Australian students recreate Martin Shkreli price-hike drug in school lab

in news •  8 years ago 

Sydney Grammar students create HIV and malaria drug Daraprim in their school laboratory, putting results online.

See article and source of image in The Guardian


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Oh darn I thought it was the kids making kool recreational type drugs . . .

Oh well, there is always ; tommorrow : )

kool post, thank you ; )


Hehehe, that was my first thought too.

Yeah what a waste, their must be like five drugs already that cover those diseases , where is the profit in that : )

Seriously some economics teacher needs to educate these kids to head toward where the money is at . . .

People in today's crazy new age world need something to help them tune out real life, that something will most likely come from up and coming new age millennials ! ! !

These kids need to wise up to income potential and generation before they miss the boat and end up working for Walmart, assuming Walmart ever starts rehiring ; )

That's a good point and I tend to agree with you, but on the other hand I think medicine prices are in many cases unfairly high, and part of it is how pharmaceutical IP works. So what they did is kind of extreme, but I think it was good as a way to raise awareness.

Actually that is an awesome position to take, after all if shareholders have the money to invest in pharmaceutical companies they have that money spare to lose as well.

It is high time people gambling in the stock market should be made to lose as often as some ordinary sucker getting ripped off at the casino tables ! ! !

It is so kool to know the medicines that are trying to keep me alive will have been cooked up in some school lab by some junior high whiz kid on his /her lunch break; simply so I can afford to go on living ; )