Fasting day

in paleo-trail •  7 years ago 

As an addition to the Paleo diet with intermittent fasting (16 hour fasts) I have decided to throw in a couple of 24 hour fasts.

For those who are about to say that fasting is bad for you, thanks for your concern and maybe you want to check the updated information on that.

So the last time I had any food was last night at 8pm. I went to sleep at about 1:am and woke up at 9:am. What I have had is water and vitamins. Checking my blood pressure, the systolic was low normal but the diastolic was a little high. I checked blood glucose which was normal and ketones which were near "high".

I did experience a little hunger at noon, which is when I usually break my daily fast. And I seem to be having a little right now, since I'm thinking about it. As the video above shows, there is a rhythm to our production of ghrelin (the hormone which stimulates hunger sensations). So I expect I wil be hungry again at 7-8:pm which is when I plan to break my fast. Unless I feel really good and want to hold off till morning.

Now, I am a meat eating paleo-type dieter. Which means I ended my eating with meat, and I will break my fast with meat. Since I was a vegetarian for most of my life and learned about fasting in the 70s from other vegetarians, that sounds like the absolute wrong thing to do. But in the last several years I have learned that it is both easy and comfortable to break a fast with meat. Unlike what I was taught, meat digests easily and quickly.

In fact, traditional hunter societies would usually fast during a hunt, and break their fast with what they caught. Since this often involved hours or days of tracking a herd animal, it was usually not an insignificant fast.

I did restrict my activities for the day, since this is my first 24 hour fast in a couple of years. But my goal is to increase my length of fasting and add some light exercise to the process. I'll be talking about it here, perhaps with more detail, as I go along.

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And my How to be a bachelor series

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You might remember I did a 3.5 day fast about 18 months ago, and found I was struggling by the final morning. I did another at the start of Jan, and found it quite easy to do the 3.5 days this time. So now I know I can do that long, and give myself a good reset, whenever I feel I need it. I don't think I'd go longer than that though.

I came back onto foods one at a time, to see what I might be reacting to. And am now Paleo and close to, but not quite keto: P 30% F 45% C 25%, IFing for about 14 hours overnight, which seems to be my limit at the mo.

I do remember that. I've done a lot of fasting over the years, but it's been a lot harder to get into this time around. I'm blaming the advancing age... But I've had good results with the I.F. as far as my health is concerned, I'm hoping this will do even more. I'm planning on at least once a week for a little while.

I'm reading a lot of stuff about extended fasting, and with my health issues, I might go ahead and try it. I'm talking about 10-20 days. I've never done more than 5 so far.

Ah yes, the advancing age :-(

Absolutely.. Fasting as lots of benefits both spiritually, and physically like help in the secretion of human growth hormones

Exactly. I have some age related issues and health problems. My reading suggests that many of them can be alleviated with extended fasting... we'll see...

Hope the fasting day is going/went well for you :D


Yes it did, I had a nice piece of fish a little while ago then some egg salad on salad. I think I could have gone overnight except that was not the plan.

Say, @ryivhnn are you still on discord? Or someplace I can speak to you privately?

Sounds ominous O_O yep still on Discord.


Lol, no, I had just tried to DM you and it told me I couldn't do it.