Looking normal is not the same as acting normal.

in normalized •  2 years ago 


This works for so many things:

Find the gay person.
Find the trans person.
Find the immigrant.
Find the atheist.
Find the poor person.
Find the person with a mental illness.

Caveat: Looking “normal” is not the same as acting “normal” (aka looking like most people vs. acting like most people). I would prefer if this tweet mentioned behaviour in addition to/instead of appearance.

But the ironic point here is that you can’t tell pot smokers from anyone else, which means that they’re no more deserving of going to hell than anyone else. Indeed, if you can’t distinguish them from everyone else by their behaviour, they’re no worse people than anyone else.

If you’re talking about an immutable trait (like being gay) attacking them for that is worse because they have zero control over it.

But if we’re talking about behaviour, the truth is that if your behaviour harasses no one except in their moral panic feels, you are no worse, no more worthy of contempt, than anybody else. That applies to whether you deserve eternal torture (what a hideous concept), but more importantly, to life in general.

This is, btw, why I think the concept “Normalize ____” absolutely blew up on the internet. Like it or not, norms are unacknowledged guidelines for how to live, and people want to believe that their behaviour falls within those guidelines— or should be added to them. By “people” here, I mean nearly everybody, most of the time.

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