those talents that become highly prized because they are so rare and hard to come by. Jewelry, gold and silver smithing, diamond cutting, money lending and borrowing, politics, acting, entertainment, lawyers, doctors, advisers, investors, bankers, musicians, artists and any other talent that is deemed worthy of achieving because it was all the scattered Jews could do to survive over the centuries.

Each time the Jews are pushed into another corner, they are forced to become stronger. I consider it a litmus test of common intelligence; if people who hated the Jews were actually intelligent, they would not be sharpening iron with iron, making the enemy they hate stronger with each generation. Even Henry Ford got duped into the scapegoating (a Jewish term, lol), publishing far and wide his hatred for the Jews.

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