RE: NWO*** MORE THAN A JUST A PENNY. Copper and ZINC and NICKEL and a new hidden way to raise your taxes

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NWO*** MORE THAN A JUST A PENNY. Copper and ZINC and NICKEL and a new hidden way to raise your taxes

in nwo •  3 years ago 

More than likely, the Lord of the Land, could not make "change" for a penny, so he pretty much had to give the last to start, as much as he gave the first to start... You're going to love U.S. Electronic Coinage...

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I can't wait to put them in my electronic coinage protectors so I can look at them. :-)

It will take 100 Decimal Cents to equal 1 Electronic Cent, and 100 Electronic Cents to equal 1 Electronic Dollar... One Electronic Dollar will have the "Spending Power" of 100 of today's Fiat USD's...