Egg drop soup with beef and broccoli in a few minutes.

in paleo •  7 years ago 

Except I ruined my egg drop noodles by trying to photograph it while pouring.

So, you're welcome... But you know what? It still tastes great!

First I took about a soup bowl full of water and bone broth. Look, my pan is already getting too hot while I futz around with my phone's camera. I really need to improve my skills.

I put all the spices that I wanted in my soup in the water before I dropped in the eggs, so that the flavors would cook into the noodles.
While I was waiting for the broth to boil, I stirred up two eggs, and a very little bit of cream. The trick with egg drop is you stir the just barely boiling water into a whirlpool, then pour the eggs in very slowly so the thin stream of egg cooks almost immediately and makes noodles. This is where I messed up. We'll pretend those photos didn't come out somehow.
They didn't look like what I wanted, but they really took on the flavor well. Egg Drop soup is a 50 year skill.

Then I pulled apart some beef that I had stewed earlier.

So I guess it's not really a few minutes, because to get stew beef to fall apart like this you have to brown it and then stew it in clear water for at least two hours. I usually keep some in the fridge.
That looks small in the photo but it's about a cup. Now I can just throw it in the pot.
I also threw in about a cup of broccoli.

With everything I "threw in", it made about twice as much soup as I expected. Enough for that one bowl and some left over. And it was so good, I think I will go and have seconds.
I might have to make a separate post on Egg Drop Soup, since it's so much better for you than grain noodles, and it's so hard to get right. Probably if I made it every day I would be really good by now, but I only do it once a month or so, when it's cold and I'm tired.

All images from my cell phone.
Please try my Future History stories - Enmity
And my How to be a bachelor series

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Looks good! Though I don't think I will ever master the egg drop XD Maybe a camera stand over your stove so you can either get it to photograph every x seconds or just do a video but if you didn't want to do an actual video for whatever reason you could then pull stills?

Good thing you made extra so you could have seconds ;D


Just got my mounting arm in the mail.

Yeah, I really need that. Lots of times I wanted to do food preparation instruction and couldn't get good video or photos. I need something that will clip to my phone and also clip to my vent hood.

Would head mounted work for you? (it wouldn't work for me if I did this kind of thing as I look around too much)


I don't know. I would worry that I do look around too much and people would get sea sick.

I really like your formatting. You made me hungry, lol I am eating dutch meatballs and broccoli right now!

It was good! But I fried up some hot peppers for the second bowl...