in palnet •  5 years ago 

So normally I post pretty positive to neutral stuff. The recent announcement of Steemit Inc. selling to Justin Sun has me confused here on a number of fronts though so some of this may sound negative. I knew there was a big announcement today regarding Justin Sun and Steem, but I'm confused... sooo I'm fishing for feed back from you guys.

  1. Stinc. does own a large quantity of Steem, but they aren't the Steem block chain? Wouldn't we require consensus to completely migrate over? What will the witness response be here? Again, I'm stating all of this from a point of confusion.

  2. Erm... Is Tron a superior chain to Steem? What are we about to see here? Can Tron Scale or match Steem from a performance stand point? What are you guys thoughts?

  3. SMT's always seemed like they were never going to happen. But what will become of SMT's now? Are tribes and Steem engine tokens about to become utterly useless?

  4. What about Justin Suns relationship with Chinese authorities and government? Last year he had some rather problematic issues on this front. Will Steem come to rest in the shadow of something that will later prove to censor and govern it?

  5. Token swaps? What are you guys opinions here on this? What form do you think it will take?

Right, that's the main questions that have jumped to mind here. But the main point of this post is to ask your thoughts and opinions on the matter. You guys think we are fucked here, or that this is gonna be a good thing? Thanks for reading guys and keep on Steeming... while it's still around at least.

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I'm not sure what is going to happen, I see this creating more hysteria than anything else right now. Monday we may know more, but I would not hold my breath. Someone posted that @Ned is going to answer some question tomorrow, but if past answer session are any indication, I would not expect a lot of real answers.

I do not know a lot about crypto coins nor block chains, but it seems that the witnesses would need to be involved in any steem conversion process. Steempeak has it's own developers, git hub is open source, and I am sure not all the developers of steemit are going to want to march lock step with a new company. The steem block chain I think will continue. I also do not see that a splitting or forking of the chain will need to be done, @ned and Tron, can of course fork the chain, any one can, but the steem block chain will or should remain. I think.

I’m hoping your right on that one my friend. I’m hoping that with whatever happens we don’t end up on a losing footing here. Ideally it would be nice to see stinc fork under tron, air drop the new tokens to existing Steem holders on a 1/1 basis and we could have two options. One chain where we can access everything tron has to offer and Steem as a chain could be left to plug on with the talent that chooses to stay with it... I reckon we’re just gonna have to wait and see. Well.... at least shit never gets boring eh? Lol

Not to often, the speculation is going to run rampant, and I do like good speculation stories, so it should be an interesting weekend. Monday is gonna be one of those fun days I think, everyone waking up all hyped up to see what really happened or changed. A crypto hangover verse a I had to much to drink hangover.

Everyone is jumping to way too many conclusions (which is understandable), but we really don't know anywhere near enough about what exact deal was made and how it will play out. I really think everyone needs to chill until there is more information made available. It doesn't necessarily mean that the sky is falling. Either way, the blockchain will eventually become huge in the next 5-10 years. It is scary for people with big investments in steem for sure. But that's also why diversifying in these things is so important. At least if it goes under, we can all find a corner to cry in together lol.

To true. I must admit yesterday it threw my head for a spin. I guess it was due to a rumour materialising so quick into actually happening. But after giving it a good think I suppose it is what it is and we will see where it heads. ... I don’t like change though. At heart I’m already a the stereotypical old man who yells at kids to get off my f***in lawn. Lol.

I had a similar wtf when BTC forked even though it worked out and I ended up with two tokens. But waking up today and taking a look at it with fresh eyes I’m a bit more relaxed about it all. Hell, we could end up with a two token fork or the like. Worse case scenario we find that corner you mentioned on something like voice or publish0x. It is a big space and if anything this recent move at least shows that there is action underway in it. Better than things standing still I suppose. Today could prove to an interesting one though. Fingers crossed on it being a positive one.

Well that's how it usually goes around here. It always starts with outrage :P Not saying it's never justified, but there is always self-interest involved from different factions, no matter how people want to spin it. Change was always going to happen, and it will continue to change quite a bit. Remember this is an "experiment" (in their own words), and we are the guinea pigs. Depending on how it plays out, if in 5 years everyones wallet value increases by 100x, nobody will be complaining. And I mean nobody! Of course there are a lot of ifs and buts, however I really don't think they want to dismantle anything as it wouldn't be in their interest....at least for the time being. It will take quite a while for this to play out anyway. Just keep steeming like normal I say!

I think Ned just fucked everyone.. bareback

Damn sure looks it.... dunno though. So much can surprise the shit out of us here but... I have to admit I do sorta feel like your statement could be spot on. Well, whether we are catholic choir boy corn holed or not, there will probably be a pump and dump on Steem with this one.