Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Mindset // Part 1 // Peace Academy Curriculum

in peaceacademy •  7 years ago 

Scarcity Mindset vs. Abundance Mindset // Part 1

Scarcity Mindset

A scarcity mindset involves a deep belief that there will never be enough…..that there aren’t enough resources for everyone….and that life is a struggle…that we must constantly “fight” for resources.
This mindset results in fear, anxiety, and stress, which ultimately breeds more of the same.

Everything is energy, including our thoughts.
When you vibrate with low, negative energy, you attract more of the same into your life.

A scarcity mindset will not only negatively affect your thoughts and emotions, it can also impact your life on a physical and spiritual level as well.

If you are already experiencing scarcity, it is difficult to break out of this mindset, but it is possible.
We may not be able to immediately change our external circumstances.
But each of us has the power to change our external self…our mindset.
Shifting to an abundance mindset will result in positive external changes.

Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset comes from a deeply held belief that there is enough for everyone……money, resources, opportunities, health, etc.
It involves not living in fear and instead taking risks to achieve goals by reaching out of your comfort zone in order to grow.
It is living with a feeling of gratitude for what you have and what you will have.
It is giving freely, knowing that there is always enough for everyone.
Energy is an input/output system.
It must flow.
The more you give, the more you will receive.

Different Viewpoints Bring Different Results

An abundance mindset sees someone else’s success in a positive way thinking…
“Wow, I can be successful too.”
While a scarcity mindset views someone else’s success with envy and might even see it as their own failure.
As if there is a limited resource of “success”.
But, it is important to remember that someone else’s success is not your failure.
We all have the opportunity to succeed in our own ways

Another key difference is that an abundance mindset vibrates positive energy which returns more positivity.
A scarcity mindset not only attracts more negativity, but it can also create self-fulfilling prophecies and a victim mindset where one may blame others instead of taking responsibility for their own choices.

A scarcity mindset might focus on how there aren't enough common resources for everyone. An abundance mindset focuses on how substitutes may be found.

Truly woo: You're probably think that the external world is what impacts your internal mindset. I can't argue it. What I've come to accept is that this is a holographic universe and what we think and feel will be reflected back at us. Some call this karma and others the law of attraction. While many think that what you think is secondary to the world at large I happen to think that what you think and feel is highly likely to shape the world around you. That's a hard dose for anyone to swallow that isn't familiar with this way of thinking, but if you're having trouble with it start by running small experiments with an abundance mindset over a period of a month or two.

A simple experiment is where you constantly say in your head "I don't have enough of X" I'd encourage you to think to yourself "I do have enough of X" try to get a sense of what that feels like to you and then try to hold that space spiritually and energetically. This is undoubtably woo-woo land, but if you're constantly finding yourself in a scarcity mindset never with enough and you're unwilling to change your mindset or beliefs my only question is "how's that working out for ya?"

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Not sure if you buy into the technological concept of "The Singularity," but a few years back, the whole concept of "exponential technology" was taking off, and people saw each new technology (3D printing, DNA/genome mapping, artificial intelligence) as being "exponential" in nature. Meaning that instead of steady, incremental gains each year, we'd see 10x, 100x and 1000x changes each year. Anyway... a really smart guy named Peter Diamandis (of X Prize fame) built on that concept of exponential change in the tech space to describe a new world of ABUNDANCE. in fact, he even wrote a book about it in 2012 - - it's all about how all these emerging technologies will progress so fast and so rapidly that they will change the world of scarcity forever to create abundance. These "abundant" technologies will help to solve problems that have troubled humanity for centuries. It gives me hope that scarcity thinking will eventually change to abundance thinking.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hopefully technology will solve our interpersonal relationships as people generally are awful to one another exclusively because of our upbringing or lack there of.


Rich people have plenty of money but not enough time to let someone cross the street, I can see it!

Actually it segued into the town where they did away with traffic lights and the commute time went down by half and everyone was much more considerate and kind to one another, which demonstrates that sometimes less technology is the answer.

Scarcity is hardwired into our human brains. Just like fear and doubt. Truly we must make a conscious decision every day to overcome these deep rooted beliefs. The best step is to identify the cycle you’re in and when fear, doubt and scarcity are the strongest, then consciously program your brain to think different. This can be accomplished by a few well crafted affirmations. We can never relax because as soon as we do we’ll revert to old ways of thinking. You have to build the muscle memory and over time it gets easier and easier to combat our limiting beliefs. Thanks for the post! Great stuff!

IMO the first step to overcoming these beliefs is to actually recognize that they are there and WHERE they come from. Religion, Political rhetoric, social programming are a means of Control over the population. When you can break the spell and actually SEE them for what they are, the next step of overcoming these beliefs is much easier to take.

Hardwired is a concept that needs to be uprooted, and a stroll down feral child lane will demonstrate that we have nothing "hardwired" and are as malleable as ever on a "brains" level.

Ultimately it's all about perception, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, hence why pain is pleasure for some, why fear is courage for others and why doubt and insecurity is other's companions. Going to war with yourself is indeed grueling, so to flip it on it's head and to walk away from conflict is to accept and surrender.

It seems the hardwired concept is...hardwired! 😂 😂😂. Just joking with you. I totally see you’re point and yes most people choose to make misery their best friend. This is actually a natural state for the population at large. That’s why happiness is a daily decision, now today more than ever!

As my grumpy dad would say "What is there to be happy about?" LOLOLOLOLOL! Gawd why do other's suffering make me lolololol! (because punching their lights out hurts my handbonez)

An abundance mindset is a practiced habit. It also makes a difference with the background you grow up in. My family had more of the scarcity mindset and they were negative about success. It makes being around people who practice a wealth mindset and practicing an abundance mentality yourself that much more important.

I prefer the abundance mindset

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We can offer as an excuse that people do not have enough money to invest in the things we want.

Scarcity is a way of sabotaging ourselves without knowing it, knowing it is past its mold.

If you are conscious of abundance, you believe that opportunities are everywhere, always. You can repeat your success and success, you will have a more creative, participative and sharing approach than competition and you can successfully lead most situations to yourself. If you are consistent with nature and respectful, you will not get more than you need, and you will not greed or stock up.

I like your writing very much. It was an interesting story. thank you :)
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I think this idea is important, when used as a way of personal development in order to get yourself into a mindset of positive self worth and hopefulness, so that from there you can take action to achieve a better future...

BUT, it can very easily lead to negative outcomes for some people and society in general. Like should I tell a homeless person they just aren't thinking positively enough... someone in dire financial straits, a child born into poverty, and that's just the economic issues. Some people have taken this kind of thinking and act almost like if you have cancer or some other medical problem you were "vibrating" in a bad way and attracting bad omens. I'm sorry but this is truly woo woo and despicable way of thinking and has hurt so many people throughout human history.

I know this is not what you are saying, but it is a very worrying sort of idea that constantly gets proliferated and never with the asterisk at the end of the speech that positive thinking and abundant thinking plus positive action plus a healthy dose of luck is what it takes.

It's always important to remind ourselves that sometimes the good fail and the bad succeed. Not to put ourselves down and in a negative hopeless place, but just so we aren't tripping into Oprah's "The Secret" "everything is vibrations mannnn" level of woo woo bullshit (which, again, is very detrimental to individual human beings and society in general).

Sorry if this is a bit of a negative reply, but this type of talk always angers me (edit: perhaps I should say worries me or upsets me - more than it does anger me). Again, speaking about having a positive mindset and thinking in a more abundant way can be and IS perfectly healthy from an individual developmental standpoint, but unless you add some counterpoints I think it places too much onus and power on the individual to believe that everything is in their control.

...I hope what I just wrote makes some sort of sense.

I completely agree with what you've said here @thespacebetween. But I feel there is a subtlety in this that we need to really look at- and that is the difference between the very "New Age" thinking that everything is a reflection of ourselves/thoughts/desires- which quickly turns into the blame game of, as you said above "tell a homeless person they just aren't thinking positively enough" - and it's cousin "YOU are creating this reality", and the realization of the PROGRAMMING that is the CAUSE of "have not" mentality. We live in a "HAVE NOT" society that is programmed, very deliberately, for LACK. This is not a "choice" we make, it is a choice that is made for us by someone else.
As I said in a comment above, when we recognize this programming and realize that we actually CAN move beyond it.... that is the start of something amazing and new. And yes, even the homeless person, when s/he is given a hand up, regardless of social/political/religious programming, can move beyond this LACK . There are countless stories of "homeless" people making radical changes for their communities, doing amazing things to help others. In my opinions, these are the ones that are breaking the programming, and DOING something to create CHANGE. How? Because they change the way they think.

And THIS is the massive switchover in thinking, from concentrating on the foundation of "lack" (or negativity), to thinking about "abundance" (in whatever way that means to that individual) or "Positive" "optimistic" thinking.

Very, VERY well said, couldn't agree more:
" We live in a "HAVE NOT" society that is programmed, very deliberately, for LACK. This is not a "choice" we make, it is a choice that is made for us by someone else."

No, actually I'm pretty guilty of that exact train of thought.

The scarcity mindset by your definition is almost human nature

I think it's trained, but since we're not trained a different way when we start on this planet it feels like human nature.

Going by the way sound you obviously believe in the law of attraction don't you?

Humans have a bit of ingrained nature but much of what makes us us is malleable.


Great perspective..thank you for sharing ..thats def. a great question to ask yourself.

Very interesting topic!

Hows that working for you?
One question every one needs to stop and ask themselves as we all go through life.

Even those who learn to use the abundance mindset oftentimes find themselves in the scarcity mindset what we need to do as people is to make sure that we constantly renew our minds with the abundant mindset so that we don't find ourselves wallowing in scarcity mindset it's a dailly affair.


very intreseting! most people are trapped in a scarcity mentality, but the problem of scarcity is that it prevents you from seeing the abundance of money and opportunity available to you. This is the main difference of an abundance mindset vs scarcity mindset: abundance thinking allows you to see everything you could achieve

If you believe, you can achieve. I usually disagree with at least some part of what you write but you are totally on point with this one.

What you decribed as leaving your comfort,safe zone, is a fact in my growth, as a tree does as it expands, its going to run int many obstacles on its way to rooting a deeper base, but it cant blame the rock for being in its way,
It can and will find its way through the seeming impossible, thats the game we are all playing in my humble opinion, the adventure is about not giving into the miserable idea of lack, and with the truth, which is I will, I can, and most of all enjoying the heaven out of it...I heard Krishnamuti say, "for the gathering of your intelligence, one might need to find out where their energy is going" my paraphrase ...He equated intelligence with the ability to manifest a authentic lively hood, to to express our highest genius....your post is an excellent emanation to more beauty for everyone.


Nearly all coins are built with the scarcity model in mind in order to generate early demand for them, but it kills the use cases of coins when there are hard-caps or nearly hard-caps. I agree with what you say here, and on your stance that the inflation rate should be set higher.

The whales and witnesses on this website tend to want scarcity because they have the vast majority of what is already there, the tiny flow to the rest is not attractive enough to those in developed economies who already have plenty of ties on traditional social media, and might not be enough for even those from lower income nations once prices return to normal. The only way to fight this is if adoption becomes higher and steem itself becomes the backbone of something greater than what people envision for it now, their mindset that investments must be protected harms the ability for people to foster a mindset that it is okay to be generous.

Why vote for someone you don't know, when you can vote for someone you do know, and you only have so many votes a day? Why invest in someone's future when you have to weigh that against getting a return via leasing or botting? Why should you be tasked with helping the circulation of coins when holding them gets you so much present value?

These are questions that exist within this ecosystem and the financial system and ecosystems of the world, and we can see that by pursuing these paths of greed we are all left worse off when we begin to reap the fields we've neglected. Nurturing others and the world around us instead of taking as much as we can would grow the world so much instead of feeding the vast pools of despair that we are left to wallow in, and it saddens me to see that your opinion is such a rare one in this world.

Arranging space around yourself, filling it with harmony speeds up the realization of thoughts

It's difficult to have an abundance mindset when things are truly scarce, but it can be done. I remember a story about a woman who was always positive no matter what. She had to feed her family dinner and only had carrots, butter and onions. Not only did she make a meal out of it cheerfully, but she always made extra of whatever they were eating when she could, just in case company would stop by. That story always stuck in my head as an example of a grateful attitude. I guess you could say she had an abundance mindset too. :)

Hey @aggroed great post,I have been running this experiment and it is so amazing how it works, the universe we experience is in direct relation to our subconscious beliefs, about ourselves and the world we live in.

I guess that always will be enough for everybody even though some will have less than others.

Everyone measures success differently. I am of the abundance mindset myself. But money/currency/bartering though is a necessary part of life. none of that matters to me. For me being content with who I am is what makes me successful. Following my passions is what makes me successful, we only get one life to live and I don't want to waste it not being content or working to survive.

Thanks for minnowsupportproject news update providing....
i appreciate this planet, best of luck dear.......

I sometimes wonder, if the whole crypto thing would even work without the scarcity mindset and FOMO? Isn´t it exactly that, what drives the markets? I have the impression, that people get much more turned on by scarcity than by abundance. There are many psychological studies with that - you know, when you promise people a potential reward and then threaten them to take it away again, if they don´t do ____ - people tend to be more motivated by a potential loss in the future (=pain) than by a momentary reward (=pleasure).
By the way: I don´t see it like "what you think will reflect back to you" but much more direct as in "what you think, is the only thing you are experiencing", which leaves me with the question, what thoughts I´m having, that I experience people to be much more motivated by pain than pleasure ;) lol

For in we giving, we receive...
Very great quotes and words of wisdom

An abundance mindset sees someone else’s success in a positive way thinking…
“Wow, I can be successful too.”
While a scarcity mindset views someone else’s success with envy and might even see it as their own failure.

We truly have the ability to succeed in our chosen endeavours. The sky is so wide that birds do not collide.

I really wish more people could understand the power of their mind. Thanks for spreading more light! 💡👍👍

This is very relevant in our society right now. Alot of people are just thinking about theirselves just to rise up. It is very sad to see that alot of people are suffering because of superior people and it also cause scarcity. We should be thoughtful enough and be contented of what we have, if we have what it takes to live an easy life we shoul not seek further but instead help the poor ones and also the country who is having scarcity because of some big business happening in the area.

Blessed is the hands that giveth than the hands that taketh. Abundance mindset draws to itself goodwill, liberation, gives life and promotes hope they are like spring water that keeps on giving and receiving back hundred fold.. Scarcity mindset even when they have plenty resources it is never enough, they always want more. They are poor even when they're rich, they are like the deserts with its treasure buried under the Sands.

To a certain extent I follow your reasoning, however as much as you can have an abundance mindset, there are certain realities you aren't looking at in the puzzle and you continue to skim over.

Resources are NOT unlimited. If they were unlimited, we wouldn't fight wars over things like oil. We wouldn't charge more money than people could afford for basic needs, because if resources were unlimited, for example land, everyone would be able to have their own acre to farm.

History and society teaches us that resources and money are something to be horded and protected at any cost. I can let go of that scarcity mindset, but then wouldn't I give away everything I own in order to help others in need, knowing that if I needed anything I could have it?

Or is this a more practical abundance, where I pay all my bills and have enough for a rainy day before I help others? Some people never get to that point financially, because obviously the whales in this world don't believe in abundance mindset, and want to keep the poor in their place.

So there is a fine line between believing there is abundance, and actually experiencing it when most people will horde, or acting like there is abundance by spending freely, then dealing with the reality of paying rent and bills.

I've spent six months on this platform, trying my best to believe in abundance, going through a good deal of savings with the idea that abundance mindset might work. I gave my time and energy helping and speaking out for what I believe in. I put my heart and security on the line.

I am now one month from needing to cash in all my assets so I am not homeless, because the reality is, I still need to live and work in a world that doesnt believe in abundance and will kick me out on my ass.

It's easy to believe in abundance when you have money in the bank and friends that support you. But when it comes down to bottom of the barrel, believing that something will come to you if you think positively and wish really hard only happens in fairy tales.

Now you can fob that off by saying I didn't try hard enough, I didn't truly believe or give it a chance. I will still go on trying to believe. But at this moment, the world is telling me that believing doesn't make it happen.

Even if I love myself and believe that I'm worthy, the universe doesnt always give us what we need.

I guess I'd say the universe always provides us with exactly what we need and is perfect in that sense. I know a number of people who couldn't grasp these concepts without loosing much and then realizing they still had what they needed. I'm not saying it's pleasant. But I trust that the universe will provide the lessons for which we set our minds to. The universe is holographic and we control it much more than we've ever been taught we do. Or not... maybe I'm wrong.

huh. so apparently the universe knows that some people need unlimited wealth and that some people need to starve? or perhaps that some people need to be raped while others need to be successful? and that this is some type of lesson? because deep down inside we set our minds to believe we deserve this and actually want to live this way? i'm sure you're right.

I think we like to polarize one idea off another, and our mind allows for us to invert things based on that so you can deny your own misery and suffering so to speak but I cannot argue with "try to get a sense of what that feels like to you and then try to hold that space spiritually and energetically." because ultimately everything is a choice and that only means something if you can recognize that there is a choice.

"Your wealth is in your words (or mindset)" from what I've learnt....

Power of the mind! Thoughts becomes things, if you see it in your mind you will definitely hold it in your hands! Thank you @aggroed! 😊❤

I wonder when our mindset and believes change, since when we kids, we have no fear, we believe and we are happy, but at a certain age it all starts to change. It's the system and people who teach us the scarcity mindset and fear and unbelief.

It is our choice to change and our ability to change our mindset and beliefs but it takes daily work and progress and surrounding ourselves with the people we want to be like.

If your circle of friends have scarcity mindset then you will become like them, but if you surround yourself with people of abounded, successful mindset then you become more like them.

I love this post and am that's for the enlightenment it make me think of now.

I agree with you totally, but you know some times a positive mind could get influenced due to repeated failure to achieve what's set to achieve at a point you start thinking it's just not enough to go round

This is new thing for me dear thanks for sharing I like it keep it up I am going to check your blog thanks

I fiind the more money I save the more I am of the "abundance" mindset and less in the "scarcity" mindset. Sometimes it is hard to save.

Thanks @aggroed. Good to see you posting really insightful stuff like this . Stuff that can help people. Again thanks.

In your example, scarcity are the negative thinkers and feeling of anxiousness and fear, with this in mind, it will result to bad decisions in life, Abundance mindset are the positive thinkers and always finding a solution, with great analysis result positive result. Love your post, keeps me motivated and understand that setting the right mindset result abundant mind.

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Shortage is hardwired into our human brains. Much the same as dread and uncertainty. Genuinely we should settle on a cognizant choice consistently to beat these profound established convictions. The best advance is to distinguish the cycle you're in and when dread, uncertainty and shortage are the most grounded, at that point intentionally program your mind to think unique. This can be refined by a couple of very much created confirmations. We can never unwind on the grounds that when we do we'll return to old mindsets. You need to manufacture the muscle memory and after some time it gets simpler and less demanding to battle our restricting convictions. A debt of gratitude is in order for the post!

The abundance mindset is so important. Few people understand that the world has more than enough resources to support every single person that lives here.

Wao great post

Wow, I have just been thinking on this very subject intently the last few weeks. For most part I think like is an abundant thing and yes I believe that like find like. When those days do hit nothing goes right and it is definitely because of my mindset. There is enough for everyone to benefit in all things. We all deserve happiness, health and even wealth. Loved this post @aggroed. <3


√ The strongest economies in the world have reached where they are today due to the fact, among other things, that they have a largely inclusive societies where all those who can bring something positive to the table are welcome. The stories of how the son of a Kenyan student became the American President, and of how the son of a Hungarian immigrant became the French President, do not need to be retold as proof of the inclusiveness of those societies.

So what is the way out of this scarcity mind-set and its effects? As long as our economic model where petrodollars run the country and there is no incentive to spur production so that the society and government can be the richer for it, these forms of discrimination will continue. We have to create competition between states and local governments. This should bring a much needed spirit of competitiveness into public service, which would hopefully drive out and barriers. Simply put, organizations and societies built on sentiments cannot survive competition.

This is one of the major reasons I continually advocate true fiscal federalism. It is the only form of political-economic system of government that will not only reduce the powers of the center and transfer same to the component unit, but also force the states to reform in order to live up to their responsibilities of raising enough revenue to create wealth and providing for the needs of their for their people. In the process of reformation, trivial matters such as ‘indigene’ and ‘settler’ will eventually die away.

We can continue to create laws that attempt to create an equal-opportunity society, but they will do little to deal with discrimination unless we change the conditions that create discrimination. It is only by doing so that we can truly deal with these issues, issues that should have been dealt with in ages past and which hold us back as a nation..
