Normie Talk - HF21 Explained (SPS + EIP) What it is and what happens next

in normietalk •  5 years ago  (edited)


There has been a lot of discussion about the upcoming HF21, but I feel there has not been a explanation of what any of it means directed to the community itself. I don't feel it has been explained in a way that everyone can grasp and understand while seeing the goal of the proposed changes.

This may be due to different styles of communication or just a disconnect from the user base. Either way I believe it is an unfortunate oversight, and this post is my attempt to remedy that. As I feel communication is extremely important for any community, organization or business.

Full Disclosure- I am not a top witness and therefore am not considered in the "consensus" aspects of this hardfork. I am am active community member and a part of a backup witness team (c-squared) though, and due to my involvement of many projects on this chain I have been included in some "conversations" pertaining to this HF discussion. During these discussions I like to think of myself as a community advocate or representative. I try to ensure community concerns are heard and do my best to keep the community in mind through every discussion. Whether I am the best choice for that is up for debate.. but I figure if I am in such a position I should take it seriously and do my best to represent the community.

So with all of that being said, this is my attempt to explain the proposed HF changes to the community, the best way I can. My goal is to help get the correct information out and give the community a good understanding of what the HF consists of, why those supporting it think it's needed, and what happens next.

I will do my best to keep my opinions out of most of this post (I'll save them for a future one perhaps), but rather try to explain the idea behind these proposed changes... from one normie to another. Therefore I will not be focusing on algorithms or charts (I'll link to those for anyone who wants them though), but rather just try to paint a picture of what the ideas of the changes are as well as the desired effect.

First Things First

What is a hard fork?

A hard fork is a when a change in the main protocol (or code) happens on a blockchain. This normally occurs when changes or improvements to the core code of the chain takes place. In order for these changes to take place, a protocol is released (traditionally by steemit inc here on steem) and then "consensus" must occur for the chain to migrate to this new protocol. Consensus is when 17 of the top 20 witnesses "accept" this change in protocol by beginning to run this new code and stop running the old one. Only then will these changes in protocol take effect. This will be the 21st Hard Fork to occur on The Steem Blockchain.

Here is a good description/analogy of blockchain protocol changes for anyone wanting more information.

Please note-

We are not to this point on HF21. The protocol has not been released yet and there is no scheduled date for when that will occur.

Steemit inc did release a Test Net though where witnesses will begin testing the possible code to find any issues or errors so they can be fixed. The goal of this is to prevent possible issues from occurring (as we saw with HF20), but of course not everything can always be prevented. The test net is designed to help though and many witnesses are actively testing the code currently.

Once testing has been done and they feel it's sufficient, a date will be announced.


HF21 - The Details

This hard fork is made up of two very different and separate aspects - The SPS (Steem Proposal System) and The EIP (Economic Improvements Proposal). I will try to go through each one in a easy to understand way, while linking to more complex information for those that want it.

Part One - The SPS

The SPS, Steem Proposal System or Steem.DAO, is a worker proposal system that is coded into the chain itself. This will be an automated system (no "group" controlling it) that any member of the community can submit a "proposal" to through a front end interface. Stake weighted voting decides what proposals receive funding, and payments are sent out in installments over a time period, after a proposal has been "approved".

The SPS was proposed by blocktrades nearly 5 months ago, and after an agreement from Steemit Inc to fund the development, Blocktrades began building the code.

What is the point?

There are many blockchains in existence that have Worker Proposal Systems (or sometimes referred to as "DAO's) in effect. The idea is a decentralized and automated way to fund things that could improve or add to the ecosystem. This allows anyone from the community to propose something, and if it has enough support from stake holders then it can receive funding.

What can be funded?

Anything. Community members can submit a proposal for absolutely anything. There is a fee of 10sbd's to submit a proposal in place to try to prevent spam submissions, but anything can be submitted.

This could be used for a marketing project, outreach, onboarding, developments to the UI/UX or any other site features. It could be used to hire a management team for the community, PR reps, or some other "role" the community sees as beneficial. It could be used to fund a project idea, a game, etc etc etc.

Think of this as a way for the community to vote and fund projects they see as beneficial to the chain itself as well as the Steem Ecosystem. Therefore depending on Steemit inc. for these items less and less.

It allows the community to redirect some of the shared inflation pool to things that could have a positive impact on the ecosystem and hopefully improve the overall value of STEEM.

Where does the funding come from?

When the SPS was originally announced there had been a discussion of Steemit Inc. contributing a substantial "seed funding" (as detailed in the link above), that amount is now discussed to be 200K STEEM.

It is very important though for the worker proposal system to have sustainable funding to be successful, as well as the importance of it not solely relying on Steemit Inc itself. That means it is even more important that the community redirect sustainable funding from some other place to ensure this worker proposal system can actually provide a service to the community.

Proposed Sustainable Funding Source
On steem we have a shared rewards pool that is sourced from inflation. This pool is allocated to different types of "rewards" as seen below;

rewards graph.png

The idea of this inflation pool is to use these funds to pay for things that add value to STEEM. Currently it's being used to pay rewards to authors/curators through post and comment payouts, a vesting interest reward and witness rewards (paid in SP).

The figures (when combined) look like this currently -

Authors/Curators - 75% | Interest - 15% | Witnesses 10%

As you can see the largest part of the inflation pool is being used to reward content contributions.

The Proposed Change-

Authors/Curators - 65% | Interest - 15% | Witnesses 10% | SPS - 10%

The idea is that since that is the group receiving the largest cut, that redirecting 10% of that inflation to the SPS would be a good place to start. Remember, the inflation pool should be used for what adds the most value to Steem and has the most long term benefit.. therefore improving the price of STEEM for everyone. Many feel the SPS could be exactly what we need to push Steem to where it needs to be, while giving the community control over what is funded itself.

TDLR Part One

The SPS is an automated worker proposal system that was coded by Blocktrades. Proposed funding would be a combination of donations as well as redirecting 10% of the current inflation pool to the SPS itself.

My Thoughts on SPS?
I think the SPS is desperately needed and could be very beneficial for the Steem ecosystem. I think that the inflation pool should be used to fund what adds value, or ultimately that inflation is actually contributing to a decrease in the price of STEEM.

I left a comment on this post of my thoughts overall for anyone interested, but I won't include them here for sake of time and not wanting to include too much of my own opinions.


Part Two - The EIP

The EIP, Economic Improvement Proposal, is something that has come about due to years of conversations about how to improve the economics of the Steem Ecosystem. First conversations about such changes can be seen in this post as well as many other places. This discussion has been debated among top witnesses, stake holders and community members since that time with no actual attempt in change being considered until now.

The current proposal consists of three different components working together in tandem to hopefully improve the economics on Steem. You can see the details on Steemit Inc's post opening up discussion about the topic.

The Three Components of The EIP

1) 50:50 Split

What is it?

This would be a change in the current split of content rewards from Author 75%/Curators 25% to Author 50%/Curators 50%.

What is the goal?

It is no secret that we need more content consumers on Steem. We have great content, we need people to read it and reward it though. The idea here is that individuals would actually profit by curating and upvoting said content, so they will do it, rather than other forms of earning a profit.

Imagine if all those spamming could actually just curate to get a return on their investment? Imagine if large stake holders actually made a return by trailing some of the manual curation efforts? What if it was actually profitable for individuals to invest in steem and reward the valuable content? Would more people do it? That's the idea.

But what about those just spamming and upvoting themselves? No matter of the split they still are getting 100%, right?

Well that is where downvotes come in...

2) The Downvote Pool

What is it?

The proposed downvote pool is designed to help counter this behavior by removing the "cost" of downvotes to a certain limit. Currently downvotes are not "free", in fact to use a downvote you are using the allocated "mana" that can be used for those 10 upvotes a day that regenerate.

Essentially, to downvote something you are throwing away possible ROI you would receive by upvoting something instead. When an individual downvotes something their vote worth, as well as the same amount of reward on the content receiving the downvote is sent back to the shared rewards pool. There is a benefit to the chain of course, as this puts rewards back into the pool to be distributed to all authors, but the individual downvoting has given up ROI of possible curation rewards from casting that vote instead.

This has led to a culture of downvotes not being used by the majority to fight abuse of the shared rewards pool. Leaving us with bid bot abuse going unchecked, self upvoted spam by large and small stake holders alike, as well as extremely overly rewarded content becoming the norm.

Rewards are intended to show consensus from the community- An Upvote is showing a stake holder feels the contribution is worth more than the current reward. A Downvoteis showing a stake holder feels the contribution is worth less than the current reward. At the end of the payout time period (7days) whatever the community consensus is, is then allocated to that specific contribution. It is really that simple.

How will it work?

The proposed pool would just allow 25% "free" downvotes. This means that a separate small pool would be consumed by the downvotes prior to consuming voting mana. Meaning an individual could use a limited amount of downvotes before having to use their "allocated votes" as we see today. There is no "reward" for downvoting, there will just now be a few "free" downvotes to use.

What is the goal?

To encourage downvotes to be used as a curation mechanism, as well as abuse fighting on a larger scale. The goal is for those large stake holders to now be encouraged to go and downvote bid bot abuse as well as self voting spammers who are removing rewards from the shared pool while not returning value.

The idea is that if someone who is currently posting spam and upvoting it now as the option to curate instead and earn a profit(50:50), they may be more likely to do so.. rather than spam and risk being downvoted.

This also applies to bid bot users. If someone is abusing bid bots and is constantly downvoted by the community for doing so they will loose money, as they have to pay for those votes. If it is no longer profitable, they most likely will not do it anymore.

The idea is to reward the behavior you want to see, and sometimes that means showing distaste for what you do not want to see.. and that is accomplished through downvotes.

3) The Curve

What is it?

The curve is a proposal to go from the current linear curve to a convergent linear curve. Steemit Inc's own Vandeburg did a very technical analysis of it in this post as well as an updated diagram from Steemit Inc. seen here for anyone wanting a technical description of it.

I am not going to talk about the algorithms or the curve.. rather just my perceived goal behind it...


Pretty isn't it?

What is the goal?

One of the goals within this EIP proposal is to encourage organic content discovery by discouraging negative behavior. One of these negative behaviors touched on before is when individuals spam and self vote to gain a profit, while adding no value in return. While the downvote pool as well as 50:50 are designed to encourage them to do otherwise, downvotes can only happen if the abuse is seen.

Abuse Fighting

One idea behind this curve is that it discourages those individuals from spreading their stake and this abuse over multiple accounts in smaller reward amounts to avoid being caught. Due to the curve changes making that not profitable, the idea is abusers would be pushed to aim for higher returns and then downvotes could be used to counter said abuse. If this abuse is no longer profitable, the hope is individuals will turn to other ways that are profitable with less risk attached.. as in curation(50:50). Imagine if all the abusers just cast a vote on content instead.. that's the idea.


An additional aspect to this curve is that it gamifies curation a bit as well. Consider with the change to 50:50 that more and more individuals are encouraged to curate content, as they can actually make money doing so. Currently many just jump on a post they know has a big vote coming through auto votes, and sort of race to that "optimum" ROI time.

Currently any vote cast before 15mins has a bit of a penalty to it, as before that time they are forfeiting a piece of their curation rewards pie.. but they also need to get there first. So many individuals forfeit this CR just to be there first, but when curation is now worth more they will be throwing away a good return and will most likely change that behavior.

So when all the popular posts now become a race to the bottom.. as the race to become first now means you are throwing away rewards.. and the earlier and earlier the votes are cast, the less ROI they receive. The goal is that at this point it will be more profitable to find posts that don't have a large number of votes on them, aka the undiscovered gems.

The idea here is to encourage the voting of the minimally rewarded content, as that is where the best profit will be. This could mean an increase to those content creators who go relatively unnoticed or unrewarded, as now it is actually beneficial (and profitable) to vote them.

TDLR for Part Two - The EIP

The EIP is a proposal consisting of 3 components designed to work together to get the desired effect - Improve Content Discovery while discouraging negative behavior.

My Thoughts on The EIP?

Many think I am against the EIP, I even was accused of having "resentment".. I am not either of those things. What I do dislike is how this is coming to be as well as the push to include so many economic changes within one hard fork when we cannot know what affect they will have.

With all that aside though, I believe Steem needs an overhaul.

I believe we need to encourage individuals to invest in STEEM and contribute in a positive way to the Steem ecosystem. That means we need to give them a reason to, that benefits them. I believe that having a system where we depend on altruistic behavior does not work, and most definitely is not sustainable. I believe we need to reward the behavior we want to see with our upvotes as well as our downvotes and make it actually profitable to contribute to the ecosystem in a positive way.

I believe The EIP is an attempt to do these things. I also feel it is important to note that we don't know that these changes will have the impact that is desired, and we won't know until we try them. As there is no way to predict human behavior, all we can to is attempt to design a system that encourages the behavior we want to see.

What Happens Next

- Test Net

Currently Steemit inc has a test net in place where witnesses and community members are testing the proposed code. Discussions are still being had about details, but at this point I believe they are as stands with the idea that further changes can be made when needed.

- Hard Fork Date Scheduled

When individuals feel the testing is sufficient, a date for the hard fork will be released.

- Consensus

On the scheduled date of the HF, there must be a consensus. Which means 17 of the top 20 witnesses must "approve" or "agree" to the new protocol by implementing the code, which will migrate the blockchain to the new protocol. Then and only then does the HF go into affect.

What does this mean for the community?

I think it's important to note that Steem in itself is an experiment, and that is not a negative thing. We are creating an economic society that has never been done before. We are doing revolutionary things... and with anything that has never been done before, there will be trial and error along the way. But without the courage to try new things, explore and experiment, we will become stagnant and not be a part of the revolution.

I believe we are attempting to work towards something better, and these changes are part of that.

What to expect

While no one can "predict" what things will look like after the HF, I think it may be helpful for the community to just have a possible "idea" of what it will look like and what the "hope" is.

Author Rewards
With the implementation of the SPS and 50:50 component of the EIP, author rewards percentage of the pool will be decreased somewhere around 42.2%.

The goal or idea is though that with the combined components of the EIP taking effect, there will be less spam taking rewards and more individuals curating (as it's now profitable to do so). Which could mean even though the author rewards percentage is lower, the reward pool will be bigger (less abuse taking it) and therefore the actual rewards an author receives will actually increase.

I believe these changes will take time to balance out, as with any changes, so I personally think we should prepare for an immediate decrease in the post payout we see. But to keep calm and let the system begin to take it's new form. It is my hope that over the few weeks after the hardfork, authors contributing positively to the ecosystem will begin to see their rewards increase again. This is the goal.

Do I believe that large stake holders who have been relatively inactive or in "set and forget" mode will all of a sudden start manually curating? No. Sorry, I just don't see that. BUT if it is actually profitable for them to delegate to curation groups or follow manual curation trails, then why wouldn't they? It makes sense that individuals will always act in their best interest, and if it is in their best interest to use their stake to curate content (on their own or through a trail), it seems logical that some may do just that. That's the hope.

This also applies to small accounts who are posting spam daily just to farm rewards, with the downvote actively being used to fight this, it will now be in their best interest to do something else... and curation is a possible source of revenue.

I think the community is scared of this aspect and I can understand why, as downvotes have been used in an abusive manner in the past here. But I actually think that individuals need to consider what the majority does here rather than a few and when you begin to think that individuals will do what is in their best interest.. knocking down some of the abusers that are essentially taking rewards from everyone else is beneficial.. and with the downvote pool, they now no longer have to give up ROI on vote casts to fight it.

I believe the first week will be a shit storm, I am not going to lie.. I think it will get a little ugly.. but I don't think "average" users have anything to worry about, as the targets will be set on bigger accounts. I believe the trending page will get a bit of a shake up, but only on the aspect of bid bot abuse. I believe DRAMA will moon, so stock up!

My Advice?
Relax, stay calm, don't panic if a bunch of whales are downvoting each other as quite frankly that just means more is going to the rewards pool that will be allocated to...who? The Content Creators! It's the way the system was designed.. consensus on rewards through up and downvotes, as we all share that inflation pool.

So, continue being you, keep doing what you do and let the dust settle. Then we can establish where we are, and decide on the most beneficial direction going forward.

The Steem Community is strong, and we have survived 20 Hard Forks, we will survive this one too and hopefully thrive. That's the goal.

I hope this post is helpful. My goal here is to simply provide the community who maybe want less of a "technical analysis" style post and more of a "friend to friend" style conversation. My answers are based on my understanding and opinions on the proposed concepts, and should not be taken as anything more than that. (I do want to thank those who have put up with my constant questions and debates at an attempt to fully grasp these proposed changes and their goals. Including themarkymark, Eonwarped, Smooth, Crimsonclad and others.)

If you have any questions or want to yell at me, please feel free to do so in the comments. :)

Much Love and Steem On,


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Edit- I will be promoting this post using the Steemium Promotion Service to ensure it is seen by those who may need it most. I have spent 100SBD to do so.

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Man I hope this HF gets rejected. Not holding out high hopes for that of course. Why does an obviously beneficial thing (worker proposal system, although funding it from reward pool instead of from vesting interest is... beyond stupid) have to get bundled up with something that at best is a "try it and see if it works" and is actually more likely a "terrible for everyone except bid bot users and delegators/owners" (honestly, we don't have to "wait and see" what behavior changes will come - an incremental incentive to "good behavior" that still doesn't even come close to matching the rewards possible from delegating to bid bots will not have any appreciable change in user behavior - that is basic game theory, we can say with 100% certainty that the vast majority of people will still choose the most self-benefiting course of action, which is still not aligned with anything like behavior we would like to see. Interestingly this will likely drive even more people to delegate to bid bots as there is no risk of downvotes to a delegator there as opposed to self voting, and the new reward curve ensures that you have to use a bid bot unless you are a huge investor to begin with, otherwise you lose out). Gah.

This is much like how politicians work in the US. Take what was a simple proposal for a HF to fund who knows what...which if run correctly will be a good thing and add in a bunch of other ideas at the same time that aren't related so they pass because voting no would be voting against funding Steem's future.

I agree reject this and put it into at least 2 HF's.

I don't see this at all as "terrible for everyone but bid bots". There's plenty to suggest that the equilibrium will shift a bit. Every component to this EIP is assuming maximizing behavior to boot, so not sure where you are getting this conclusion from.

50/50. +Curation leakage, +curation bonus. Less delegators, less upside for bot.

Convergent Linear. Small bids become useless, less demand. Also upside for curation. More effective to downvote higher posts. Less profitable to split votes on many posts.

Downvotes. Risk for bidders, less demand (hence profitability).

I am tempted to say you must be joking, but I will assume you are serious. There is no possible way that the downvote pool can exert negative pressure against bidbot use. The amount of SP controlled by the "pro bidbot camp" if you want to call it that - the amount of SP controlled by users who directly delegate to bidbots, own bidbots, and/or use bidbots, is far greater than the amount of SP controlled by accounts that actively use SP* and oppose bid bots. Good luck trying to win a flag war against bid bots. If you think for one second that any kind of organized campaign to flag posts that use bidbots wouldn't meet organized counterflag opposition, then you obviously haven't been paying attention. The rest of the measures could all have been carefully crafted to create even more perverse incentives to use bid bots. 50/50 curation... you may not have looked at the big picture of curation, bid bots already earn the vast majority of curation under current system. Bid bot operation will be instantly far more profitable. There will be zero change to the incentive to delegate to bid bots, that is currently and will still be the optimal strategy even over 100% self-voting, so predictably, it will be the strategy that the majority of SP holders take to optimize investment. And the worst thing is the reward curve change, which actually incentivizes users to use bid bots. Anyone who can't get a post organically past the threshold where the new curve passes the old curve, will make less than they used to (which is... everyone except whales and the small number of users lucky enough to get whale votes). Anyone who uses a bid bot to get their post past that point in the curve will make more than they used to. Add it all up and we should see a large increase in the use of bid bots and a large increase in the profitability of bid bots.

*The "actively use SP" distinction is drawn of course because of the huge amounts of SP held by Stinc and not used. If Stinc wanted to use their stake to flag big bot use it would be another story of course, but that wouldn't require a hard fork. Stinc could end bid bot use overnight if they wanted to. They don't.

I am not joking, and I seem to have a very different analysis and I'm hard pressed to find a way that will make you see it the same way. You didn't address any of the points I made, but to be fair I should have pointed you at a starting point since I was summarizing the arguments.
See for example Double the curation, double the leakage. Bots have to work to mitigate that, for starters.

Posted using Partiko Android

Part of the problem with this HF is with so many changes at once, they all impact each other. The likely impact of 50/50 curation on bid bots in a vacuum is different (IMO) than the likely impact of 50/50 curation combined with reward curve change. But even in a vacuum, I totally disagree with tarazkp analysis. Even under current system it is easily possible to earn curation returns far greater than 50% by front running bid bots, and yet the sum total of SP spent in this manner is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of SP that bidbots are voting with and the total curation they get. Change the curation % (IMO) isn't going to change the big picture there. A small number of savvy users will see an increase in the return they get front running bots, but in the big picture this isn't even noticeable. If you haven't already, run a query to bring up the top 100 curation earners on non-self votes. It will be populated almost exclusively by bid bots. The big picture is so big that the amount of SP thrown around to front run bots is not even visible next to the mountain of bid bot SP that you can see from space. But more importantly, this isn't happening in a vacuum. You can throw out all the numbers in that post, because the new reward curve changes the math considerably on bid bot profitability - in the wrong direction! A huge swathe of users who are currently able to earn (small amounts) of SP through posting and commenting without using bidbots, will now find almost all of their earnings falling below the dust threshold. In terms of user numbers and not SP, we are talking about a huge majority of the active users on the platform who will see significant reduction in earning. The incentive to use a bid bot to boost your post farther up the new curve is going to be huge.

Hard to say the degree in which this will happen. Even a small nudge can easily change the balance in who delegates, who snipes curation, and who bids. The data may point to total dominance in earnings now, but it also obscures key points including the returns to delegators. It's also at the extreme of what the current incentives pushed forward. And of course it will not reflect what happens with downvotes.

I disagree with your assessment that downvotes won't happen against bot voting, because it's clear that it will. The curve assists here as well because it is more efficient in an impact/rshare to downvote larger posts, and that is where it will be directed. It is admittedly the largest unknown in this mix of changes, as well as the most critical part, but any increase in downvoting behavior will already affect things for the better.

One thing also to point out is that all bot voting essentially needs to go big or go home. Low to Medium size bot bids (in aggregate across bots) will simply disappear. Increases the risk as well as the reward. I don't have the numbers here but it's hard to say how many will continue with it.

There is a danger here as you say. If downvotes don't happen, this behavior could crowd out everything else, although the convergent linear caps the degree in which this can actually happen. I would say that it's also an incentive to downvote the other posts that are now crowding you out, if you are one of those bidders. (Or a bot owner that wants to make it more attractive).

Interestingly, I was treating the system as one big bid bot but the reality is also that they can no longer promise guaranteed returns, and revert back to models where they just do raw bid pricing instead of their min/max ROI parameters. Which can get very weird. There's quite a lot that bot owners will need to do behind the scenes to make sense of this environment, that I even think some may simply just drop out. In which case it may just be a handful of competing large bots at the end.

The smaller authors and commenters will see an immediate impact as you say, though I don't think it goes below dust. You can see in the parameter they chose that it's at worst halving the amounts. And I believe that after all the incentives shift, it will reflect a better distribution overall, which is conditional on the above, which we disagree on. Because as you say, the lion's share is dominated by bots. If you manage to chip away the incentives, you can slowly unravel it to a degree.

Anyway, what you are saying highlights a situation that I admit is a possibility, but I suppose I have a better feeling about the downvote behavior and incentive structure than you do.

Posted using Partiko Android

WE had DOWNVOTING Communities before but what did it changed ... ah YEAH NOTHINGG, only a few get holded for a moment... but shitty posts are all around STILL and they still get paid for it... so this THEORY isnt worthy... i understand the HOPING of this CHANGINGS , but all i can see is, the SOLD VOTE will be more worthy than before because the payout get doubled, and they CREATOR will get LESS... so where is the MAGIC... what will it drives into a better thing ... i cant see it

Your reasoning doesn't follow. 25% Free downvotes is a big difference compared to what we had before.

Posted using Partiko Android

If you think for one second that any kind of organized campaign to flag posts that use bidbots wouldn't meet organized counterflag opposition, then you obviously haven't been paying attention.

Very true @carlgnash

Would you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.


LOL my fingers are on a direct connect to my brain, I type super fast and tend to spill it all out in a big block. Feedback duly noted :)

Run a bit of historic data through the new rules. It is very likely the bid bot economy will get a huge boost from the EIP. The narrative for the EIP is interesting, but based more in wishfull thinking than in actual data or simulations. But anyhow, there is no stopping this at this point. Best thing to hope for is a contingency plan for when the wishfull thinking turns out not to pan out and the EIP turns out to hurt the economy.

Historic data is meaningless because it does not take into consideration new incentives appearing from the new rules. I fully admit here that if the downvotes don't occur, it will be a disaster. But I have a good feeling about that just based on the economics of it as well as various levels of commitment, and the fact that some already do it even though it costs them right now (obviously, talk is cheap).

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I had high hopes for the down votes, but after runningthis poll, now I no longer do.

Based on this poll and actual data of downvotes and retaliations from the analysis's I used to run from @pibarabot, I'm pretty much convinced there is verry little economic insentive to make use of free down votes.

There is pretty much a culture of fear and retaliation surrounding the use of down votes on this platform.

There's not much stake represented in that poll. What's the analysis from @pibarabot? There's definitely an economic incentive to use all of the free downvotes, and it doesn't even matter who you are (although obviously the more stake, the more impact).

Posted using Partiko Android

Actually there is a tangible economic incentive not to use the free down votes:


I used to run a daily script that processed all flags done on one week old posts, until Steemit Inc killed my code by implementing API rate limiting a few months back (here is a sample graph of one day. One thing that stood out was that the same accounts kept showing up in different roles, either as flagger or flagee. On closer inspection, a substantial amount of down vote weight could be attributed to some form of retribution for earlier flags against accounts with likely relations (voting proxy or non-standard recovery account) with the flagging account.

I don't know what to make of it except that people flagged despite being retaliated against, and despite the current opportunity cost from doing so. I get that retaliation is a deterrent, but I'm pretty sure free downvotes will be flying in different ways than what you are analyzing. (Whether it holds or does something productive or is ultimately detrimental overall all remain to be seen)

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Retaliation isn't all bad. Alice and Bob get into it with each other, and that means that Charlie walks away with the money. Maybe Charlie was actually doing something right by not being seen as downvote-worthy by anyone.

That is harmful nonsense. Old data will show what the new insentives are. You can than middel second iteration data accordingly, rinse and repeat, but you need to run the new rules against the old data just once. If you don't, the whole new incentives narratives will be nothing but speculative fiction.

And that's exactly what it is. You can run the new rules on old data, and that's exactly how you get the immediate distribution at hard fork time. But after that, you can't predict anything. I don't see how you can claim that this has any predictive power. After all, you aren't going to be able to estimate how many downvotes are going to be issued, for starters.

Posted using Partiko Android

The troubling thing I still see is people assume inactive/passive investors even want to become/have the time to be active ones in the first place.

Chance are many of inactive/passive just delegate and only check in quarterly or monthly to ensure payments are still flowing. At best they might have someone managing a crypto fund for them charging a flat fee which would not cover the costs of manual curation. It’s not like they are going get a physical letter mailed to their house explaining HF21 by Steemit LLC or the owners of the bot they have delegated to.

Then you have the mind-numbing time consuming and troubling issue of trying to distribute those kinds of votes the large accounts have. If an investor can afford $1 million high-risk investment (which is what this is) chances are it’s not a very large amount of their total wealth or they are able to recover quite quickly if it ends in a total loss. Which means this is not a lot money to them regardless of what curation is paid.

Unless they are high risk-taking junkies in which case I don’t see them being inactive/passive with such an investment when they can shape the landscape to a certain degree and have fun doing so. Either case purely investing for dividends and forgoing the impacts on the initial principal amount is a sure way to end broke. We keep acting like curation dividends is a magic bullet that will fix everything.

An active investor with millions in influence wanting to maximize profit would make their own dapp/partner with others and use it to push users towards it. Not with the goal of earning dividends paid out via curation. Rather massively increase their principal investment entirely. Not to mention I would not be shocked if several projects on the blockchain would already have an evaluation in the millions to tens of millions of dollars if someone wanted to buy them out. Far greater than what their current SP is or what it will earn them in any reasonable amount of time.

End of the day Witness are more or less acting like they don’t have a choice if they wish to remain a Witness. It’s time for everyone else to find ways to adapt to the future landscape. That is after all what we should expect from game theory.

I agree with the not bundling all in one, as do many others. I also agree that this will be a “try it and see” as most economic changes are, but I don’t see the benefit to bid bots here if I’m honest.

I do think that the only aspect of the EIP that will effectively change behavior is the downvote pool, and that will only work if it’s used by large stake holders in a positive way. Many have said they will, but yeah we will have to wait and see for that.

While I don’t necessarily agree with all the proposed aspects or how they are being bundled, I do agree we need to make some changes.

Unfortunately it’s hard to communicate that or come to a consensus as a community as we have many users who also somehow think that “votes should be equal” no matter of stake, or that individuals who have large stake should just give it away for free.. and then those same individuals feel that is completely ridiculous that a small portion of a shared pool (that they don’t even own) could be redirected to a project that benefits the whole chain.

A bit of entitlement and short term thinking, complete lack of understanding of the Steem ecosystem, as well as being ruined with the idea of “come blog and get paid” has left us with unrealistic expectations from both small and large stake holders alike. Plus the rewarding of contributions that only remove value without adding anything in return. If we continue down this path there won’t be anything left imo.

Anyways, I fully support a funded SPS, in fact I would like to see more inflation go to it.. as I think it could add true value. As far as EIP, I’m not sold on it entirely and would very much prefer to see it put forward on its own.. but I do think the tandem of the three components make sense in a way, I just am concerned for what that would look like for many users. As we really won’t know until it’s attempted.

Actually, I would argue that we are seeing the success of crypto social sites that do reward evenly by giving all participants equal voting authority. and LBRY are drawing in the big names from Youtube, Twitter and the other places while Steem gets a link posted at best. Stake-based social medias might just not work, or perhaps most people just don't like the unfairness of the influence it gives the minority over the majority. Either way, I'd say and LBRY, though young projects, are kicking Steem's ass.

And that’s fair to say, but Steem is DPOS... so that’s sort of how this works. There are other alternatives for anyone who does not like stake based 🙂

You are right in saying everyone can choose what they want to use. But telling people "if you don't like it you can go somewhere else" is a very unwise policy for such a small project as Steem. Its still in its infancy and its survival is not even close to being assured, so it should hand-hold its userbase.

Also, DPOS does not have to go to the extreme Steem is taking it. For example, the HoboDAO intends on adding a Loom Network DPOS website to its long-term roadmap, but one's total amount of HBO will not give you wildly large votes over anyone else. The reason for this is that whales are a form of centralization and thus a security risk. Our aim is decentralized journalism, while whales with equal vote authority to stake get to have more opinion than the overall community, which makes no sense for a decentralized system. Its a contradiction in Steem's very purpose.

Uncapped influence based on how much you have staked leads to an all-or-nothing system. This is a problem because most people on social media sites are whimsical and that's just not likely to change. Where is Myspace? My point is that if a social media site demands large investment to get anything out of the deal that its a non-starter strategy.

Saying all that, allow me to make my key point for both the last comment and this one. I'm trying to explain that the market seems to be telling us that our rewarding system based on stake won't work, but that doesn't mean DPOS doesn't work. Resource credits are a brilliant idea and it makes perfect sense that SP stakers receive benefit through a delegation economy of RCs.

Perhaps the world will not accept the notion of whale/orca/minnow/plankton vote levels. We might need to make voting for the reward pool equal, however, the resource credit system can still compensate whales through a delegation market of RCs. The RC system is an excellent way to reward investors because they benefit from all the many communities that desire access to the Steem network.

People are claiming that SMTs will solve the disparity problem and downvoting harassment. I strongly disagree on both counts. The problem with SMTs is that they will almost always be practically worthless. STEEM/SBD will remain what people want because its a universal internet money, while most SMTs will be hardly better than wordpress token features that have been around for years. In order for a token to matter to anyone, it needs to either be useful in many places, or the one place that you can use it needs to be incredibly popular. And this is why the STEEM reward pool system needs to be palatable to more than just early investors like a common pump & dump project, but to billions of people.

Love the idea about the rc credits being and investment vehicle instead of stake based voting. This place would be a lot more fun with more equality of opportunity.

I understand your points and I think they make sense but I don’t actually understand the point of debating whether or not Delegated Proof of Stake, therefore stake based voting, is something Steem should do away with. I am saying it’s what STEEM is at its core. Not “if you don’t like it go somewhere else” more “you came to a DPOS platform, you can’t expect for it to be anything different than a DPOS platform.

This is why communities are so needed. Anyone can make their own economic policy and distribution etc through communities and SMTs while still being on the Steem chain.

I just think we tried it and its not working, that's essentially what I am saying. So, I am suggesting that we refocus toward an RC market incentive for investors and let the crowd employ the "wisdom of the crowd" approach for all content. It would be better than letting the ship sink in my opinion.

Lots of money in it too, think about how rich you are in RCs. Most people with even a small amount of SP have more resource credits than they need in a day. In the economic model I'm suggesting a community founder would have to rent your RCs from you in a like site in order for this late arriver to Steem to be able to provide Steem access to his community members. Investors would love that idea, as they do with EOS. Its turning Steem integration into the shiny new thing that all community founders just got to have.

Oh, this community doesn't have Steem integrated? What a dump! I'm out...

Its the best of both worlds, because the stakers would become much like miners in this system, reaping the passive profits they want and providing a high SBD reward value due to all the money the whales have locked up in the network. In fact, EOS even markets this idea and tells people in its Coinbase course that owning just 1 EOS could in the future be enough to receive "space rent" from a dev team or entrepreneur.

That should be Steem's move toward communities, and it would even allow the users in those communities to feel the system is much more fair, because their votes would be relatively similar in value. In this version of Steem, RCs would be something the average user never even thinks about, because it would be like servers, just something the site administrators deal with. Do that and drop the inflation rate in half and you'll see the investors FOMO right on in...

Its not a wild idea, its exactly what EOS is doing right now and it is attractive to investors. Also, if you think carefully about the SMT concept, Steemit Inc.'s plan kind of is what I am suggesting, only, I am going as far as saying we should de-couple the reward pool from SP and not care about SMTS. The SMTs are nice and would be profitable to STEEM holders, but 90%+ of SMTS are going to be a joke and Steem Engine is already rocking that side of things. STEEM is where it is at, and its STEEM that communities will really want to earn because its universal currency.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I think he is a saying there could be a hi-bred approach like stake weighted voting at the level of Witnesses and Management.

Without allowing those with huge amounts of stake to control the content.

While I don't think that will ever happen with Steem, some of the SMT and community sites might take that approach. I happen to agree that our distibution combined with DPOS is a huge problem with wisdom of the crowd type curation, there is no crowd. There are a handful of account that can take something to the top of the curve or knock them out of visibility and they don't represent a middle line.

Agreed though, it is unlikely to happen, I don't mind that it gets brought up because there are ways to mitigate our distribution issues, even if we don't choose to implement them.

In fact although Palnet's distribution is still wanky, they at least don't have nearly the distribution problems Steem does and while it is still imperfect, it feel it has a better chance of succeeding than Steem based content sites.

Sometimes one wishes a comment were resteemable. This is one of those comments. Spot on analysis I wish everyone understood here.

If you are referring to my comment, thank you. :)

Interesting to hear a confirmation to my idea that using STEEM would best be left to function as a utility token for voting for witnesses and renting out Resource Credits. That's my long-term vision for STEEM anyway. All curation could be done using SMTs in communities where the distributions of the tokens used could be much more even or concentrated into the app owners who'd be genuinely motivated to reward the highest quality content the most.

I'm beginning to think that using the base layer tokens for curation is a failure. That doesn't need to mean Steem as a whole is a failure. Steem has feeless transactions for users and apps going for it. It's also fast and developer-friendly.

Well, we have similar ideas, only, I think SMTs are nothing but buzz. I think it is a mistake for Steem to try to be the social Ethereum, as it seems every blockchain is trying to be Ethereum now. Even Bitcoin Cash is trying to play the token game.

Don't get me wrong, token creation is very valuable, but only a very small number of SMTs will manage to have an economic value. The launch of SMTs would pump STEEM price but then it would experience an unwind similar to Ethereum. I argue that Steem has a different value.

The Steem blockchain was designed to be the backend to future blog and social frontends. In that world, STEEM would be a universal currency on all those sites. No SMT will ever be able to do that.

What I am suggesting is that STEEM holders act like miners, generating resource credits with their stake and renting it out to community administrators and bloggers. The more SP you have the more RCs you can sell. But as for the Steem inflation or reward pool, I would hand the distribution of that over to the "wisdom of the crowd" with equal weighted voting.

This would solve many problems. It solves: Bidbots, Self-voting, reward pool "milking" and downvote harassment from wealthy accounts.

SMTs are a good idea, but if they were the main reward, honestly, I would say Steem would end up going nowhere. Steem needs a universal currency that can be used throughout the web and I believe what everyone is going to want to earn is STEEM itself or at least SBD.

I don't find tokenization a problem in the least. A few dozen have already been created on Steem-Engine. The PAL token seems to be working fine. Its USD value is something like 14 cents at the moment.

But as for the Steem inflation or reward pool, I would hand the distribution of that over to the "wisdom of the crowd" with equal weighted voting.

Anyone could create as many accounts as they wished and game the system that way. This is why Voice has an account creation system where all accounts must be associated with a hash of a set of unique biometrical data acting as Proof-of-Life. That is the only way to create an account-based system that cannot be trivially gamed.

They can only game the system because RCs are used to create accounts. The trick is to separate the incentives of investors and content curation. Burning STEEM to create accounts is an effective method for doing it, but is problematic for on-boarding. The bio hash concept is fairly good, but uses a phone number. The phone number idea is my favorite, because you can identify the burner numbers, requiring the individual to actually use their rule phone number. Its not perfect, but it is helpful.

Alternatively, what if we beefed up the reputation system? We could make a person's vote value be based on the account's reputation level. Right now reputations are worthless digits next to a name, but the old Silkroad black market taught a valuable lesson: if the reputation system is crucial people behave themselves.

I think creating a better reputation system could be a worthwhile endeavor. But I'm afraid that, too, would be gameable using off-chain money transfers to buy into a higher reputation if it depended on endorsements. On the other hand, that would, after all, put money into the pockets of the little guy.

I certainly hope you are right but any way I slice it, this looks like a win for bid bot operators and a loss for all users except for large dolphins, whales, and users lucky enough to get votes from large dolphins and whales.

TBH this

I like 50/50, neutral about the curve & separate downvote pool, dislike the idea of SPS taking away from author/curation pool.

Funding the SPS from vested stake inflation makes way more sense to me than taking it from author/curation pool. What does a couple of % of inflation matter to a large investor when the variations in price on a weekly basis are more than that? I don't think it would even move the needle as far as an investor deciding whether or not to invest and stake a large amount of steem, while taking it from author/curator will definitely move the needle for actual users of the network.

100% agree. I thought that’s what was going on until now.

I fought for it coming from vesting


The biggest problem I think isn't that this HF is going to happen, the biggest problem is that if things turn out as bad as you and I fear it will, there apparently is no contingency plan. As if HF20 never happened and didn't show us how hard we need solid contingency planning.

Well, actually, this is a regression from HF20. There was a contingency plan in place during HF20 - there was a "kill switch" coded into the hard fork that would have allowed the witnesses to switch back to the old bandwidth system without needing another hardfork or patch. Stinc just asked the witnesses not to use it during the period where the resource credits were stabilizing and no one could transact on the blockchain. Something like that is desperately needed here, but we have gone backwards since HF20 and there is no kill switch coded to reverse the proposed changes if things go south.

Why does ... have to get bundled up

Many of us agree with the concept of not bundling in the abstract. There is also the practical consideration of costs of hard forks and not being able to do them very often.

The merits of EIP are discussed elsewhere including by me so I won't rehash that here.

Meh I think the "cost of hard fork" argument is a cop out. In the first year of Steem there were... 17 hard forks? And since then there have been 3? There is no good reason to bundle the economic incentives with the DAO, with the exception of the obvious reason that the economic incentives have much weaker support than the DAO and might not actually be approved on their own. Which to me, is the primary argument for why it shouldn't be bundled. A bunch of half-baked measures with a net effect that is hard to predict (some claim - I don't think it is hard to predict personally, I think it is a loss for all users except the very largest users and bid bot owners) shouldn't be slipped through on the back of something with wide support.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

During most of those 17 hard forks (not sure if that is the exact right number, but there were definitely a lot, mostly in the first few months) there were almost no users, no third party apps, either none or one exchange, etc. The situation is completely different now.

I think we need some kind of a forum for these kind of discussions, chat rooms and posts that get buried after a week won't cut it anymore.

Yes as smooth said, there is a forum that has been started. You can find it here -

I think @thecryptodrive is trying to promote a forum for Steem development discussions. I don't recall the link for it.

@prisminside @smooth, yes that's the idea behind the forum. I am collating what I can from internal discussions to help make them more public, included some timelines and testnet info etc, the link is this (sorry it has some bugs on mobile, should be fixed in the coming days)

I tried to comment, but got an error.
Might be my wifi, it's intermittent.

Y'all did a good job on the forum.
Once folks find it we may have our steemit killer.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Do you have a list of them?
I'm looking for one with local news from the hot spots in the world.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Good to know, I'll use that in future when people ask where these changes are being discussed since right now, it seems these changes were made without any community input for a bit too many people, I think.

Agreed! instead of just finally doing the right thing and disallowing bidbots let's just fool around and hope for the best. As for the downvotes there are some pretty rabid downvote trolls that go after people they are going to be thrilled to get more downvote power! What would really benefit all is equal votes for everyone but that is never going to happen ... bidbot users are going to make a ton more money and us real content creators will get even less than we are getting now what a mess ...

Disallowing bit bots would be pretty hard if not impossible to undertake. You may be interested in my humble proposal of how they may be countered.

There really is no way to ban bidbots, but there is a way to be rid of them entirely. We just need to apply code to human nature. Currently Steem allows unlimited rewards, and this allows substantial stakeholders like bidbots to extract ~90% of rewards. By capping rewards the emunerative potential of rewards pool rape would be eliminated.

Consider that the median payout (last I checked) was .01 SBD. No whale is going to drop a massive vote for that return. The average payout was ~15 times that, and there are only 35 whales. So the very few whales are extracting massive payouts on the very few votes they cast, and this is why the average is so different than the median payout.

Huey Long (a Louisiana politician during the Great Depression who was assassinated, probably because the following proposal struck such a chord in the folks being financially destroyed by banksters during the Great Depression) proposed that no one should live on less than 3% of the median income, nor on more than 300%. Applying a similar algorithm to payouts would end newbs getting nothing for their early posts, encouraging retention, and eliminate bidbots, because no one would bother to buy a vote that could only earn them .03 SBD. No self-voting, circle jerks, or botfarms would be worth the work to set them up. However, content creators already work for that, so the vast majority of them wouldn't be harmed, and but little if they were.

Since before the dawn of history investors have relied on capital gains to reward their funding enterprises and profit them financially. This does no happen on Steem. No one relies on capital gains for profit on Steem, because there are no capital gains. Since substantial stakeholders can extract the value of the content by deploying their stakes and receiving almost all rewards, that value goes to whale wallets, and never increases the value of Steem.

Ending profiteering would restore capital gains as the mechanism profiting investors for underwriting Steem. Capital gains are create when the price of the investment vehicle rises, in this case the Steem token. Even with the Huey Long algorithm limiting payouts in Steem, the increase in the price of Steem would increase the financial rewards inciting content creators to produce good content. The higher the price of Steem, the greater the incentive to produce good content, and the greater the difference in incentive between the minimum payout and the highest, again, increasing incentive to produce good content. Also, as the extraction of rewards by profiteers ended, the median payout would rise towards the average, and increase the median by at least an order of magnitude. This would be beneficial by encouraging the greatest number of content creators with a ten-fold increase in payouts for their efforts - even neglecting a rise in Steem price.

Lastly, it is the content produced by creators that is the marketing mechanism for Steem. All our posts and comments can be found on search engines, and folks spotting good content are attracted to have a look at the platform, and if they like what they see they can join up. This grows the market for Steem, and that increases the value of the token. Profiteers are extracting the funds marketing Steem, again preventing capital gains.

The only people that should really take issue with this are profiteers seeking to take the value of the content via the weight of their stake. Some authors do occasionally get organic payouts significantly higher than what Huey Long allows. I have, and most of my posts currently do. I'd still rather see bidbots and all profiteering ended, since that would enable capital gains to increase the value of my stake, even if I'd receive less Steem for all my posts. That's only taking into account my personal wealth, which I don't really do, and ignores how the network effects would improve our platform - maybe even enabling us to crush centralized Fedbook Libracoin organically.

I would very much sacrifice all - ALL - my financial rewards on Steem to see our community crush censorship prone government funded Fedbook. Not even joking.

EIP is going to drop payouts for creators by over half anyway, while still encouraging rampant profiteering. Actual investors are discouraged from buying Steem for investment purposes today because ROI (profit) is gained not by traditional capital gains but by serially self-voting or delegating to shady bidbots - and experienced investors want to stick to investments they understand, not become profiteers.

Ending bottery is pretty simple in this way. All we really need to do is encourage capital gains, and prevent profiteering.

I've gone round and round with substantial stakeholders, developers, and consensus witnesses regarding captchas, and surprise - no one likes them. Captchas also do nothing to encourage capital gains, nor discourage profiteering by self voters, circle jerks and similar collusion.

A final note: Huey Long proposed the 3% - 300% limites, but there are various other choices that would work fine too. Most important is that rewards nominal to enable profiteers to bother with them need to be prevented. It's possible that after capital gains increased the price of Steem enough, nominal profit to justify profiteering would become available. However, at that point the obvious benefits of capital gains and the cap would strongly encourage folks to discourage that douchebaggery to the degree necessary. Maybe then the downvote pool would be justifiable. It sure isn't now, as it will only give substantial stakeholders free flags to censor folks they don't like, and a warchest for them to retaliate against those minnows foolish enough to think their free downvotes were wise to use against profiteers. The problem with downvotes costing VP is only stopping censors from censoring more. It is retaliation that prevents reasonable people from flagging whales.

Thank you for the wonderfully thought out reply, @valued-customer. One can only assume from the STEEM version of a Huey Long assasination (your flagging) that you have hit a nerve. 😎

That's exactly why I actually am happy Bernie is flagging me. Nothing better proves my points.

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

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Nothing better proves my points.

Well said! ✌

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

PLEASE NOTE: If you engage with the trash above you also risk receiving a negative vote on your comment.

I also hope that this fork will be rejected @carlgnash

The Proposed Change-

Authors/Curators - 65% | Interest - 15% | Witnesses 10% | SPS - 10%

If this is going to be the final proposal for the hard fork, I do not support it. Initially, I thought that using 10% from author rewards would be a good idea. I don't believe the current proposal is a good idea, and here's why:

Reducing content rewards as a whole will reduce rewards for curation. Since curation rewards are pretty much the only way to earn anything other than a negligible amount of tokens, reducing the total content rewards pie is another hit to stakeholders.

Yes, I know curation rewards are also proposed to increase to 50% from 25% of that pie, but the entire point of that was to better incentivize staking and curating. What this does is trade off some of that incentive in order to fund more "development" projects that have largely produced not much useful stuff to date.

So, we trade staked incentives for worker funding in STEEM that will likely be sold in order to pay for these (likely) mostly useless projects.

And yes, I have advocated reducing overall inflation by mostly or entirely eliminating SP "interest" - which obviously goes to stakeholders. But by eliminating that "interest," we're reducing the amount of STEEM from future circulation, thereby reducing current and future downward price pressure. This current proposal does the opposite. It will add to downward price pressure.

The goal or idea is though that with the combined components of the EIP taking effect, there will be less spam taking rewards and more individuals curating (as it's now profitable to do so). Which could mean even though the author rewards percentage is lower, the reward pool will be bigger (less abuse taking it) and therefore the actual rewards an author receives will actually increase.

This remains to be seen and is only the "hope." I would prefer to postpone the SPS protocols for this hard fork and see how the economic changes will alter behavior. The SPS was not something the community was clamoring for and it will likely have little effect on any user or investment behavior - changes in behavior that are actually desperately needed around here.

Who may turn out that the SPS isn't needed after all. Maybe if we actually fix some of the economic incentive mess, things will shape up here on Steem and it may actually become a bit more attractive for use and investment.

Many feel the SPS could be exactly what we need to push Steem to where it needs to be, while giving the community control over what is funded itself.

This is a nice thought, but "the community" has rarely ever decided where rewards go and what projects get funded. That has mostly been decided by a very small percentage of users.

I think SPS taking away 10% from authors/curators defeats the purpose of EIP.

Yeah, I think so too. Seems like a counter-intuitive package.

We're going to increase incentives/rewards for curation. But we're also going to reduce the entire pool of content rewards.

If that's the case, then curation ought to be moved to a larger percentage of the content distribution, like 60/40 or more. That's something that I would approve.

Your too much for one HF suggestion is not unique. The best support for everything in one release, in my opinion, is that due to the infrequency of HFs that it is best to get all desired changes out in the latest release. Having seen self voting come and go a number of times through multiple HFs, for example, has shown me that any HF is never etched in stone. 😎

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

PLEASE NOTE: If you engage with the trash above you also risk receiving a negative vote on your comment.

Why in the world are you opposed to capital gains as the inciting mechanism for investors on Steem?

I’m not. In fact, I stated that eliminating inflation for SP “interest” would remove some negative price pressure. So, in other words, it could positively affect appreciation of STEEM.

Capital appreciation - or what is generally speculation - would be a reason to purchase and hold STEEM or any other token or asset in any given market. I think you and many others who bring up the capital appreciation argument are missing this point:

You don’t need to stake your STEEM to benefit from that appreciation.

Staking comes with additional incentives/rewards to encourage participation or “contributions” to the social media system. It offers benefits and potential ROI beyond speculation for assuming additional risk.

This is one of the unique properties and selling points of the Steem blockchain. We should be improving on this and promoting it - not only for investors looking for better returns, but for the content creators looking to be rewarded for their efforts and for content consumers looking for well-curated (popular/quality) content.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

PLEASE NOTE: If you engage with the trash above you also risk receiving a negative vote on your comment.

So you think the less than 25% of curation rewards being paid out in the form of SP has been a bigger bleed from the system than the 75%+ author rewards? And that those stakeholders are bigger “profiteers” than those who buy/invest nothing or very little?

Interesting take.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

PLEASE NOTE: If you engage with the trash above you also risk receiving a negative vote on your comment.

Thanks for all of these details!

A clear explanation of this upcoming hard fork.


  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Seems kind of lame that witnesses aren't taking a pay cut too to fund this SPS project. They should be taking a 15% pay cut too if this is going to increase the value of Steem and benefit them. Why put all the burden on content creators?

Well content creators aren’t taking a 15% cut to fund the SPS first of all, the whole entire author/curator part of the inflation pool will be reduced by 10% and redirected to the SPS, or at least it’s how it’s proposed.

I am not against the funding being funneled from many places and it was asked for those deciding on that amount to give a bit of detail about how they came to that conclusion. I know there was some mention of allocating from the witnesses portion made little change as it only consists of 10% of the entire pool (versus author/curator being 75%) as well as it impacting the back up witnesses more than those actually in the top 20. I will leave that for them to explain though as I’m not sure of the specifics that led them to the decision.

What I will say is that content currently receives the largest cut from the inflation pool and therefore should be returning the most value. To me, as a content creator and curator, I think it makes sense to redirect some of that inflation to an aspect that could essentially improve all of our investments and make that STEEM we are rewarded worth even more.

The goal is longevity of STEEM and increasing its value. Proving a mechanism that encourages beneficial development and improvements as well as providing a decentralized way to fund it from a shared inflation pool to me is the way to make sure we all benefit long term.

Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up. It still should be 10% reduction across the board and not just placed on the shoulders of content creators unless the witnesses are willing to donate their increased value in steem from these SPS projects to all us. I'd be in favor of that :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

A 10% decrease across the board would look like this -

65% Author/curator | 5% interest | 0% witnesses | 30% SPS

Who will run the nodes? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Also, the only “profit” seen by a successful SPS would be an increase in the overall value of the STEEM currency and therefore benefit anyone holding STEEM. Also, it might actually encourage more to invest in STEEM.. which again adds benefit to everyone.

I agree that multi funding allocation would be ideal, but I don’t think that a 10% cut from content creators (including myself) is them caring every thing on their shoulders, especially as they will great benefit from the SPS themselves.

I think is more an us vs them thing based on lack of involved on platform from many witnesses and therefore they are not seen as “on the same side”.. but they are here and are actively contributing as well as many actually investing in STEEM, which means that it benefits them to increase the over all value, just like it does to everyone else.

Do I think they are great leaders, no 🙂 but I do whole heartedly believe they want what’s best for STEEM. While I don’t necessarily agree with all aspects of this change or the bundle, I do believe this is an attempt to improve it for all of us.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Going from 10% to 0% is 100% decrease, my dear.

I apologize, I read your comment as wanting an equal reduction. 😄

Yes, I’m not against redirecting a bit from each pool and have communicated that. When and if I get the reasoning behind the decision I will link or share it here.. as I remember it being brought up but don’t remember the specifics.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

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They are losing even more money than that... You have to remember that not only is the total author/curation pool going from 75% to 65% but that authors are losing 25% of the pool they have been getting. So, in theory the curators were suppose to be getting 18.75% and authors 56.25% of the total reward pool, and after this change it would be curators receiving 32.50% and authors receiving 32.50% of the total reward pool. This means authors are taking a 23.75% loss here.

Sure, there might be way more upvotes out of the deal, but that's a big maybe and 23.75% of the total reward pool is a lot to make up. Not saying it can't work, but its a big maybe, and now there will be a 25% free downvoting feature which means people will downvote for any stupid reason they can think of downvoting for.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

and now there will be a 25% free downvoting feature which means people will downvote for any stupid reason they can think of downvoting for

Downvotes always just shift rewards from one place to others so they have no effect on the total rewards. If you manage to get fewer than your share of downvotes, even if you still get some, your share of the pool will go up. The idea is that obvious reward milkers especially the larger ones, should be clear downvote magnets, so for most users getting fewer downvotes than they are should not be difficult (unless you are a reward milker).

How effectively downvotes will be used (or even if they will be used) remains to be seen.

I understand the reasons for the downvotes and I respect the goal of shutting down the reward pool milking. My problem with this is that in a future world with Steem as widespread as Facebook it will not be major holders of STEEM seeking to honorably use their stake to keep the network clean and sacred, it will be special interest groups attacking opposing ideologies and effectively shutting down smaller communities.

I completely sympathize with the objective to keep Steem a place of quality material, a decentralized Medium is a perfect future for Steem in my eyes. But there must be a better way than using downvotes, because downvotes bring in a toxic mindset of aggression. When you upvote someone, you effectively downvote all others, but that does not create an aggressive atmosphere.

I'm thinking about the long term health of the internet as a whole. People are already to vicious and rude to each other, but thanks to Steem they will now actually be able to have real power over each other and abuse each other. The vast majority of communities on the planet will be the weak ones that can't defend themselves against large interest groups and better funded opposing ideologies. It will be used for harassment and for the creation of a two cities system on the web like never before.

This is also likely a major liability for the survival of Steem. Yes, I agree with the Witnesses that this will bring in money today, but it could cause the loss of Steem's tomorrow. There has never been a more inappropriate time for a downvoting system, because it is a form of financial censorship (I know no one likes admitting that, but if people are calling Patreon bans censorship, downvotes count too).

We are entering an era of rebellion against Youtube, Twitter, Patreon, Instagram censorship and demonetization. The downvoting system is indeed demonetization and that is exactly what the renegade economy of cryptocurrencies and blockchain are fighting against with LBRY, and other upcoming platforms. Steem was suppose to be the father of that ambition for social media, but downvoting is in every way a contradiction to the spirit of free speech and self-sovereign content.

If Steem so early sells its soul to the hopes of lambos on the moon it will pump, but then it will quickly wither and die. I'm sure the founders, witnesses and all current whales have good intentions with their downvote usage, but they will sell off large amounts of their stake when they can, and then the true bad actors will utilize this tool for bad things. Entire communities will rally to harass other communities, which will drive those other communities to fork away just like you see with Gab and Dissenter., LBRY, Bitchute, Akasha, Gab, Dissenter and many other networks are popping up to fight against the tyranny of the few against the many. Steem was a leader in that ambition, but downvoting is not consistent with that aim. Steem will need to decide what side it is on, because while the stakers of SP may not be the same people as are in control at Google or Facebook, they are still a small number of people giving themselves power over the masses. The masses are done being controlled, and if Steem wants to have a tomorrow, it needs to recognize which side its taking.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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Aren't content creators also taking a hit when their rewards go from 75% to 50%?

As I stated in the post the overall affect for authors -

Author Rewards
With the implementation of the SPS and 50:50 component of the EIP, author rewards percentage of the pool will be decreased somewhere around 42.2%.

The goal or idea is though that with the combined components of the EIP taking effect, there will be less spam taking rewards and more individuals curating (as it's now profitable to do so). Which could mean even though the author rewards percentage is lower, the reward pool will be bigger (less abuse taking it) and therefore the actual rewards an author receives will actually increase.

I believe these changes will take time to balance out, as with any changes, so I personally think we should prepare for an immediate decrease in the post payout we see. But to keep calm and let the system begin to take it's new form. It is my hope that over the few weeks after the hardfork, authors contributing positively to the ecosystem will begin to see their rewards increase again. This is the goal.

Yes overall percentage of the pool for authors will be reduced by 42.2% but the rewards pool will be bigger and therefore their cut will be worth more. That is the desired effect anyways.

OK, I don't really think it will work, but I do wish you the best.

how should care more about steem price? minnow content creator that gets maybe 1 steem per day if he/she is posting every day, or witness that gets 250?

Everyone who invests or earns STEEM should care about the price. Many have invested money out of their pocket and others have earned for contributing here.

Sure those that hold more have more to gain, and they should (otherwise why would anyone buy STEEM) but they also have more to loose.

But we all should very much care about the price of STEEM.

i asked the question wrong. if the price of steem goes up, will it be life changing for me with 2500 steem or for someone with 500.000/1.000.000 steem?
10.000$ is not really a life changer, 5.000.000$ kinda is.

"Proving a mechanism that encourages beneficial development and improvements as well as providing a decentralized way to fund it from a shared inflation pool to me is the way to make sure we all benefit long term." you seem to be missing that millions of dollars have already been wasted on useless projects, can never increase the value of Steem by punish content creators.

There is no punishment, as content creators don’t own the pool.. is shared by all.. and they benefit as much as anyone else. But with that being said, I am very much in favor of it coming from multiple places.

As far as millions spent by I assume you meant Steemit Inc.. that’s sort of the goal of the SPS, for the community to take it into their own hands.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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A tax implies you are paying something on money that is yours, the inflation pool is not yours or any of ours. So no, it’s not a tax as you don’t own it. It’s a shared pool made from inflation that is currently allocated to things that are supposed to return value. Reallocating it to something else that adds value is not a tax. It actually comes from those holding stake and if they didn’t hold stake it wouldn’t be there. So if you are set and determined to think someone is “paying” for it, it’s the large stake holders.

A couple more flags will not greatly change unjust flagging, it’s not a free for all after all.. and censorship implies you are restricted.. if you were censored I wouldn’t be able to read your comment. It’s not censorship, it’s an annoyance and unjust flags need to stop.. but I believe downvotes down correctly can do wonders, if they are used.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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I don’t feel your sources actually confirm what you are trying to say, but we can definitely agree to disagree. And no the goal of the downvote pool is not to downvote people like you, that response is quite ridiculous. The goal here is to improve Steem, we are all in this together and this post is the place for us all to openly discuss. I understand and respect your concerns and am doing my best to ensure the community’s concerns are heard by those making the decisions currently.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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Honestly, if you had to do it to a group, authors were likely the best choice. If you cut the "interest" category it could severely hinder the delegation economy. If you cut curators then what would be the point to curate? They already get a small enough amount that it almost doesn't matter. Cut witnesses? Yeah, well, they need to profit, like miners, its crucial.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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Not here to shot the messenger...
Taking more from creators and giving to the bots that view the blog is not helping the platform... I 'll be on DLive...

Are you a bot viewing this blog? Not all curators are bots in fact I would say almost every single author is also a curator.. but I do understand the concern of this possibly adding to profits of bots in general.

Do those bot owners hold stake though that they are earning on? Do we want to get some sort of an incentive for people to actually buy STEEM?

Things are broken here, honestly I don’t know the answer but i think this is an important conversation to have.

By making downvotes free will their impact still be the same? We could be unleashing much larger flag wars

The “free downvotes” are limited so I honestly don’t believe we will see a negative impact to normal users. Sure there will be a few unjust flags thrown around (as there are now), but I believe ultimately the targets will be large abusers.

It depends on what you mean by flag wars, as yes I think if large stake holders start coming together to take down large abusers there will be some back and forth, but this is actually good for the ecosystem and will result in more rewards in the pool to be allocated out to content creators.

As I mentioned at the end of the post, I do think it will take some time for the dust to settle and things to balance out, but I don’t think downvotes will be an issue.

... but the large stakeholders are bid bot owners/operators and delegators. The argument that large stakeholders will use the downvote pool to flag bid bot crap posts seems like such a flimsy argument that I have a hard time believing it is being advanced. That is basically asking people to take action against their own financial short term best interest - which would be to not flag bid bot crap posts. Not attacking you personally here, I think you did a great job both summarizing the changes and presenting what the goals are. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who has witnessed Steem in action thinks that the large stakeholders are going to do anything except continue to support the bid bot economy. Do you remember the account that used to comment on bid bot posts with the totals spent to boost the post? That account didn't even flag the bid bot posts, and encountered organized flag resistance from bid bot money which killed it. That to me seems the obvious end game in any attempt to flag bid bot posts. The bid bot side controls the majority of active SP, so the bid bot side will win any flag battle.

No I know it’s not a personal attack and I share the same concerns and it’s why I wanted to make sure there was an open dialogue with clear communication for all.

I do remember the account, I need to go back and see what accounts crushed it. I was relatively new then so I didn’t recognize them, but I remember that happening.

What I can say is that many large stake holders (some bot owners and some not) who are supporting and pushing for this EIP know damn well it’s all on them to downvote or it all fails. They have openly admitted to this and have stated they will be doing so. Whether they will, well I’m a bit cynical. But what I can say is that if this does get accepted and they don’t do what they said they will then I will be the loudest pain in their side and will throw a public fit until they fix it our all removed. And that’s my promise to the community 🙂

I do support the unbundling and using others sources to fund the SPS as well. There are of course downsides to unbundling but I am still actively trying to push that discussion.

Whatever happens, I just want the community to be prepared and have a clear understanding. I appreciate your comments and what you do for this place ❤️

To me, this is the same thing as the bid bots that have a blacklist and point to the individual cases of plagiarism that they have caught, removed vote, and added to blacklist. It is a way to say "Look I am doing something!" while still being part of the problem. There is currently no shortage of SP available to downvote spam and abuse. Literally millions of SP delegated to that end already is sitting at or near 100% VP at all times. I have a hard time seeing this claim by large stakeholders that adding a downvote pool will exert any significant negative pressure on bidbot use as anything more than a smoke screen while they literally rob the poor to give to the rich by reducing the author/curator reward pool, decreasing author reward share, and changing the curve so that only a large dolphin/whale/bid bot post falls high enough on the curve to make the same or more than current curve. The change to the curve is the most insidious because it works in concert with the dust vote threshold - the chart from Stinc which you include in your post that shows the curves just flat out ignores the dust threshold. The beginning of that curve in fact is a flat line at 0 until the dust threshold is reached, and the new curve pushes the amount of SP needed to vote a post/comment above the dust threshold way to the right. Even a 4000 SP account will no longer be able to give any reward nor earn any curation by upvoting a comment, unless the comment also gets upvoted by larger accounts and falls above the new dust threshold. This literally kills all possibility of small to medium accounts rewarding engagement.

Can you honestly look at the screencaps below and tell me the problem is there isn't enough available downvotes to combat spam and abuse?

Might we be only giving additional flagging power to present day offenders; not mentioning anyone's dear old uncle by name?

Free or not, if one does not use them now they aren't likely to start, in my opinion. Perhaps flags should cost more instead of lowering their value.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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Thank you for explaining this in terms simple enough for us newbies to get it. My situation is unique; I do intend to produce as much quality original content as I can right up to and and even after the hard fork, but I'm not terribly happy with the idea of all my work earning me less, and I will be watching carefully to see if things balance out. I may even take "drama" week mostly off in terms of production, just to try out the new curation and observe the results. I'm willing to accept the premise that in the long run, HF21 might be good... but I will examining the proof CAREFULLY.

thanks for this, I needed a quick summary to bring me up to speed. You don't happen to know if anyone has taken a days worth of posts and revalued them according to the above to show the actual impact? it would make an interesting read. If not, I might try find the time to work it out my self.
Interesting times ahead.

what I would add is for people to remember, we are all on the same team and want good things for steem. Not everyone will agree on how to get there, but none of the suggested changes are being made with the intentions of negative harm to steem and its users.

Hey thanks! I’m really glad it was helpful.

The impact is exactly what I was wanting to understand as well, so we all could be prepared. I’ve brought forward a few posts to say “hey with something like this how will it look after hf21” and the overall thought was that small payouts of $1 will see a decrease of about half initially. Then the impact will throttle until it reaches around 16 STEEM ($5-$7 currently), where it becomes linear. Of course the idea is that if downvote is used then these posts would then see an increase but that of course depends on a lot of factors.

I’ve not seen a full analysis done and I think it would be really helpful. The unknown is scary, it’s always better to be somewhat prepared.

One concern on making these predictions was though that using current payouts would not result in clear data because voting habits would change entirely.

If you end up doing one please link me, I’d love to see the data.

I could live with the 50/50 change, I could live with 75% author/curator going to 65% for the Steem.DAO, but what is unacceptable to me is the 25% free downvotes. Downvotes are already being used for evil, and those doing it have to take a loss in order to do it.

That's a big no for me... That's asking for all the anti-downvoting people to fork Steem and remove downvoting. It is an illogical thing to assume that people will be ethical with downvoting.

Steem is not one community, it is designed to be the backbone of thousands of communities across the web. Political parties, main stream medias, religious groups and other special interest groups will use downvotes as a means of raiding other communities to terrorize and demonetize them.

Downvoting changes the atmosphere online. If Steem becomes hugely popular, downvotes will have the effective of creating a very negative energy throughout the entire internet. Upvotes for something is a vote against everything else, so downvotes are completely unnecessary. They are used as an aggressive tool to hurt an individual or a small group. Its bully tactics, might-makes-right, not anything good and wholesome.

If Steem keeps going down this path with downvotes the internet is better off with Steem going to $0. I want to see Steem prosper, but not if its going to embrace this downvoting nonsense. Its absolutely terrible for society. Currently, the wealthy, middle class and the poor can all speak with an equal voice, downvoting destroys that equality. If Steem were to grow popular and have downvotes it would devastate the balance online of free speech for people of all incomes. I can't support that world and any technology that would bring that about.

I urge the witnesses to think harder on this subject. This is a serious misstep.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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The idea is that since that is the group receiving the largest cut, that redirecting 10% of that inflation to the SPS would be a good place to start.

what is forgot is that 65% is shared by 50.000 (i have no idea how many active people are here) and that 10% is shared by lets say 100 people (but mainly by first 20-30 on the list)

It is no secret that we need more content consumers on Steem. We have great content, we need people to read it and reward it though.

and that will be around maybe 200-300 people? because minnows and new people will have no influence on rewards, especially on rewarding people that are not discovered by those 200-300 people.

The goal is for those large stake holders to now be encouraged to go and downvote bid bot abuse as well as self voting spammers who are removing rewards from the shared pool while not returning value.

i can't wait to see this. (as someone who never used bid bots and have no idea who really holds them i kinda assume it is runned by people with a lot of steem. also the selfupvoting spam is really problem of big acc because someone that has 200SP and is selfupvoting is really not harming the distribution)

also i hope that i am completely wrong and as this is a blockchain you will be able to point fingers at me till the end of time as a man who did not believe and was really stupid.

just want this HF happening tomorrow so i can just not read about it and continue doing my stupid nonprofit things...

Great post and explaining

I’ll answer this in short version and then come back to give more detail in the morning if needed, as I don’t want good ole Nathan to think I’m avoiding it.

Yes the rewards pool is split among a larger group of individuals. Yes witnesses make about $30k a year at current prices, which is relatively low in terms of block producers over multi block chains. Witnesses also have expenses and are solely responsible for producing blocks, the essence of the chain, protecting said chain as well as many other things.

In comparison, what are we authors responsible for? We make some content that may or may not be anything good and we collect our rewards. Many don’t even invest or buy steem, just gain and cash out.

I believe content plays an important role in Steem and I believe the community adds a huge amount of value, but I do not think the issue is lack of rewards for authors, I think it’s rewarding crap authors too much and not rewarding the good ones. I believe we are not rewarding the behavior we want to see and not rewarding positive contributions to the ecosystem.

If I’m honest, in its current state I believe much of the inflation is wasted on garbage that is pulling the price of STEEM down.. and I would like to attempt to use that for something that potentially could benefit us all.

Yes I think it would be the most fair to use a percentage from multiple places to fund the SPS and I will continue to communicate that request to anyone I can.

As far as content consumers, we need all sizes of them. Small minnows should be able to make a return or profit on something other than posting 4x a day at an attempt to make a $1.. there should be incentive to do something else.

Also, there should be some sort of incentive for individuals to buy STEEM and stake it.. therefore more and more people do it. If it is profitable for an individual to invest, stake and curate.. more people will, and that is what we want.

Because at the end of the day, if no one is buying STEEM it becomes worthless.

I cannot say what these changes will bring or even if I fully support them, but I can say what we do have currently is not working so it makes sense to try something else.

If it goes through, I hope it improves things.. and if it’s a disaster I will be very loudly demanding a change 🙂

I like the idea of no more HF talk too.. I’m so tired 😜

I get the concerns and I share them. My goal is to help share information as well as voicing concerns from the community. Please continue to share these concerns as well as reach out to the top 20 witnesses, as ultimately this is their decision.

i think no one is accusing you of anything, you just did a good job explaining it and got an exposure on the post so people write where the talk is.

how do we know the system is broken? well, for fuck's sake few weeks ago i was in the top 200 curators for accounts that have less than 55 rep. Me, with 2500 SP. I should not be in the first 200 curators of anything and i am a lot of times in photography and music.
I just don't see that this will change anything for the better for minnows and new accounts. my vote will be worth less on those new accounts, supporting people that engage on my posts will be not possible, and my below average content will earn 30% less.

No one that is for this change and has the power to influence it did not answer, what will happen to "small" accounts after the HF. Only answer is it will be great for everyone...
sometimes i feel that a lot of big acc here are like:

I would go even further to say that content is Steem.

Rewarding no-effort authors is just a waste of time. Over the long-term so are posts meant merely to move self votes.

Mostly agree with you. Just think that the clearer picture the overall community can get, the better.

Speaking of clarity, I believe brevity and truth often hold hands. Centralized systems run red tape, and as such, even if I were an attorney on retainer, I would dislike working this post. Not that I disliked swimming these waters, but I am not a retired millionaire.

Does illustrate how much people need to vent. It is FB'sLIBRA week after all.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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Again you are twisting my words. I didn’t say content and it’s creators do not add value, I asked what responsibilities or risks they (we) have. The answer is none. You can make content and make possible rewards, no investment or risks needed. It’s sort of an important thing to consider when trying to state that somehow witnesses rewards should be removed as “content is everything on Steem” ... as without witnesses, there is no Steem.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

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The comment you quoted of mine was in response to just that and it’s why I mentioned it here.

I will agree that there are some content creators who do create wonderful content and do not get much rewards, it’s why I manually curate and co founded a manual curation guild (where we work as volunteers) as I feel good content adds value. But I will say that a very large majority of content on Steem is made with little effort so no, I do not think it is the most deserving of the inflation pool, as I don’t think it’s contributing value back in most cases. That’s all I meant.

If we want Steem to be adopted by the masses, we have to reward content the masses can create. That's facebook tier content. We don't have to reward it equally with 'Moby Dick', but there's a reason we need to reward it: it is the content that brings the masses.

I'm fine with not agreeing on how to reward content, because that a subjective evaluation, and it's not particularly relevant to the EIP. The rewards curve, downvote pool, doubling of curation and halving of author rewards aren't for specific low quality content. Those are for all content. I see that without many users to create a market for Steem there is little impetus to push up the price of Steem. We have a terrible retention rate now, and HF21 will make that much worse. Pick any reason someone would come here, open an account and leave, and HF21 makes that reason worse. Low rewards? Cut them in half after HF21. Probably more than half because the rewards curve is going to lower the value of votes from smaller stakeholders in addition to the direct halving of author rewards. Clearly new accounts aren't going to be making anything from curation. My curation rewards are around ~4% of my rewards, and I do a lot of curating with a little bit of stake. Newbs won't have that stake to curate with.

The fact of financial manipulation via stake weighting means that 90% of rewards, author and curation, go to whales. The rest of the platform splits the remaining ~10%, and newbs without an established network get the least. The median payout last I checked was .01 SBD. Given that the largest group of content creators receives that payout for their posts, I'm surprised any of them bother to stay and post at all. Reducing that median payout to .005 SBD isn't going to drive higher retention.

The downvote pool may be the worst aspect of the HF for newbs. They might not grasp the fact of retaliation and run around flagging trending posts. If they do, they're going to be retaliated against by folks with more stake than them. That's just how Steem works. Newbs aren't going to just ignore that and keep on Steemin'. They're going to do the obvious thing and leave, pissed off.

Adding a tax shrinking the rewards pool is highly regressive and going to hurt small stakeholders most.

None of these things is going to solve any problems Steem faces, and all of them are going to make those problems worse.

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

what is forgot is that 65% is shared by 50.000 (i have no idea how many active people are here) and that 10% is shared by lets say 100 people (but mainly by first 20-30 on the list)

Exactly! response duly noted.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Or maybe I’ve answered hundreds of questions today (not even a top 20 witness), it’s 1am and I am reviewing questions to fully answer them in the morning.

Or maybe you’re right it must all be a conspiracy

I was actually a supporter of this until you kindly brought the geek speak down to a level I am comfortable understanding, for which I thank you. I will leave further points until I can construct a cohesive list! But this particular point that has been made is extremely relevant.
I was not criticising your silence, I understand you are the messenger and we all know, you should never shoot the messenger! :-)
Sleep well...3pm here in Thailand.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

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Thanks a million for explaining this in normal words. I've been so confused about everything ever since I heard the news. People referred me to your profile and this post in particular to find an answer to all the questions I had.

Finally I have an idea of what's about to happen.
You're the best :0)

You’re so welcome! I’m glad it helped ☺️

It sure did.
You've probably received a lot of notifications of mentions, because I've been sending everyone who commented on my post with questions about HF21 over to yours 😂

steem is not self-sustaining, that's the real issue in my opinion. you can re-allocate inflation as much as you want, but that doesn't fix the core problem.

I agree and in fact the reason I’m a big support of the SPS is I do not think the inner economics are anything anyone outside of Steem actually cares about or solve our biggest issues... but SPS gives us the ability (funding) to try to start taking on the bigger issues ourselves, rather than waiting on someone else to do it.

blah blah blah - as usual the hf will make the rich richer and the poor poorer - as it has done since it's inception - fortunately I already powered down my account - btc lept 20% and I made a little bit back that I had lost with all the previous hard forks. Good luck.

Yeah this is very helpful post to upcoming HF21. Su i wanna thanks to you for great explain. But i want to leave a comment about downvote pool.

As you know some individiuals or gruops have fighting each other. And we always see some little fight on blogs. But with this change on downvotes we can see bigger fights. Maybe it provides to much better content quality, but at the same time it can bring us new war gun. Actually this will be so dangerous for future of platform.

As you mentioned many curators will not change their behaviors. So many people on steemit will wait own whale to upvote qualit content. I have been for 1,5 years. And already many groups on this networks and already they upvote just each other in same group. So how can change this people behavior. Because already they created own group economy.

When you read all this article about new changes, it seems great. But this is just great for huge SP holders and whales. Many people will wait their miracle whale to see him/her. This is really hard way to all steemians. I hope i would be wrong about my thoughts.

But again thanks for explain. Have a nice day.

Steem price = 0.40 $ = 1 million power upvote = 23 $ = split it however you want it's no more than 23 dollars

If the price is 4 $ = 1 M power upvote = 230 $ = split it however you want, it's more than 100 $

Moral of the story: do preple outside Steemit care about the ratio? No.
Will this HF change the overall attitude? No.
Will it affect the price? No... Why would it.

HF21 or not - who cares
BTC is about 10x stronger vs Steem about a year ago
And Steem is ranked around the postion 65 with less than 10k active users @bil.prag by the way FB group for selling photo gear in a small country has 23k users. And psssss, it's not worth 100.000.000 $ ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

maybe we should move them here and let them fight about canon/nikon/sony :D it would help with engagement :D

When I called people from that group last year ("hey people, share some photos you already have and earn some crypto"), Steem was hitting 1.000 Million Market Cap. And it was just a beta version. I was 100% sure that it can't implode.

Seriously, it's a blogging platform, ok, they will implement some regular blogging options and it will be great:

  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • some skins and stuff
  • ability to interact with the blog as a guest
  • and possibility to trade/ monetize, add affiliates and so on

If that whole development costs 100.000 $ - I will blend Canon with some milk and drink it.

How on Earth they decided to fire half of their developers, how they decided not to invest a single cent in marketing, how they decided not to support a single Top content creator - I can't explain. It's not explainable.

I'm so sorry that countless chances are missed.
Now if you type to Google "steem HF21" - not a single result comes outside Steemit.
Nobody cares. It's a fact :(

send it to me don't blend it :D
i feel that they don't really think it is a social network platform, they just don't want to tell us :D

Oh man, I actually agree with you here.. this HF means absolutely nothing to anyone not already here, and quite frankly I wish we were focusing on more important things.

The hope I have though is that a funded SPS could actually allow us to do those things, hell maybe even higher a qualified management team.. you know, things that might actually improve the price.

So yep, I very much think we should actively be focusing on things that attract people, keep them here and raise the price of STEEM.

Some of the proposed changes in HF21 may bring a slight improvement, but there's a few huge problems with it:

  1. The responsible parties think it's gonna solve the most pressing issues with Steem. It won't.

  2. Reducing author rewards is non-sensical. I've been pointing that out many times - if the promise is "you can make money with your content", then it should be easy for users to do that, not by upvoting. It's never been easy to make good content visible by many people, simply because there's so much of it out there. This is not solved by giving more rewards to curators.

  3. Instead, it's gonna make things worse. Bots will be in a superior position to place upvotes with the best possible timing, so the lion's share of curation rewards will go to bots.

  4. None of the proposed changes make Steem easier to understand for outsiders. Why are downvotes treated differently than upvotes? Why do I get less than half of the payout that is displayed to me on my own post? Try explaining that to newbies.

I'll probably be sticking around with Steem, but I'm not at all thrilled about the EIP and HF21.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great well written post! Thanks.
I just put it here.

A serious attempt at repairing the STEEM Economic Improvement Proposal (eip) for HF21

I think we have alternative.


Yes I’ve seen the post and shared it as well. There are many who took part in the discussion and the comments section reflects that I believe.

Sounds like a lot will change but will it be a good or bad change i cannot say now

Posted using Partiko Android

Great explanation for us normies, thank you.
Unfortunately in reading the excellent discussion here I have figured out the problem if not the solution ;)
In our present level of evolution, there are always going to be crappy people seeking power. If the system gives an opportunity for someone to aggregate power, it will happen, and likely not by some with a conscience since that just complicates things really. If you want to see a system without nefarious actors in high places, you’ll probably have to build one without high places.

Even if we could eventually build a self reinforcing culture that is stable enough to withstand pressure from people who want more at the expense of the health of the whole system, I think in the beginning stages it will need to be either protected, hidden, or ignored or it will just remain an extension of the status quo.

This thread (and all the threads dealing with these issues that I have read) does a great job of illustrating the shift that we are navigating right now. There are a lot of people who are realizing that the competitive/capitalistic form of society we have been programed to worship and it’s fascist friend socialism are two sides of an argument that will never end in freedom for anyone. Then there are the pragmatists and the people who are already benefiting from the system as it is.

A system based on the social and economic structures we haved used in the past is what we are trying to break away from, but without relying on those same tired old ideas, (high stakes investors, roi, market manipulation) we can’t hope to flourish in a world that has yet to transition out of that paradigm...

I believe DRAMA will moon, so stock up!

LOL! I think this is the only predictable thing that is going to come out! Anyway, the chances are we'll intentioned... Hold on fast to something!

So to make it short you are taking funds from authors and curators and creating a fund to get stuff built ? But I mean look at the millions of bucks that where thrown away last year with no result and still no SMT. Leave it to the authors and curators thank you, at least they market and help the community grow.

no, the SPS is important. It will give developers a chance to get their projects funded and the community opportunity to vote on what will be funded. I don't have a big issue with giving up some author reward to fund that.

I have an issue with giving up author rewards to fund the SPS AND then getting the remaining rewards cut again.

I absolutely agree. I think the SPS system is ridiculous and controlled by a few. How is going to encourage external investment?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

SPS is not controlled by a few. Every single Steem stakeholder gets to vote on proposals, just as they currently get to vote on content. Sure the stake distribution isn't all that flat to say the least but this applies equally to the existing reward voting. To the extent that it has any validity at all, your comment is more about Steem in general than about anything specific to SPS.

Sorry, I thought I read 'based on Stake weighted voting' ........and the comment is regarding SPS and not content so despite the outcomes being similar, SPS is a much more important issue and as such, the comparison is false. Don't try and even insult my very low intelligence by making by trying to sell this a democratic process. A few huge stakeholders control Steem, simple. The larger the share, the more disproportionate the influence.
Aren't all these changes an attempt to improve Steem in general? If so, does that give it any further 'validity'?
Don't bother replying.

Yes the SPS will be stake based voting and yes the most stake is in the hands of a couple dozen people. Yes technically they could decide what is funded to a point, but I don’t think that makes it useless as most of those accounts disagree and will just counter each other if all else fails. Plus there is a burn post mechanism built it which pretty much burns the funds (good for the ecosystem) in the event that a proposal is submitted that is not beneficial or just that nothing good is there.

Honestly the original idea behind the community foundation and the SPS working together was that the foundation could actually take that input from the community and ensure their voices were heard in the proposals themselves. I’m hoping that still happens.. as while maybe the smaller accounts don’t have the SP alone, when organized together they have the numbers and with a foundation they have a very loud voice. 🙂

Plus there is a burn post mechanism built it which pretty much burns the funds (good for the ecosystem) in the event that a proposal is submitted that is not beneficial or just that nothing good is there.

Who makes the decision on which proposal is beneficial or not while the large stake holders are arguing over it? Will there be a committee or body that will handle oversight function on the proposal voting process?

There isn’t any arguing, it’s an automated system based on stake based voting. The votes decide. If there is nothing in form of proposal that the majority of stake holders sees as valuable they can vote the burn post etc.

There is a community foundation that has been in the works (@steemalliance) And part of the idea was for the human aspect (foundation) to work alongside the automated aspect (SPS) to balance and help the community’s voice is heard (through organizing etc).

oh that's cool. the community foundation would not be run by witnesses, I hope?

The Steem DAO sounds exciting. Though I doubt any of my projects would be considered, the idea is solid, and the fact that we have to "pay in" to propose the idea is even better.

As far as the rest is concerned, I'm not at all bothered by it. If I have to give up a little of my "reward" so that others can be rewarded so be it.

I actually think initiatives like yours have a good chance. It should show how it could add value to Steem
Etc, and honestly I think yours is something many would possibly support.

I agree with the giving up a small amount for the better of the whole community as well. In fact I will probably use the beneficiary option on posts to help give a bit to the SPS as well, as long of course as its working as planned funding valuable proposals.

I've read a few on HF21 and this has been the most informative. Thanks for laying it out like this!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you and I am glad you found it helpful! I wasn't sure if I was rambling too much or not :P

This post contains an excellent explanation of the EIP and its main factors. Bravo :)

Thank you, I appreciate that Asher!

yes Bravo!

The number one reason people don't curate more is not bidbots, it is the limited TIME in the day. Unless engagement is directly linked to payment, nothing is going to change. Link rewards to engagement and not just SP. The situation will be ameliorated. People will do what is in their financial best interest. If they need to do some curating to get their payout, they will make time for it.

A 50/50 split only has you adding more to the same baskets and taking it away from the people who are actually engaging on the platform.

And let's be real. The downvote pool will change nothing. There is no way a little fish is going to downvote a dolphin or whale regardless of the lack quality to their post. But it does mean that bigger fish can now bully little fish for free.

Please don't go through with this hardfork, you 'll be cutting our growth off at the knees.

Based on your response, I don’t think you read the post, so I’m not sure how to respond.

Please read it and let me know what you think, then I will gladly discuss.

PS I have nothing to do with wether the HF happens or not any more than any other community member actively trying to ensure the discussion about pros and cons occurs.

Yes. I read the post. I understand you do not make the choice. I was using this space as a forum and my comment wasn't directed at you. Sorry if you felt personally attacked or something. It was not intended. Wishing you a good day:)

No, not at all! I just wanted to ensure I could address any concerns I could or try to answer questions.

You have edited your comment though so let me catch back up...

Ok, so first thing I agree that lack of curation is due to time and cost vs benefit. Cost being the time it takes to curate and benefit being the ROI based on that. Currently it is not profitable to curate and it takes time.. therefore people do what is easier.

The idea of the proposed changes is that there will be a clear incentive to curate rather than just abuse to get rewards or do an auto vote on a known bid bot user. With all three aspects combined it will now be most beneficial (profitable) for an individual to find content that does not have much of a reward and vote it.

I did point out that I don’t think large stake holders are going to take the time to do this (or other non engaging accounts) but they could very likely delegate to curators or join a trail, as now those actions would be profitable.

The downvote pool is actually the only aspect of the EIP that I think truly can change behavior here and that relies on large stake holders doing so. Because as you mentioned, smaller accounts can’t take on larger accounts.. the big boys have to do that 🙂 and many are already working together to figure out how they will do just that.

Smaller accounts can most definitely help with this by doing the same to smaller accounts abusing etc. We all can play a role in rewarding the behavior we want to see.

Honestly I do understand that downvotes have been used to bully in the past and there is even talk of having more of an organized effort to counter that. But if I’m honest I don’t feel this problem is as big as people make it, and I say that as someone who was bullied with flags for weeks (1000’s of them).

I believe we need an overhaul in the culture of downvotes and the only way to do that is to begin using them correctly.

I hope that helps. My goal is not to change everyone’s opinion or sell them on an the idea, just rather try to explain the ideas behind it so everyone can make an informed decision.

Thank you, Justine.

I think the editing was done after you read my comment but before I read yours. I often comment and then reread because I find the little boxes hard to edit on. You came back quite quickly and so I think this was probably the case.

I understand the reasoning behind the HF but I remain unconvinced that it will have the desired impact. If I am upvoting my own comment with high SP or I am a bid bot owner, do I not still get the Lion's share of curation? This is where I am not seeing the connection between the goal and outcome. Have I missed something with the rewards curve? That is definately possible.

To downvoting. I have dealt with far too many trolls to feel confident there. And to have your post downvoted after you have poured your heart into it. That is a large price to ask a minnow or redfish to pay. And may scare off a lot of people.

I think there is a better way but it would require rethinking the system. We have those useless rep scores, that so many people have botted to obtain. I think we should scratch them and instead have an engagement score and this score should be linked to payout. You can't get the full payout, unless you have a perfect engagement score. Everytime you upvote yourself, the score drops. Everytime you upvote a new account or comment, the score increases. We could stop worrying about bid bots because even if you have botted, you still have to engage to obtain the payout. Bot owners investement would be protected because we don't want them fleeing the blockchain either.

Large SP holders would only have to upvote and respond to comments and smaller fry would have to swim around and read, comment, and vote on more people to build their blogs. We could strike a much better balance between work, investement, and reward. And we could stop worrying about punishing the spammers. Because if they didn't in the very least support those that commented and upvoted on their spam, they would receive no reward.

No punishment but no reward without contribution.

Yes the most definitely was the case. I had it pulled up and had responded quickly and then when replying realized your comment was longer and wanted to ensure I read it first before continuing. I also am a read over and editor 🙂

If I am upvoting my own comment with high SP or I am a bid bot owner, do I not still get the Lion's share of curation?

For those self voting they already get 100% (both author and curator parts of their vote) so nothing changes for them in that aspect. That’s why the downvote pool is being included, as while you can give someone an incentive to curate with potential profit, if they make more just spamming and upvoting themselves then why would they do anything else? So self voters would only be discouraged by individuals actively using the downvotes.

As far as the ranking, rep and changing to more of a engaged platform by rewarding those who do so, I most definitely agree but don’t think the system you described can be acquired on a DPOS system as a whole.

This could most definitely be done with communities though that have their own “rewards” system and SMTs or tokens and I believe we will see that soon.

I believe this currently would even be possible through something like Scottbot and a Steem Engine token. It just has to be designed and made.

I do believe that we do need to better reward positive contributions to the chain and that’s why I am constantly spouting about “reward the behavior you want to see!” As I think if the behavior you described was what was rewarded, more and more would do it. Currently, we reward a lot of shit, so we get more shit 😕

Those that work the system do seem to get the bulk of the reward. That is so true. Appreciate your response and time. Thank you:)

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

It has been determined that you are trash, therefore, you have received a negative vote.

PLEASE NOTE: If you engage with the trash above you also risk receiving a negative vote on your comment.

Many sites all over the internet also have authors not being paid for their work. Curators here are essentially investors and being rewarded on an investment by contributing through curating beneficial content is sort of part of the appeal here... just like posting valuable content and being able to possibly earn a reward. If reward incite profiteering then that’s all rewards, not just one groups.

I think emojis and other ways to interact would be a great way to begin to have a culture not solely obsessed with rewards, but we aren’t there yet.

woow! Lots of people in here!! Your most commented post?

Yes, I believe so. 🙂 Hard to answer them all!


What a highly informative post @justineh! great to have such quality on steem!

Thank you Matt ❤️ that’s very kind.

Thanks for taking the time to detail the proposal; also I note your effort to declare any conflict of interest in your intro - love it!.. However you have missed out several (possible as they seem obvious) which are inherent to us all under the current governance system - for instance you will receive a dividend from curation or post as a share holder, the larger the holder the greater the conflict - you will never remove these types of conflicts with these 'tweaks'. Declaring interest and transparency is a good first step to finding an improved governance solution - Steem could really moon if you guys keep working on your awareness on governance and honestly examining this and all our roles in it..As I have studied this at university I could help a witness if they reached out and I've had enough coffee - I have a few experimental theories I have developed watching Steem closely now for a couple of years :)

For HF21 I have some concerns like @carlgnash -- I'm running heavy on coffee so my brain is a cloud to get deep, so I'll just say I accept HF21 - lets go for it!!

In the end we have the systems we have today and if the witnesses decide this is where we want to go, we will support and try to make it work for the benefit of Steem.

If I could just have one wish - pls set some measurable objectives and a reasonable time frame to achieve (watch and report often) using pre-determined success measures, i.e. report honestly with facts how it goes and share it transparently with all - if the update doesn't work, be prepared to move quickly to HF22

My head hurts due to lack of sleep but I'd try to go deeper because I love Steem :) - This means call out some worse case scenarios - so lets say objective one is to reduce all bidbot unfavourable rewarding by 10% in first 20 days and see a reduction of a further 1% each day. Sweet as, what webpage can i visit to see how HF21 is going on that objective - it would be heaps good.

Cool think about how you take a measure now before and a measure after. Then report to all of us how we went on that objective..did it go well, did it go bad - tell us if its going really bad and that exit strategy is to be engaged, etc.

It's actually ok for it to go bad, if you have done reasonable due diligence. I actually don't mind mistakes if we learn from them.

I wish us all the best with coming HF21 and my fingers are crossed. I still feel strongly the issue isn't one of 'abusers'; I don't see any here - just Steemians all trying to make a buck and great platform that is free to allow people to try different things to achieve that..I see the problem more of one of inherent conflict of interest, like the dividend shareholder example I gave above. Hope this all makes sense - Thanks again for such an informing post - sleep for me :)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)


Stake weighted voting decides what proposals receive funding

and DAO is an oxymoron. Stake-distribution is the very opposite of decentralized. It makes no Sense to have a stake based voting when there is no equilibrium.

For people who know some math:

wealth distribution curves

they are near to total inequality

decentralization vs. centralized bullshit

Ralph Merkle (the crypto guy Merkle trees are named after) actually wrote a paper on DAOs and why they need to be democratic...but hey what does this old guy know. BTW the paper is peer-reviewed by Buterin, Hoskinson, and others lel

You’re on a DPOS blockchain.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This does not change the laws of math and physics...The term delegated refers to the set of block-producers and has nothing to do with the stake. Its a combination of two distinct mechanism as a compromise according to the scaleability trilemma. Anyways thank you for your explanation

I was referring to your comment about how it makes no sense for stake based voting, when you are on a Delegated Proof of Stake platform.. by design, stake makes decisions.

Excellent explanations.

Thank you, I really appreciate that. Also, thank you for letting me pick your brain and debating me to no end. It allowed me to at least understand the desired effects.

My biggest complaint is this, as a content creator/author (Photographer), I will ahve less incentive to create.

Now, I understand that this may spur more curation, but, with less creation going on, at some point, taken to a logical, if extreme example... what will curators be curating, if the content is gone?

I would be willing to bet this will push even more users and content creators off this platform, if EIP goes into effect.

Very well explained, thank you very much. You should be on the communication team. The way I fee about it all, damned if we do, damned if we don't. So might as well try the EIP . I was on the fence about this all, but things cannot remain the same if steem is to evolve. Yup, shvt is gonna get fugly but we shall see a new culture birthed from the flames. It will eventually cool down and be just steeming right.

I start to feel real negativity with this hard fork and I believe it will not be accepted in the current form.

Posted using Partiko Android

I personally believe the majority of negativity is due to a lack of communication and therefore understanding. It's normal for individuals to be upset about any change that they feel may negatively affect them in one way or another. If an individual has a clear understanding of something and the actual goals, in my opinion that may cut down on negativity. That was my hope for this post anyways. Time will tell.

You might be good in politic and play well with the words. The HF21 is not beneficial for most people in the current form and might create more damage than benefit!

Very informative.

I just wrote my own post where I get lost in thought trying to see how they will all fit together.

Individually, not so bad. Combined a potential disaster.

I suspect our voting power will be decreased by over half. We will be forced to curate. Whales will likely still be immune to downvotes.

We will see a platform where the same people get huge payouts over and over again while everyone else banks secretly off curation hard to notice schemes, or hardly at all.

Ok, content creators have been reduced from 75% to 65% in the rewards pool calculation, then they are further shopped down from 75% of the post payout to 50%... Let's see if this really encourages content creators to use this platform. I thought that preventing spam was a task for which Resource Credits were created for. I am really doubtful that this will encourage content creators, whales already have proven they just don't care, top witnesses are more than happy since they have a budget of 30k $ worth of steem at current prices while nodes costs are around 5k $ (aggroed's figures).

Hopefully I'm wrong and all this ends as a good change for the platform we all love.

Best regards.

You can't take the hf numbers and use them for the current post rewards, that's not how it works because we have to expect some changes in voting behaviours.

I am sure if an author only gets upvotes from bid bots then he will earn less after the hf. If an author produces good posts and allready gets a good amount of votes then he will get even more votes after the hf. Will these votes will be enough to fill up the 75%->50% reduction? Nobody can tell for sure but many ppl forget that an author can also vote and benefit from the change of the curation rewards so we have to look at the whole system.

Posted using Partiko Android

I truly hope you're right on that one, a social media platform success is not build be the quality work of a few hundreds of great content creators but in the few millions of regular users who engage on that platform on a daily basis... Steem offers a (not so unique) opportunity to monetize your content and your engagement without middle men. If that is Steem Unique Selling Proposition I don't see how this proposal will boos the ability for the many thousands of average users to boos their ability to improve their income from their usage of the platform (gaming, working out, sharing personal photos, commenting, etc).

The way I see things unfolding will benefit a few at the cost of the many. In social media business this is not a good direction to take specially when competition such as voice, whaleshares and Facebook's Libra are that close.

Thank you for your feedback, I really hope this hf results in a positive change for us all.

Best regards.

I'm against this EIP cutting author's rewards who take time to make a content to give to bots basically, whales will not curate they will just run bots and profit like passive income this will not bring people to read and content creators will leave.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I’m sort of against authors who take 2 mins to make a crap post on sharetosteem taking from the reward pool 🤷🏻‍♀️ But then again it’s a shared pool.

Everyone who gives out an upvote is a curator.. so yes while authors may see a decrease on one side, they will actually gain when they curate as well. Most authors do both, don’t they?

I would say we have quite a few using Steem as passive income, some have actually invested their own money, and others have not. I think both can be bad if value is not returned in some way.

I do understand your concerns and the goal here was to open a dialogue so everyone could voice them.

Very good post, But to be more clear this should be seen as an investment by the community. This will help secure the chain and allow us to get forks out quicker and add features we feel we would like to add.

As for the investment of inflation, most of this will likely be paid by bots and whales since they already get a large amount of the payout. The average users will pay little in comparison to the whales and bots who will need to pay there fair share to the development of the chain instead of only bleeding the chain.

Many people complain about steemit taking to long to do things as well. This lowers this dependency and will hope our chain to become more competitive instead of slowly losing its ranks. Steem can no longer afford to be the taker chain. We need to give back some to make sure we can secure our chains future.

We need to give back some to make sure we can secure our chains future<<

Witnesses included in my opinion.

MIRA seems to have opened the door to further decentralize the governance process. Twenty-one is just a hard coded number, more or less, in my opinion.

What seems more important is a more decentralized mining process affecting the distribution of STEEM rewarded through mining.


I unvoted almost all of them. They could show good intent with just a 1% cut.

Great content but your writing style annoys me a bit 2 comments on that:
a) After reading your comment i had the feeling waaaay to much fluff like introduction to long, a lot of disclaimers like : I am not writing this and don't get me wrong, i am not going to be like that. You have a lot of great information in the post, but after reading it i had the feeling 40% of the time i am reading to much "meta text" about explaining the text itself. My thoughts were often "cut the blabla and get to the meat..." Or: don't be so fearful that the reader will misunderstand you. Disclaimer are boring content is King.
b) for "i spare my opinion for another text you have a lot of own opinions in there". Everybody has a point of view and that's fine with me as long as interesting points, arguments are beeing made. And that is what you do great in this post!! But why writing lengthy (at least for readers you want to get a lot high quality input fast -like me) about: "Iam not going to give you my opinion in this text... because... and..." To then just do exactly that.. That was a bit strange to read.
But great information and good explanations, but to much self-excusing, explaining text in the text etc. For me its a very common mistake though. I often can't stand the first 2min of a youtube video, so much unneeded explaining and excusing and 0 information about what you actually wanted to hear...

Actually I have an overview not my true opinions. I tried to be fair and honest based on the desired effect of their supporting it.

As far as length and fluff, thanks for the feedback. This post was designed to be very extensive and include everything someone would need to know in a clear way. There are posts out there already with less fluff, I linked them for you.

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Happy that you took it cool - after posting i was worried that it maybe would come across as harsh. But thanks for your thx and the links...

I don't see why "interest" payments aren't abolished completely (they amount to nothing for most users, and large holders get their rewards through other mechanisms), and that whole fund be diverted to SPS. Lets be honest, the 15% interest from the reward pool isn't keeping investors around or attracting any new ones. What might is actual value driving projects being funded by SPS.

great writeup

Thank you!

What a wonderful explanation ! Thx a lot, I hope this will work, make the ecosystem healthier and eventually increase the price of steem..

Well first off, I want to thank you for explaining it in a more dummy proof way so I can understand what's about to happen. Also for learning the valuable HF20 lesson and testing the codes first.

I'm concerned about taking away the inflation interest pool, that was probably my main source of steemit income!😂😂 I'm just kidding really. I will still be sad to see it go but whatever brings value to the community with various projects and proposals in the long term. I do have legitimate concerns tho about changing the rewards to 50/50. I understand the motive behind the decision but I'm not sure it will really work out the way you intend. It looks nice in theory but we all know the peeps of steemit and they will find other creative ways to game it and it probably wont trickle down like some of you hope.

At some point there was some whales or other high profile user bold enough to make posts about finding great quality nobodies that they will never vote on because they have no potential for earning any curation rewards on them and bragged about voting on the high profile circle jerkers instead even if it was shitposts because that's what will make them more rewards. Can you see where I'm going with this? So now my impression is that for us the low earners that do not participate in bidbots, we are about to earn even less. I have doubts that it would promote honest curation as intended. I could be wrong but...

I get that's what the free downvote pool is for but lets face it, nobody is going to downvote their buddy no matter how they are acting or others risk a perpetual flag war and get their reputations destroyed to take a stand. Once again, sounds nice in theory but will it work?

Next on the list. Spammers be spamming Hormel Foods out of business no matter what the reward curve is because that's what they do, I'm not sure they know how to use the blockchain any other way. That's why bandwidth allowance was implemented, sounds like it didn't quite solve that spam infection. I would like to be like a whiner and say that if this goes forking wrong I'm out of here but I almost went into withdrawals during HF20 (I now know what a crackhead feels like without his fix) so I'll probably be here no matter what. I think I have come to terms that this place is fucked up and more fucked up shit is going to come along in the future and might as well just be here, have fun and socialize and adapt with each hic-up.

Since I already wrote a post on your post I will get off your blog now. I wish you all the best of luck with the implementations and hopefully there will be minimal down time associated(I don't think I can mentally survive another H20

Cheers! x🐞x

Thanks as always 😊🙏🏽

Posted using Partiko iOS

Book marking and sharing with posse. Cheers love. Still digesting and forming opinion..

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome! Let me know if you have any other questions or if I need to clarify any of my ramblings. <3


A wonderfully written and easy to understand overview! Thanks for putting this out there Justine. ✌

Thanks for this very clear explanation.. out of the many contents I see about HF 21 this one brings out more clarity.

I didn't understand what the curve was about at all, so thank you for that.
(I had left this article open in a tab ages ago, and just now am getting around to it, lol - that's why I'm commenting so late)

Brilliant piece of work @justineh

Seriously RESPECT

Thank you @justineh for your clarification, i will upvote you as a witness! Your post gives hope to steemians. Cheers 🥃

This post has received a 10.00% complementary upvote from @swiftcash 🤑

Great piece of work @justineh

Do I believe that large stake holders who have been relatively inactive or in "set and forget" mode will all of a sudden start manually curating? No. Sorry, I just don't see that.

You nailed it.

My strong impression is that in order for HF21 to be succesful, we would need more so called "whales" to delegate some of their SP to those who actually (manually) curate content. That would encourage curators to be more active.

Will that really happen? I hardly doubt so. I think most big players will "milk the cow" and will focus on short-term gains.

Also from my understanding - current non-linear reward curve will affect those with small voting power and will discourage those who actually upvote valuable comments.

But what about those just spamming and upvoting themselves?

Assuming that Steemit Inc doesn't support self-upvoting, then why wouldn't they simply switch off this button? My impression is that self-voting is being fully supported by them. After all why we should only be able (as curators) to curate content of other people. Why shouldn't we be allowed to curate our own content?

Some people are okey with it, others are against. But bottom line is that this option could be removed by creators of Steemit. And they clearly do not want to go that road. So it's fair to assume that self-voting is being accepted even by those who created this platform in the first place.


Congratulations @justineh!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 2 with 2250 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 1 with 129 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 2 with $ 265,66

This is really good hear!

See here's my problem, even before we get to other discussions. Look at the trending posts over here, yours included. Who got your article here? Manual curators or bots? If the answer is latter then how do you think things will change once 50% curation reward goes to curators? Lets be honest and practical - you are never going to wait for 10000 Oivas to come and vote with 0.020 voting power and give you 200 value on your posts. You will run to the nearest bot.

So let's be sensible and see how we are going to change a habit if the rewards for continuing the habit is going to be increased? Sounds pretty dumb to me..

Posted using Partiko Android

I will be promoting this post using the Steemium Promotion Service to ensure it is seen by those who may need it most. I have spent 100SBD to do so.

The trending page is essentially paid advertisement. I hate the trending page, but that it’s exactly what it is. The issue is not the ability to promote your post, the issue is the abuse of that promotion.

I personally think the only return from promotion should be the exposure and additional votes received and would much rather prefer the “promoted” tab to be our trending of promotion is the goal.

I understand your concerns and share some of them, please be sure to let your top witnesses know. But in all reality.. 50:50 isn’t really about the bots 🙂

@justineh, using Steemium is no different from using the bots directly, albeit the supposed monetary benefits.

Look, I don't have to look like someone on the offense here while you are in the defense. Because when the HF21 rolls out, we both would be on the same side.

I understand this is not about the bots but the change is going to benefit one tiny population of the Steemit community. The game is lost there itself.

I can go on and on but this is would be useless. Unless, I had some solutions, no point whining. 😊

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m very aware I used a bot to promote this post, first time ever.. and I actually stated I did so in the post so everyone would know that I paid to promote it. I’m confused of your point here.

As far as the rest, every single person who casts a vote is a curator.. so I wouldn’t call that a small few. Again, I’m not even a supporter of it, but I feel your argument is a bit off.. so I was explaining that the post was promoted, like most other posts on trending.. trending is paid advertisement. Not really anything wrong with that expect the stuff that gets promoted usually is garbage and normally there is a profit. As I stated, I would prefer to see it work like the promoted tab.. when the amount paid is burned.

Hmm.. I do have a challenge of putting my point across at times, especially, when I allow my emotions to get the better of me.

So let me conclude now. We will discuss more, some other time, some other forum.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You know what the powers-to-be should do, they should hold a poll with an open ended answer. The question would be what would you as a Steemian want from the platform. And let people speak under the comments. That will give the pulse of what newbies want. Or we may end up with a couple of really cool suggestions. Right now the biggies are guessing what the minnows want and hardly tackling the problem. And maybe such a change is what is required to power the resurgence of Steem vis-a-vis the dollar.

Well, this was my suggestion on a post from @abitcoinskeptic on HF21.

A good idea but for one teensy weensy thing.....

They don't give a flying fuck about anyone's opinion unless you've got massive SP -- which is mostly in house anyways...

And that's exactly why I kept saying that all this HF21 is all about whales benefiting more than the minnows. Don't make it appear anything but that.

Posted using Partiko Android

This was actually attempted when establishing the community foundation and sadly the community didn’t partake in much of the discussion at all. In fact many “question” posts as you suggested went with no comments at all.. and it was pinned on the homepage. So I do agree with getting the community’s opinion and this is very much don’t through sort of a “representative” style. I believe when the community foundation is established this will be much better organized and these representatives could actually be elected by the community.

What I will say is these “biggies” are not absent people who have no idea what minnows want, most are invested long term who are actively involved in the platform. I believe the biggest difficulty is that “average users” are looking for a revenue stream and “large investors” are looking for longevity and roi.. and sometimes those two goals actually conflict each other.. finding the balance where all goals are achieved in some way, and that benefits Steem, is the ultimate goal.. but that is hard to achieve.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

In Capitalist Markets, ROI works well for organizations and its board because the community forming the workforce sees a potential to earn revenue. So, I don't see why it should be any different for Steem. Or why it is bad. You (not literally you) are invested as a whale - great, but you still require the writers who join to earn revenue. Else, happy investing and do hire your own writers. 😊

I enjoyed the conversation. To be honest even I did not know when the poll stuff was put up. Nonetheless, looks like I am not as committed to Steem. Maybe, I should leave it to the real users and enthusiasts to share their views.

@justineh, Well explanation about HF21. Please allow me to translate into Myanmar language.

Thank you, and sure go ahead!


Thanks for this excellent breakdown Justine!!!❤️

Thank you Isaria ❤️❤️❤️ I’m glad you found it helpful!

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hash, hash, rehash

let's just get more people online

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@justineh my english understanding is not good currently my upvote value is 27 cent for holding a 11500 Steem power after HF 21
My questions please describe
After HF21 how much my upvote value will be if the price of steem remain same ?
If my post upvote value 100$ how it will split ?
i mean i am author my post upvote value 100$ after payout how much dollars i will get after deduction of curation reward and SPS 10% tax please help me i am worried

The SPS sounds PERFECT and I really hope it gets accepted and hardforked in. 100% upvote for this post, thanks for breakin everything down!


Very informative. Thanks for putting this together. Also, you can now fund the Oregon Art Community here. Thanks for all you do, Steemit!

More "hope" for altruistic behavior. I'm too much of a realist to believe assuming people will do the right thing without incentives...

Posted using Partiko Android

I appreciate your insights on this HF.
I started way back and have been reintroducing myself to the platform, and catching up on everything that's happened has been rough, so thanks for shedding a little light on this topic for me, as well as sharing your views.
Steem on, Justine.

Welcome back and thanks so much! My goal was to make it easier to digest so I’m glad you found it useful.

Thank you for posting this.

Really appreciate this explanation. Been reading a number of posts after watching @exyle 's video on this today but this was by far one of the more positive and "insider" feeling posts regarding hf21. Read the whole thing. Guess the steemium promotion service is doing work!

Thank you @justineh for this post. Somehow you restored my faith in this project. Feeling better now!

Wow! This is a very interesting but long post, so far I’ve mostly zeroed in on the new curation system. My goodness! You are so pertinent about the downvotes; I am not sure I understand the undiscovered gem theory but I hope it works!

Thank you for "dumbing" it down to an almost understandable level.
How hard is it to do a HF?
So the results can be monitored, is it in the too hard basket to do changes one at a time?
We would then know what worked and what to reverse.
[just the thoughts of a doddery old fella]

HFs do require weeks of coding, more weeks of testing and then the actual implementation. Plus exchanges have to actually update their protocol as well. So more HFs are generally frowned upon as they are costly, labor intensive and an exchange could also drop STEEM or be done for long periods of time due to it. So unfortunately that’s not really an option 😕

I like to break things down into ways not only I would want to hear them, but also how I would explain it to a friend. I’m glad you found it helpful 🙂

Many years ago while servicing the engines on the RNZAFs aircraft, where there were multiple items that could be the cause of a defect we would always change one, test fly, if it didn't fix the fault, the item was replaced, and the next item was replaced and test flown.
We were after excellence, and because of that, a lot of extra work was worth it, because at the end the aircraft was is as good a condition as it was possible to be. At the least cost of repairing items unnecessarily :
By changing many things at once you have no idea which worked, which made no difference, and which made the situation worse.

Common sense and logic are not qualities very highly regarded, in these parts.

Common sense died many years ago, unfortunately. The moment you can blame someone else for whatever happens you no longer need common sense. Logic comes with age.
Not that I am at all biased :-)

About 100$ has been spent to promote this content using Steemium.
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Interesting & Amazing Explanations...Congratulations ... you are amazing

Interesting & Amazing comment...Congratulations... you are wonderful!

I like and wonder so much your way of love to the animals.
I would like to say much more but my english is poor so blessings to you, your family and animals 🐆🐐🐕🐈🐎❤

Posted using Partiko Messaging

That was a easy straight forward read and i understood it. Thank you :)

Some crazy days ahead. Now I'll also nail go the woods for a few more days. Let's see the new world!

Posted using Partiko Android

Well don’t leave for the woods yet, there isn’t a date released and therefore no HF happening right now 😜

Thank you, a very well written and explanetory update, I now understand how this would potentially improve Steemit, we will continue to create content through this transition, our supporters love our car content, and if all goes to plan more people will find and enjoy our videos and posts, as well as little known content providers with real offerings.

Thank you once again this is far clearer, a new hope?

the 50/50 wont change a thingy about READING Content it only power this ones up which automated voting EVERYSHIT, because its sold ( the VOTE ) so why do you all think this will change the mind of this INVESTIONS... it wont happen... all it does is to give this People more and more power , and see when STEEM is going this ANTO ROBIN HOOD way... they will loose all, at first the Content writers / singers/streamers what ever will loose, because they will get less then now... so they will stop creating because less then less is more than nothing but its still less :( So this Math with anyone will get more, shows only a BIG one get the winner because he gets more for his Vote, but hes still not interessted into reading the shit hes voting .

SPS is one of this things i really looking forward but there im also a bit Afraid of, because in long term who will get this , its talked about paying to get seen... when NORMAL Users get less than before where should they get the Fee to pay for it, so in longterm only the big one are able to pay ALWAYS for it...

I love STEEM-it but all i can see this time really hard its only a way how to hold the small ones small and gain more for the big ones...

i read now one more POST about HF 21 but its one more post showing me they going a wrong way maybe im wrong or maybe im to small to see a chance for me and a lot of other small ones... ONLY the infos about HF 21 let a lot of creator leave STEEMIT and where is the efford?? Yeah, damn i cant see it.

All i can see is a lets take it from the creators and give it to the Leechers

Please, pretty please do an other post like this discussing the insights on the EIP from those who like me believe the EIP in its current form is going to backfire and has the potential to do real and lasting damage to the platform. You did an amazing job conveying the intent of the EIP and the reasoning as to how it could work if things go great. If you could do the same for the perceived and identified drawbacks and the reasoning of how things could go horribly wrong, that would be amazing. The EIP is a huge gamble. I really hope we are wrong in my fears and concerns and everything is going to be fine and dandy after the EIP hits the chain, but I really see no signs of any of the concerns raised by me and others being invalidated by basically raging flag wars.

You really made an amazing post here that provides a good narrative for the intent and hope. Doing the same for concerns fears and possible fixes could really create a balanced picture and the basis for users and stake holders to shift positions appropriately.

Further, with all the pro and cons going back and forth, and EIP pretty much set in stone, the biggest question remaining really is: Tell us about the contingency plan?!.

If there is anything HF20 showed us, it is the need for contingency planning. And so far, despite the many warning signs about how EIP might backfire and the soothing words telling us that it won't, because pretty much pretty narrative, there is literally zero talk about a contingency plan.

I will try to make a post with species of the SPS and how it will look initially after and what that means if the balance is not found. That’s a little harder to do as there are many unknowns, but I will attempt it as I do think individuals should be prepared for the changes, if the HF is accepted.

Just did a post describing seven different ways in what I believe HF21 (in its current form) might backfire.

Probably missed a few scenarios, but I do believe I've described a few ones that could actually happen (some are mutually exclusive). Feel free to use any of this in your post . No attribution necessary.

Your post is much better. It explains SPS but still I think SPS needs to have a mechanism where it always produces something profitable.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thank you, I appreciate that.

I believe SPS funding is being seen as a tax, and while I understand that, I feel it is a bit of a misunderstanding of the idea of the system itself. The shared pool is based on inflation and therefore everything that is spent from it is bringing down the value, unless whatever it funds adds value back to the ecosystem itself.

This inflation should then be allocated to what adds value and can return that value. Currently content rewards are receiving the highest allocation of this inflation. Is it returning the most value? Could it be beneficial to allocate some of that to a system that may bring in additional value?

As an example - if the SPS is used to fund a marketing plan that brings in additional investment and users, it has actively added value back to the ecosystem. Or if the SPS is used to develop a mobile app that somehow solves the onboarding and/or retention issues, it has added substantial value back to the ecosystem.

While I agree that a mechanism that somehow produces profits makes sense, essentially the idea is that this proposals that will be approved will add value back to the ecosystem over and above what was funded initially. If the proposal adds no value to the ecosystem, theoretically it would not be funded.

Also, there could be a proposal for a "burn" which would then just cut the inflation which increases price to so supply and demand. There are many different ways this could be used to put profits back in the system itself.

My opinion on the SPS is it gives the community the power to encourage these beneficial improvements and the shared funding to do it.

I do very much understand the concern though and as someone who only makes STEEM when I post.. I get how removing anything from the pool sounds terrifying.. but I also see how we need improvements here and I think if we had them the STEEM I currently hold would be worth way more. So I few it makes sense to use this shared inflation pool for just that.

What do you mean by profitable?

Exactly, the community needs to define what profitable should mean but if you're going to fund projects they need to be profitable in order to justify it. Otherwise what justifies it exactly? It's like a VC or shared fund run on votes but the whole ecosystem funds it so shouldn't it profit the whole ecosystem?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

It is ultimately up to voters. I don't disagree with your assessment that it should profit the ecosystem and that will guide my voting (honestly I think we could use a lot more if this when it comes to content voting too). I can't speak for others.

I agree. I proposed an idea over a year ago now to add metrics for content producers so producers could track certain things. I mentioned follower metrics, I mentioned sentiment analytics, etc. If there is going to be some sort of ad revenue or if bringing traffic is something worth measuring, and if it is feasible to measure which posts are doing what, why not?

Content producers need to know the impact their content is having and when they produce good content how many views it brings to the Steem front end website for example. Someone could write an article or put out a video which brings lots and lots of people to join Steem or discover the Steemit website but they'd have no way to know which articles are bringing the best results. I'm all for changing that.

In fact, I think it would be cool if content producers could get bonus revenue based on how many views they bring. Example someone writes a particularly interesting article and it snowballs or goes viral? This in my opinion should provide passive income long term for the writer of the article as well as benefit the website hosting it. How do do that though? Some sort of token with a combined chrome/brave extension?

Minimal =) I want to make love to the use of shape and typography! Resteem for you!!!

If it is aimed at getting more people to read posts, then I think with the change it needs to have the page count put back like the old day, so people know how many people have read their posts.
I liked that feature and used to look forward to seeing how many people had took the time to see my post, if they read it great, but at least they took the time to take a look at what I had writ.
I hope for that the 50/50 split will help more content creators and I have seen a decrease in posts on my feed and would like to see more.
good luck with it. :D

The page count was easily gamed but there has been much discussion about a more accurate one being implemented at some point. I’ll say it’s been suggested as a feature many would like to have.

I liked the page count, it was a good feature and I was sad to see it go. If they do implement it again at some point that would be great. :D

You hit the nail in the head by explaining this as easy as speaking in the 5th grader. We can now see how decentralized this chain by implementing the consensus of the majority of the stake holders

Thank you, it is probably one of the best explanation I’ve come across so far. Problem with all the other post’s is they are not written to be readable by people who Steem ecosystem so desperately wants to attract.

Well, the official announcements do need to be technical so the geeks can see what's going on.

You just planted 0.10 tree(s)!

Thanks to @fuadsm

We have planted already
8188.59 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 21548.94
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

... by people who Steem ecosystem so desperately wants to attract.

The question of who one wants to attract to The Chain has been on my mind since partaking in @nathanmars #SEVEN77 Twitter campaign.

So far, my conclusion is that one of STEEM's greatest strengths is its censor resistence. With the mass de-platforming of many content creators on corporate social media platforms, should they find their way and good welcome on the STEEM blockchain then eyes should follow in my opinion.

Morons! quit fucking around...You know what needs to be done!. Get on with it. Everything you people come up with is self centered. Get over yourselves, you ain't shit!

I don’t know dude.. my whole post was talking about how the !shit I am. Clearly you missed it.. there was clear documentation that proved it.. sources and all.

Thanks for the comment and feedback, I’ll go back to fucking around now 😉

Exactly! You are though... Continue on with the BS... Bra fing oh!

Much better understanding article and more normies friendly like me 😑.. thank you for the information regarding upcoming HF.

Posted using Partiko Android

You’re so welcome! And that’s what I’m here for 😊

Hopefully this HF will get rejected. This HF will make riches richer and poors poorer. The minnows will die.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm tired, of reading the comments!

@justineh Good afternoon. I Just voted for you!

You deserved it, and thank you very much for your dedication to our Steemit community.

Thanks for the lovely time.

I really appreciated it.

Hope you have an amazingly successful week ahead!

How does convergent linear curve work?

Posted using Partiko Android

There is a post on the @steemitblog that goes into specific detail of it. That made be a good place to start.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thank you! I'll check it out.

By the way, @steemitblog communication with the community is a little better than in the past but if anyone in the community communicated like that on their blog, they wouldn't get support they seek. Sometimes I see the arrogance or ignorance or both from tech companies. Maybe it's because blockchain engineers need more training in communication and storytelling?

I believe it’s just a disconnect from a mostly “normie” user base and difference of communication styles. Some would find my post way to long winded and dumbed down, and would much rather prefer the technical version. The great thing about Steem is that myself as a content creator can try to help with that, and Steemit Inc. even featured the post as they see the need for that type of communication as well.

We are a big, diverse community and we have all types of people here.. I do think communication with our user base is something that does need work... but the Steemit Team has acknowledged that as well and I feel they are making an effort to improve, or encourage others to fill the gaps.

Thanks! Yes, they are taking steps in the right direction, I think.

Posted using Partiko Android

@justineh you make it so easy to understand about this hardfork for minnows and thanks for taking initiative.

Posted using Partiko Android

I've never really paid attention to hard forks but you explained this one very thoroughly and without so much jargon! That said, these improvements sound very beneficial to our little ecosystem!

I actually agree your last part that Steemians should start to invest in Steem. In fact #teammalaysia tried that quite a while when we joined together purchasing silver minted in Steem, and at the same time encourage internal trading (trade when needed - to pay bills, putting food on the table, etc).

The only drawback I realised after a year's trial and error is that many Steemians in my community are grassroots and not all of them have the extra dough to invest in Steem, and part of the reason they are here too is a chance not only to grill themselves as better writers and content creators, they also were hoping to have this as a passive income.

So yes, investment into Steem is crucial, but we will need to expand our catch beyond traders and internally in this community.

I just wrote 2 posts recently trying to relay that missing piece that you concluded, and offered a possible missing piece that could strengthen the value of Steem itself.

If you do not mind spending sometime to check it out, I would love to have your thoughts on this.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Look at poor little @coininstant being trolled like the bitch he is by an automated bot. Jump monkey, jump!! Good boy.

its good

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment