South Korea President: When can I visit North Korea? "Let's do it right now!"

in news •  6 years ago  (edited)

"When can I visit North Korea"
South Korea President Moon
Source: BBC

This is an amazing moment. North Korea and South Korea have started talks for peace. North Korea is talking about denuclearisation.

What a fucking time to be alive!

I never thought I would see the day this would happen. It's no where near over, but there is hope where yesterday there was none.

“Today, the leaders of South and North Korea held their summit successfully,”
China’s foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang said


I am not big on watching the news but this to me is probably the biggest news I've heard in the last 20 years.

Belgium prime minsiter

Here you can find an English translated copy of the three page join declaration established between Kim and Moon.

Quote from declaration

"The two leaders solemnly declared before the 80 million Korean people and the whole world that there will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and thus a new era of peace has begun.

South and North Korea confirmed the common goal of realising, through complete denuclearisation, a nuclear-free Korean peninsula. South and North Korea shared the view that the measures being initiated by North Korea are very meaningful and crucial for the denuclearisation of he Korean peninsula and agreed to carry our their respective roles and responsibilities in this regard. South and North Korea agreed to actively seek the support and cooperation of the international community for the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula."

I know there is a large Korean community here on Steemit, what are your thoughts?

Did you think this day would come?

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Peace Trumps War

I feel 100% certain that had Hillary Clinton been elected, this peace summit between North and South Korea would not be taking place. We all know it did not take place during the Obama administration. He was too busy drawing his various 'red lines' in the sand.

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I wonder what will trumps reaction be
Will it stop his aggression towards north korea
Or will he now target both?

I think Kim Jong un said some really nice things on theyr meetup

"The two leaders solemnly declared before the 80 million Korean people and the whole world that there will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and thus a new era of peace has begun."
Just reading these lines, give me smile in with peace in mind. Yeah, good for them and for the world too. War never brings any happiness.

Good to see Peace between both of them

They're looking too friendly and... That's scary

This event has blown my mind! So good. I can't wait to see the real North Korea. Fascinating!

I'm sure.
I'm hope so.
There are too many crying people in korea.

I just wish for all the best for Korea and for all of us who wants to live in peace.

I certainly did not expect them to officially declare the war to be over during this visit, but this is amazing news! I'm happy for all the people who live in the area, that have been affected by this. Hopefully this will lead to a safer world to live in for everyone.

I have always thought that they should be united "remember in the union this strength, even if they share different points of view, they should always work for a good in common.

Nope! This definitely is as a shocker to me too! But its all for the better! 🍺

We hope peace for the world... Weapons destroy humanity in the world...

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