40 hour fast - Half way through.

in paleo •  7 years ago 

I started this fast while forgetting that I had a lot of appointments and things to do today. But it worked out great so far.

I stopped eating closer to 6:PM yesterday and not 8 like I had planned. After my previous 24 hour fast I had two high fat, very low carb meals, one of seafood and another of beef. I also had a little salad and two coconut oil based fat bombs. Putting it all in Fitday, which seems a lot more tedious than it used to be, I came out with 85% fat, 12% Protein, and 3% carbs. Very close to what I was aiming at, especially given the accuracy of that method of measurement.

One of the appointments I had was with my Doctor, so I had her do a couple of tests. My blood sugar was low but good, 89, my blood ketones were high at 125 (which is good) and best of all, both of those agree, more or less, with my home testing methods. My Blood Pressure was a little high, 140/80, but not out of bounds of my typical 120/70. Could have been caused by the excessively pretty and friendly nurse.

Physically, I feel pretty good. I did wake up hungry at 6:am, but a few minutes later that passed. I also had a bout of hunger about a half an hour ago, but typing and editing this post pretty much distracted me from that. I was active and fairly encouraged all day, which is different for me. Also, I just checked my weight, which I normally don't check at this time of day, and I'm down 5 pounds from three days ago.

Well, I had typed a closing that said, "22 hours down, 18 to go" but then a friend came by and now it's almost 23 hours down. As long as I can sleep tonight, I've got this.

All images from pixabay or the original author unless otherwise noted.
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What is the purpose of the fast? Doesn't this slow down your metabolism?

The short answer is no. But the reason for my fasting is for autophagy more than weight loss (although I don't mind the weight loss).

While some calorie restriction diets can cause a slowed metabolism, fasting does not. Here is a short video on the difference between calorie restriction and fasting. During the 9th minute they show a study documenting that fasting increases your metabolic rate while calorie restriction does not.

It's a win win all round - autophagy, weight loss, no slowing in metabolism and (for me at least) it's easier to water fast than to restrict calories.

So true. I can feel the draw of habit wanting me to go in the kitchen when it's "time to make dinner" etc. but other than that I don't really want to eat. But when I'm not fasting, I never want half a salad or half a breakfast.

you are doing an interesting testing, I am not sure about fasting metabolism is a good idea... . If I put in my mind the Ayurvedic medicine chip, metabolism is combined with positive and negative thoughts adding to what we eat, etc... etc... i was vegetarian since 2011 and I tried to be consistent with my diet, I take triphala to cleanse the intestines during 1 month periodically and control my stress with yoga and bicycle, and my health is going perfectly since I do this changes in my life, not obsesive and enjoying life as much as I can.
I will prepare my next post about triphala benefits and you will be surprise!
Great post although you did not have time!
Thanks for share your experience!

You've totally got it :) Hope you were able to sleep easily!


Not yet, grumble grumble...