RE: Differences in news sources. I've suspected, but I was only guessing.

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Differences in news sources. I've suspected, but I was only guessing.

in news •  7 years ago 

Have you checked out NPR, they are supposed to be pretty neutral and objective.

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Yeah sometimes. The problem is I don't have time to check them all. I've even seen NPR be biased, but it is definitely a little more rare than some places. The problem is that places that were less bias in the past are often falling prey to bias these days.

So what I do is aim for a cross section.

What does that mean, like triangulation?

Hahaha.... Something like that. Yet if all the points of your triangle are in the bullshit category then you're going to still end up with bullshit. I hope some of them will not be. If they don't agree with each other your odds are increased that perhaps the triangulation might yield something closer to the truth.

yeah lol exactly, that is the problem. I agree. some are too far right some too far left, they cater for specific audience. CNN for the intellectual idiots, fox for the Bible belt, and Breitbart for the conspiracy theorists. triangulate them, and you may get something close to reality hehe.