BTS of making music video

in oc •  5 years ago 

Few days ago I was asked by a friend to help him shoot music video for his band. I immediately accepted, and to be honest I was pretty excited in helping him and his band mates achieve their dream of making music video. Setup was just they with their instruments playing song, it will be in black and white. You will see final result when music video comes. I think we did great job. :D

Here are some photos that I took during our brakes and preparation. Lighting was simple, we just added a lot of lights to our scene, doesn't matter what color it has because it will be converted into black and white. :D




One of our light equipment. I mean, music video would look great even with that uneven lighting but they wanted to be b&w. :D





I also took some photos just to see how to place my camera so there is everyone in shot. There was also one more camera operator, my friend who had same camera as mine that took video from different angle. First we took wide shots of them playing, after that we did closeups and at the end some details that will be shown in music video when it comes. :)


Looking at the recordings and giving us thoughts about how it looks. They were happy with results which is nice. :D


I had to photobomb one of the photos. I put camera on timer just so I can make some funny reaction. :D


At the end, everyone who made this video come alive. We had such an amazing time. :D


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I totally agree with you. Too bad we can't do this, at least, one every month. :D

Ambijent je hit :) Posebno sam odusevljena sa zavesom i tepihom, bice to skroz luda kombinacija sa zvukom koji sigurno nece biti ''mekan'' ..Ili gresim?

Bice malo jaci zvuk, videces kad izadje. Bend je stvarno napravio odlicnu pesmu. :D I da, spot ce biti jos bolji. :D

Amazing shots. Did you do video?

Thanks. Yep, my friend will be editor for music video, you will be notified when video comes out. I will share it on Steemit! :)