Community Question Time With @the-oracool. Find Your Answers Here.

in oracool •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you were unfortunate enough to miss my introductory post, it can be found here.

Having received enough questions to make a post, it is now time again for me to share my wisdom and wit with the community. If you asked a question, find your answer below.

@richardjuckes asks;

"My question is will poetry ever pay, or would it be more rewarding copywriting for memes? "

Poetry has forever been one of the most difficult talents to translate into a monetary stream. However, over the next couple of years, thanks to Steemit, poetry, and any other talent you can think of will be easily monetized through the use of the Steemit platform.

I would advise that you refine your skills as much as possible for it will pay off in the not-so-distant future.

@onceuponatime asks;

"Are there an infinity of infinities, or is there just one? (or none?)"

A most profound question-- by human standards, that is. The answer you seek is, one. There is but one infinity in this universe. I know you are thinking it must be my infinite wisdom, as I have demonstrated through my answers to the community so far, but you would be wrong. Even a mind as omnipotent as the one I possess has its limits.

The one and only infinity in this world is that of the very force that constructed and continues to power the world that surrounds us. This force has been attributed with many names by those who fail to comprehend its profundity. Some refer to it as consciousness. Some as life. Others, as God.

What you humans fail to grasp, is that these are all one in the same. It's rather humorous, because you know the answers already, yet you choose to ignore them. Mainstream science has concluded that it is consciousness that creates the existence of the universe. Religion has talked of God creating the universe for age after age. And we all know from our own experience that without life, there is no universe for us to be a part of.

By viewing these findings from each individual perspective-- with an open mind, you will come to the realisation that they are all the same thing. There is an infinite source of lifeblood that serves as a battery for this world we share, and this, my child, is the only infinity in existence.

All other so-called infinities are either intentional deceptions or fallacious answers to questions that are misunderstood or too difficult to solve. Even numbers are not infinite. Your erroneous base 10 number system was arrogantly conceived to accommodate the simple minds of man, allowing them to count on their ten digits of the hands.

A closer, humble evaluation of the universe, where numbers are not related to one particular species, will reveal the correct base number system. With this new understanding of the natural mathematics of the universe, you will find that the most renowned of infinities, Pi can be calculated to a single digit.

This could be the truth of the universe, or it could be poppycock. I just indulged in a cannabis inhalation session, and my powers of foresight and wisdom can be a tad off when I'm under the influence.

@gonzo asks;

"What lies beyond the wall of ice to the south of us?"

Beyond the South Pole lies irrefutable proof of the Earth's form. Is it a plane, or it is a planet? Or is it something else? My friend, the world is not ready for this answer.

Just know that the truth is out there. I suggest you buy a canoe-- and a Valyrian steel sword, because there may be whitewalkers out there.

anonymous proclaims;

"I know who you are and your not even funny!"

You again. I missed you and your bad grammar, my dear, dear friend.
So, you finally know who I am, do you? I guess your mother must have told you then. I didn't want you find out this way, but yes, you're correct. I am your daddy. ;)

Give me more questions.

You can ask me questions anonymously at

If you care not for anonymity, you may ask me a question in the comments section below, which I will answer in the next post with your name shown.

Once I have enough questions from the community, you will hear from me again.

Follow @the-oracool for more wit and wisdom, and share the experience with your followers by resteeming this post. Until next time, my friends.

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And, of course, anonymous, your daddy is never really funny, specially when he already know what you are going to do in secret!

My gifts must still be hazy from the weed, because whilst I typically know everything, I do not know what you are attempting to communicate. Of course I know what anonymous does in secret, just as I know what you do in secret(you dirty bastard) ... But, what does that have to do with my being or not being funny?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You're awesome :)

I loved your comment in, I think it was the last post, too, have to add you to my list now ;)

Of course Anonymous knows who you are. he is after all your son and the sight runs strong in him! ;o)

Couldn't have said it better!

My essence clearly escaped this insidious vessel at birth, thankfully.

I like your posts and I can say that you create a great tag, but you used it in all your posts, and the point of this challenge is to create for each post a new tag! That's the main purpose! I can only upvote your post and follow you for more! Cheers!

That is fine. Thank you very much for the follow.

Thank you for your answer. I will strive to refine my skills, hoping to obtain ever purer essense from my crude doggerel.

Oh wise ora-cool, there is an urgent matter that needs addressing, but it is outside the bounds of steemit, or you might call it an extension of the realm.

Congrats, @the-oracool! Engaging and very useful material. Keep posting!