Pedophilia of the Elite and Governments - A Conspiracy of Silence

in pedophilia •  6 years ago  (edited)

Donald Marshall makes some claims that can't really be verified, but others can. We don't have to simply believe what someone says. Sometimes there are investigative sources in the mainstream media that uncover dark aspects of our world, dark secrets that people in powerful places would rather not be talked about. And in most cases, it's only briefly talked about for a short period of time before it gets swept under the rug as another blip in the public consciousness and ledger of events in our world.


Most people have heard of famous pedophilia within the Catholic Church establishment, and their cover-ups by higher authorities in the church and in local communities as well. Pedophilia isn't a stranger to other religions, as pedophiles are everywhere, in Judaism and Islam as well. For a movie on the Catholic coverup in the 1990s, check out Spotlight.

These are verified accounts of sexual abuse done by religious people. These are not made up claims by some deranged person or people. Sick shit is happening in the world, and it's not only the churches that get exposed for their crimes against children.

One shocking place for many people to hear about pedophilia, is within the government agencies they so blindly trust to take care of so much of our way of life.

In 2012, investigations by Senator Grassley dug into 1,700 ignored reports of Pentagon employees using child porn, with over 5,000 employees involved. It turns out that there is a recognized epidemic. Reports have been coming in for the past decade, but nothing moves forward. Investigation get called off, with only 20% of the 264 people investigated being charged with anything. Why? Because this is the way of the world people. The people in power don't want themselves exposed, so they shut it down and scape goat a few lower rank bitches to take the fall. It's fucking dark in the shadows most people don't know about and wouldn't want to look into if they did.


It's now documented in two states (Main and Vermont) where the state apparatus is protecting and even running the child sex and trafficking rings. This includes police, lawyers, judges, government employees and the usual church officials covering up for each other. These powerful trafficking rings just keep going and makes these evil people a lot of money. Money for sexual pleasure entices some people and is a big industry. Pedophilia joins in on that cash flow to drive the criminal behavior, with abusers being paid $1000 for a night of rape.

Half of the child porn produce on the planet comes from the USA. Profits from this immoral behavior range between $2-30 billion per year!

Like I said, this isn't new. It's been uncovered by another Senator before, Senator John DeCamp. He wrote a book about his investigation into government organized pedophilia and murder rings. The book is called The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska. Yes, this is also called "Satanic abuse", not because it has any literal reality to an alleged "Satan", but because this shit is evil! It's therefore "Satanic", "demonic" etc. These are descriptive words to induce imagery about how deplorable these actions are.


Maybe you deny this?

If you go research this more, and read and listen to testimony of what happened to children and what they witnessed happen to others, you will see what is happening in the real world. It's some bad stuff. I won't describe some of the horrible things.

Here is a documentary made by the Discovery Channel in 1994, that was never aired due to threats from Capitol Hill. Powerful people don't want their dirty dark secrets exposed in a public light.

"During the several months that the documentary was being prepared and advertised for showing, major legislation impacting the entire future of the Cable TV industry was being debated on Capitol Hill. Legislation, which the industry opposed, was under debate for placing controls on the industry and the contents of what could be shown. Messages were delivered in no uncertain terms from key politicians involved in the Cable TV battle, that if the Conspiracy of Silence were shown on the Discovery Channel as planned, then the industry would probably lose the debate. An agreement was reached: Conspiracy of Silence was pulled, and with no rights for sale or broadcast by any other program; Yorkshire TV would be reimbursed for the costs of production, the Discovery Channel itself would never be linked to the documentary; and copies of Conspiracy of Silence would be destroyed."

Conspiracy Of Silence (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)

Wikipedia won't even list the existence of this in their Conspiracy of silence section ... The Washington Times even did an article on it in 1989, and yet it's not reality for most people. Most people live in a fantasy of perceiving a false reality constructed by the media and society. What really happens in reality remains unreal to them, because they don't go looking, seeking to learn and find truth, just merely tacitly accepting the information being fed to them.


What's that, still not enough an overview to entice you to investigate all of this? Mainstream news from the past years about the Pentagon isn't enough? Maybe it's just the USA that has a problem? Well... think again!

As most of us know there is Catholic church pedophilia, and I mentioned it happens in other religions. Go research and see the news channels and TV shows brings down Rabbi pedophiles in sting operations. But this just shows that it's not a localized issue that is part of the USA alone, despite the amount of child porn produced there. Sex trafficking rings exist into Europe, the Middle East, Israel, Russia, everywhere. It's global.


Take the UK. In 2014, the big government pedophile ring was busted again. What, again? Yes, that's right, in 2012 this was in the news and faded. Then it recently came back. In the USA, nothing much happened with the Franklin Cover-Up and John DeCamp. It's all hush hush. This sick shit is still going on in the USA and most people are unaware of it. But in the UK, they had another little exposure to send these cockroaches hiding (sorry to insult you cockroaches).


Jimmy Savile was a DJ and BBC television star who worked with children. It's estimated he abused over 1,000 girls and boys. He ran a pedo ring involving elite, government and even royalty alleging Princes Charles himself. MI5 has been helping to cover it up for years. Saville was "knighted" by the Queen in 1990, also "knighted" by the Pope in 1990 by being "honored" with a Papal knighthood. His title was " Knight Commander of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Gregory the Great".

I know, I know... still not enough information for you to look into right...? You need "sources" from the "mainstream", right? Ok... how about 93 mainstream sources of the UK pedophilia? Enjoy the harsh reality.

And this is UK "Hollywood". Hollywood, USA is much worse. You can start by looking into the 80-90's child-star Corey Feldman and his experiences int he Hollywood pedophile rings.

In recent years, some so-called "academics" have been trying to normalize and naturalize pedophilia as just some other sexual behavior to be adopted and supported by society.

Society is getting sicker and more insane...

"Human sickness is so severe that few can bear o look at it. But those who do will become well.
- Vernon Howard"


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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

If a button existed that exposed everyone's deepest darkest secrets I would push it. I've done some messed up stuff but obviously nothing on this scale. Let the light of Justice shine bright.

It's stories like this that make me wonder what would happen to the good (yet brainwashed) people of the world if such a button was pushed. So many world views would be SHATTERED.

Ignorance is bliss. Simply forcing this dark knowledge onto someone who isn't willing to accept it could do them great harm. When the foundation of your identity is built upon lies the truth can raze you.

Just look at how people reacted to Bill Cosby! Total denial simply because of a fictional TV personality.

That is an interesting idea, and yet, what of the right to privacy?

For most people, their deepest and darkest secrets are no business to anyone else. For some, their darkest secrets would destroy their lives and ruin families - perhaps even get them killed.

Therein, are you not advocating for a power you have no right to wield over others?

In this hypothetical situation where I basically have god powers I don't think your opinion matters very much.

Hence why subjective mankind was never given objective powers of Gods.

Failure to understand the responsibilities of such things.

The cause of pedophilia is still not clearly known because psychological illness has only recently been studied further. The difficulty of determining the exact cause is also based on the differences in characteristics and background on everyone.

Many experts assume that the main cause comes from social psychological factors, not biological. Some doctors state that the factors that affect the patient's personality are an abnormal family background. Being harassed at an early age can also be the cause. However, the number of cases is not much, so it is not certain to cause pedophilia.

Since 2002, several studies of pedophilia from biological factors have been conducted. Several factors and theories in determining the causes of pedophilia, such as:

Low IQ and short-term memory
Lack of white matter in the brain
Lack of testosterone
Brain problems
Problems in the brain are the most accepted cause among these factors. In normal people, seeing children make their brains spontaneously produce nerve waves to enhance the protective and caring instincts; in pedophiles, nerve waves are disrupted and result in increased sexual arousal.
thanks sir @krnel for this article full of information

Probably psychological more than biological yes

hahaha .., sir @krnel could have been. hihi

I just think they are possesed or something, it just absurd to common sense.

The pedophiles are definitely demonically possessed. But, you have to ask where the demons come from? In order for a host to invite a demon in, the demon has to provide some perceived benefit to the host. Usually, demons are ultimately destructive to the host but provide some sort of instant gratification.

The demons come from social practices. Everyone has things that can be called "demons". Some are good and some are bad. If a person is inside of a social group where a practice happens, the demon for that practice is certain to be there. The demons are kind of like memes.

If you want to know the cause, look at what the psychological benefits of the practice might be.

Why are people obese? High availability of food, nothing they find more pleasurable than putting something in their mouths, no one makes them exercise, too much free time and non-social pursuits like TV and internet.

Why are people pedophiles? High availability of children without supervision, nothing they find more pleasurable than using their genitals, lack of law enforcement, they don't care about right and wrong, too much free time, too many psychological escape routes like TV and internet.

This sounds a lot like liberalism. There is a lot of emphasis on breaking down families, having children raised by "villages", no right or wrong, and bizarre sexual mores.

It implies that raising children is a serious business, people should not see children as a gratification for good sex.

That, of course, depends on how a person defines "good sex". Is it about dominating and humiliating another person? How long does the feeling of fake power last?

Interesting question... "How long does that feeling of fake power last?"

I would say it lasts as long as the power does, therein it isn't fake to the user.

Where humiliation and domination are freely given by consenting adults with an understanding - it can last for as long as they desire.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah. And let's pretend that the behavior that they exhibit towards each other never bleeds over into their relationships with other people. Like in a male/female relationship, the man never goes to work where he is boss and expects his female employees to be submissive like his partner. Or the female doesn't go around letting people humiliate her because it just feels natural.

Just like Joe Biden thinks it is ok to sexualize little girls and rub himself against them. He is clearly a pedophile.

It isn't usually the case that the partners trade off being dominating or submissive. Most truly dominant people can't stand to be cuckolded.

If such a 'bleeding' did occur, it would be considered unhealthy.

Much like if you are having a fight with your girlfriend, you don't go to work and punch your subordinates or co-workers in the face.


Being harassed at an early age can also be the cause.

From the documentary: 'Are All Men Pedophiles?': (paraphrased) Who we find sexually attractive as adults is the age range that we were attracted to when we first started being attracted to people. As we get older, the spectrum of age groups we are sexually attracted to expands – it is added to.

The child victim of abuse oftentimes may grow into an adult abuser as the cycle spirals on.

However, the number of cases is not much, so it is not certain to cause pedophilia.

I wonder if you realise what you are saying or have thought this through! This statement is part of the reason why this issue remains underground and rarely discussed in non-sentimental terms.

it's conservatively believed that in today's society 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys WILL BE sexually molested before they are 18 years old.

Please note 'conservatively believed'. We are talking about a fifth, to half of the world's population here! And sexual abuse is not just rape. Rape is its most dramatic form, but it has many many others, some subtle and seemingly 'harmless' to an outsider, yet devastating to the 'victim'.

Thus, you have a large percentage of the world's population walking around with twisted and distorted psychologies associated with 'sex'. You @muftii put the phenomenon of pedophilia down to some (unquoted) studies and say very simplistically that pedophiles are brain-deficient, low-IQs. How convenient and neat! But it's bullshit!

Nothing personal, but IMO what you have to say on this issue is superficial and misleading.

And the most recent news reports are saying “Smallville” actress Allison Mack is in the middle of a celebrity sex cult too.

WHat has happened? To me it seems as though this has always been a part of our society, it just seems that more and more are being exposed... or caught.

Yes this was very surprising, it made me think that almost every Hollywood actor must have some strange involvement OR know of something that has gone on in the past or present

Hollywood is ripe with pedophilia, many actors how spoken about it but ti gets swept away under the rug.

It's pretty ancient, yeah...

Man it’s all so disgusting... disgusting and true. For some very strange reason all of the elite around the world seen to have this in common.

Some years back I was reading about the British government/royal family/jimmy saville/Edward heath etcetc and the rabbit hole just got deeper and deeper. Then the whole pizzagate thing, which was just allowing some more actual evidence to arise... yet nothing was done. Over and over again nothing is done, because they control it all. They order who and what is to be done or prosecuted etc. It’s sick, and it needs to stop. It’s all such a high level now and at least it’s being spoken about now so surely something can change soon.
But then you look at the missing children throughout the uk and USA and it’s just madness.

I really hope we can erase the elite sick twisted santanists or whatever they are and just being living in a world of people wanting to work together and help eachother, and move forward in our ways of life

Yeah.. nothing... gets.... done... hardly ever. Maybe some fall guys, but never goes to the top,a lways gets shut down... Proof is hard to get too beyond the words of those victimized... :/

Yep exactly and then sometimes they are claming to be having some massive crackdown on pedophillia when they make some arrests of some weirdo loser who is looking at shit... probably shit that they’re supplying. There can’t be a crackdown when they fuel the epidemic

It is so blatantly obvious to anyone with a brain cell.... and we are seeing more and more Pedos getting arrested (numbering in the thousands now).

And recently more famous like the Hollywood folks, Bill Cosby and now Morgan Freeman allegations.

They are getting there slowly, but we all need to demand it all happen now! How many more children must suffer due to time? And with statements like that scum Charlie Munger just made; (paraphrased), “Bitcoin is like selling baby brains on the market”.

Who thinks or links visuals like that except from experience.

Keep Hammering @krnel

Baby brains... what the fuk...!?

It is all over YouTube and the web now, here is a mainstream account at Yahoo Finance:

In November 2016, a ring creating child porn was caught in Toronto. It included doctors, nurses, teachers, priests, and the Children's Aid. I read about it in the UK Guardian but it has yet to make Canadian newspapers. The Toronto Star had the rights to the story.

Trump pledged to go after human traffickers which includes trafficking for slavery, sex, organs, and children. He signed an executive order allowing the confiscation of assets from anyone involved in human trafficking. You're hearing about it because the crimes are finally being exposed.

Thanks. Got a link to the guardian article?

Make that November 2013. It's not the sort of thing I keep around but it was easy to find here.

It turns out that there is a recognized epidemic

I wonder why something like this can happen? Why would so many people find enjoyment in hurting and abusing kids? That doesn't make sense to me, because the natural instinct will be to care and protect them.

Profits from this immoral behavior range between $2-30 billion per year!

This is sickening and another fact that proofs we sadly have evil people in our world, more than we could imagine.

Yup, doing evil means your evil, even if you don't know your being evil (this applies beyond pedophilia). There are degrees of evil, with intentionally doing it being worse than ignorantly doing it because you think it amoral or ok to do...

It always follows along the same type of patterns too. How can anyone deny with all the evidence there is? We owe those that might be going through this now, to at least not look away, just because it makes us uncomfortable. Thanks for shining a little more light on it.

Never underestimate the power of denial :/

Sad truth, our society is very sick and it always was, however, I believe now is the begging of healing and transformation.

It's the best time to try with the net allowing us to converge info and get truth out :) Veganism is the future ;)

I totally agree :)

I think all this information about these pedos is just the tip of the iceberg. Straight up Evil is at work in these people that enjoy harming and sexually abusing children. We are in the Information age and the truth will prevail and these sickos will be brought to justice one day.

We have a real chance with the internet, but there is so much info bombaring ppl that it's a problem too lol

Totally agree, the information overload can cause people to shut down completely and not give a crap anymore. They become numb to the problem.
Thanks for sharing this info, it will open more people’s eyes to this perversion.

Hey man great article. I think we are maturing as a society being less brainwashed as a result. More and more people are waking up to this real reality. The Wikileaks email release showing all the weird and most likely pedophilia contexts in the emails of John Podesta, Obama spending over $50,000 on "hot dogs" for a white house party, spirit cooking by high up government elites and top celebrities (ex lady gaga). There is too much info out there to simply be ignored and covered up.

Liz Crokin, David Seaman, David Paulides, Simon Parkes, Robert David Steele and the great Ted Gunderson and many others are/have been bringing out great info on this subject matter.

You can lead a person to data, but you can't make him think. They have to do that on there own!

A thought provoking post, I quite enjoyed reading it.

Pedophilia - The sick glue holding the establishment together...

And we wonder why 'they' are different than 'us'...?

The club is a twisted 'child predator only' membership.

Much of it is indeed...

I just found your blog, and I find the scope of what's happening sick yet necessary to bring to light. I like the other things you write about too, and am glad I found you! About to vote for you! :)

The world is deeply rooted in evil sometimes it makes me think if there is any chance for an upright person to flourish in the midst of all this catastrophy.

There will be no justice until we storm the Bastile so to speak and time is running out. How much will it have to take to tear them out of their ivory towers, temples, cathedrals, and palaces?

It starts with ONE sheriff who employs the Deputiz'm Plan. There is NO limits to how many badges he may distribute. Part time, or full.

A WELL REGULATED MILITIA, being necessary for the security of a free state...........................

problem with this is,their wrongdoings become unnoticed by our law enforcement,meaning,they are above the law,and they own makers are the lawbreakers.