40 Hour Fast

in paleo •  7 years ago 

After the ease of my 24 hour fast yesterday, I want to move directly into a 40 hour fast for tomorrow.

Today will be a high ketogenic day, for the purpose of trying to retain the fat burning stage while I renourish myself. I had breakfast at 2:PM (my Intermittent Fasting Window) and have some excellent beef for tonight, which I will have with a salad using my home-made full fat mayo dressing. I've also made a few "Fat Bombs" out of coconut and cocoa butters, for use if my measuring doesn't show enough in the way of fats and calories.

Then 8:PM tonight I'll close the kitchen. All day tomorrow I will water fast, and then continue the fast until at least Noon the next day. I really think that is the most reasonable length of a small extended fast. When I broke my fast last night I wasn't really hungry, but nonetheless I had a big meal just a few hours before bed. Just because I said I would fast for 24 hours. That seems silly.

Here is a short video which quickly describes what I am doing this for -

All images from pixabay or the original author unless otherwise noted.
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That's a nice video explaining autophagy. He point out fasting and intermittent fasting as way of triggering autophagy. Actually, intermittent fasting is one kind o fasting.

Autophagy are induced by fasting or low protein diet. The Nobel prize winner explain exactly, it's the level of protein from our food intake determine the autophagy level. Protein restriction will cause autophagy to speed up.

That's why you see vegan people looking young because they are getting little protein from plants. Fruitarian fast, juice fast all have the autophagy speeding up effects.

Over eating and over supplement protein will cause our autophagy to slowdown or shut down leading to high cancer risk, rapid aging and dozen of health conditions.

I only do protein loading on the weekend, the rest of the time I keep my protein extremely low.