Cops fight Cops

in newzleakz •  7 years ago 

Way to Go Boys..

when seconds count..the police are only minutes away.
OH WAITS...cops fighting with other COPS?

  • There is now an Detroit Police Department internal investigation into two different precincts getting into their own turf war as they converge on an east side neighborhood.

    They didn't actually SHOOT at each other...they just had a fistfight.
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"With friends like these, who needs enemies?"

This sort of thing would be hilarious, if it weren't so tragic. And expensive!

It all went south when they lowered the standards for cops back in the day.


hehehe. Undercover operation went wrong

Interesting one

What a great opportunity! Each side could have seized the others police cars under civil asset forfeiture. Then the city would auction off all of the cars for the benefit of the department. They could then use the money to buy more police cars. It's a genius level plan for systemically incompetent city government.