One Thousand Coin is a STore of Value 1000 max supply low supply economic experiment. We will have an immutable smart contract like EOS SOV by signing over our permissions to EOSIO BPs via eosio.savings account and thus no one will ever be able to issue anymore than 1000 max supply
You can see the smart contract here on EOS and withdraw to EOS OTC for 1% gateway fee from steem.
Deposit with sending OTC on EOS to steemenginex account with memo "OTT steemaccount"
Here is how you withdraw , sending to @eos-peg and memo "OTC eosaccount"
Now Here we are issuing remaining 500 tokens for the airgrab account on EOS thousandcoin smart contract account
And History Is Made
We will soon be listing on Newdex and have a lot of traders ready to get their share. They have even mentioned a target price of 1 BTC and with only 1000 tokens this seems possible one day with the right referral and bounty program.
1% of supply of 10 tokens will be reserved for telegram bounties the first month of launch in 0.1 pieces
1% of tokens of 10 tokens will be reserved for steem bounties in 0.1 pieces
2% of supply or 20 tokens are reserved for 200 SOV top token holders
Smart COntract Airgrab is being worked on by @ratzen and Gavin from SOV is helping us immensely come to SOV telegram heer for some free SOV tokens for steem users
500 OTC have been issued for the Air Grab for EOS genesis account holders, around 200,000 getting 0.0025 OTC each is one possible distribution, or I may do only 100,000 or first 50,000 EOS genesis accounts to claim.
Here is the Total Supply now on the EOS smart contract
So remember we will airgrab to EOS Genesis account holders
Come to the OTC telegram here: