40 hour fast : So far so good.

in paleo •  7 years ago 

I'm actually at 42 hours now.

I'm going to eat in a little bit, although I really believe I could keep going at this point. I just got back from my weekly grocery shopping and I'm very pleased that I wasn't even tempted to buy any slightly-off-diet snack like Macadamia nuts or one of those 80% dark chocolate bars. That's been a persistent problem to me these last few months. I mean, technically I'm allowed, but it always makes me want more.

I did finally sleep last night, from about midnight to 3:am and from 4 to 7:am.

So I plan to break my fast right after I post this, with some soft scrambled eggs in extra Kerrygold and bacon fat. Followed in an hour or so with a bone broth and ground beef vegetable soup. Hopefully I can keep deep ketosis going until time for my next fast, which might be a 72 hour fast.

Thanks for all the comments and encouragement.

All images from pixabay or the original author unless otherwise noted.
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Good luck my friend! Impressive willpower.


Woooow. A 72 hour fast? Just to cleanse? Or to test your mental strength? ;)

I'm working to reduce my insulin resistance and fight aging symptoms with autophagy.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope it will bring you the results you are hoping for! Good luck dude!


I just completed 44 hours. 4 hours short from my goal. Do you have test strips to see your keytone level? https://steemit.com/fasting/@watermelonprince/48-hour-breatharian-dry-fasting-failed-at-44-hours

Yes, I have ketostix on hand, and my nurse has a blood testing kit for them. I want one of those, but I'm really too broke to get one just for curiosity. I asked you on your post, but again, what is that multi-strip you have there?