Brawlhalla's free-for-all Tomb Raider

in palnet •  5 years ago 

brawlhalla tomb raider

Lara Croft has found Brawlhalla

I was really excited when I heard my favorite reboot character, Lara Croft, was going to be a part of Brawlhalla. After playing with noone but Ada ever since I begun playing it, there would finally be a character I could switch to. Except I was wrong.

brawlhalla lara croft

Even though she really does look amazing ingame, Lara is a skin for Diana, a character I don't particularly like. Can't consider purchasing her either, because it's a cash item.

Even though it has no stats, it is very well done so it rightfully earns it's place in the special cosmetics store. Then again, 300 coins for a girl I'd spam in ranked and tournaments is on the cheap side, so maybe in the near future I'll get her.

Temple Climb

As a limited time game mode, Temple Climb offers the traditional 4-player FFA experience but in a very unique map: a vertical scrolling trap-filled levitating dungeon! Mind your jumps or you wll be thrown out of the arena by cannonballs, flame or spear traps.

brawlhalla temple climb

brawlhalla temple climb

Temple climb will only be available for another three days, so try it while you can!

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