El Greco, Pentecost (ref: Acts 2:2), 1610. Prado, Madrid.
The Muse Of The Future Is Pentecostal
Look at all those heavy robes! I had not noticed them before: I saw them as petals around a rose.
Or lips whispering in awe (around a sacred vulva or vescia pices of the Sophia-Christos, the perfect Yin-Yang).
Pentecost is about community. But it is also about I. Not me-me-me, but I as a body of its own making, a cathedral with flying buttresses (physical frame), a fount (etheric inflow) and glass windows, an organ, an altar (astral acoutrements). Come in, my people, to be amazed, to let the mind wander into wonderment until it sees through the dust and haze the colour: all that colour poured out of flames.
The German is marvellously perspicacious on the meaning of Pentecost with its description: ausgießung des heiligen geistes. With its hissing of the light (too bright in the serpent then), "geist" is more than the English “ghost”, that portion of the Spirit Word (Logos) which, by incarnation, now with the blood-quality of I-ness, warms this light thoroughly into a translucency (rather than a blinding glare). In Dutch we find "geest" used for both mind and spirit; while "geestig" means funny. Yes, loosen up folks, just because it's holy doesn't mean it isn't human.
The “gießen” travelled into the Old English ġēotan, to pour, to flow, even to shed tears. Last found - as the verb “yote” - in Chapman (metaphysical poet, rival of Shakespeare, 1559-1634), meaning then “ to steep”.
For El Greco to be full of the holy spirit means to be ecstatic. For Goethe and other Romantics who stressed the flow of emotion over and above classical jackets of philosophy, the spiritual was poured into the more tangible aspect of the Eternally Feminine (the attainable lover, lost no sooner than attained, for she is only a representation of that pentecostal Sophia-Logos fusion; to fix her into something lasting is a different (poetic) Work...).
I would like us to pause at how it is virtually impossible to understand the meaning of Pentecost. You have to see it for yourself.
Maria As Focal Point
What the original Greek wording for this event of the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples is, in the New Testament, I don’t know. Wait, I can look it up, I have a Greek translation somewhere on a bookshelf. But I am more interested in turning to how aritists developed an image from the little there has been worded and came down to them in whatever language. Whether or not the image was already corrupted by the time it arrived in their studios (scriptoriums? When and where was the first Pentecostal image to be found?) due to faulty translation is another topic, and not as compelling right now, with plenty to go on that is fairly consistent (lasting many centuries). Consistent in comparison to the Christmas story: cave or stable, shepherds or kings, tree with angel, star, finial, dove or santa hat for a topper: choices, choices.
There is nothing written with regard to Whitsun in any of the four gospels we use for the rest of our feast days. We must turn to Luke Part Two (Acts) for what happens after the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. - Acts 2:1-47 ESV
We are often told that Pentecost is about the miracle of suddenly being able to speak in foreign tongues - but language is a wide net that catches many fish and does not only refer to grammar and syntax and dialects. I'd have to check that Greek after all, which word for tongue/language they use.... I really hope everyone sitting for their finals will be inspiried by Pentecost, but I'm not promising straight A's in your language exams.
Those more deeply embedded in the Mystery of Golgotha, with a nice set of hair roots developed in the rich soil of the past fifty days since the Resurrection, will sip happily from the notion that those tongues of fire refer back to the days before the disasterous miscomprehensions during the building of the Tower of Babel, which sound far from alien to us with our modern points of reference in the common building site with its mix of immigrant workers. We will return thanks to the sacrifice of God (his only begotten Son) to a Wholeness of a New Kind: The Brotherhood of Mankind. Why a guy God's-child had to die for that ...? It can be explained, but Pentecost is the furthest thing from philosophy and the closest thing to the love Christ promotes, so no explanations today.
May the obscure meaning of Pentecost, at least point, to that there may be more to it than wishful thinking and (Shuavuot) rejoicing before the cold snap with its scythes of death come back to town. Consider how unlikely this harmonious union of men as brothers is going to hinge on our language skills. It has a little to do with learning eachother's language as it does with agreeing on one lingua franca (all useful practices but hardly spiritual). The Holy Scriptures were not sponsored by Berlitz.
Another kind of understanding takes place on Whitsun. Or precisely, standing under the GodHead (from which that dove always flies, check out the old masters), in the rain of fire (that ether which gives us fruit and seed) we forsake our mental computations and SEE and HEAR SPIRITUALLY.
We enter an Etheric Realm. A reality of union. Here we understand what it is to be one and how there is no other being, only death outside this realm.
Personal Pentecost (inspired by Personal Jesus, Dêpeche Mode)
Someone to hear your prayers
I came here, to Steemit, in a pentecostal state of soul. It’s not a handy way to put it, in this multi-cultural, either fervently religious or indifferently atheist community. The medium is always problematic for this kind of Artist who above all means to innovate on the front of Consciousness. How to steer a middle course between the giver and the receiver. Poets who go too crazy with language must have a very good reason, but above all, find one key - common ground - ingredient that can tease out sufficient patience from the ambitious reader. Art as experience is not for everyone.
Someone who cares
Art as off-road endurance event, with its sand and camel-grass, my wheels often spinning in mid-air, the tyres sometimes flapping, slashed by a rock adrift in the erg (sand sheets), which is the landscape of metaphysical science (knowing).
Someone who's there
For me, it would be pointless to post up pretty pieces that tell it like I see it. I've spoken of Steemit as a place that demands "presence", as if it might be a steamer with a crew.
To post every day not a problem, I do so regardless of the net, pinning new ideas, assessments, finds, decrees, quotes to my own door, filling the house with music, voices and their reports, readings, dramas, and my own peals of laughter.
I don’t need external prompts on top of the ones around me already; the ones I ended up with (through fate) that seem religious, but I have no church; that feel full of faith, but I have only little.
I often rain on parades. I undermine simple hopes - raising the stakes: let's go for a bridge of belief instead of hazzardous stepping-stones of wishful thinking. Where the minds are stable and mature enough I will bluntly ask you to cut out the crap. For the rest I leave the sleepers to dream: it's dew for their brows, even if we need meat for our minds.
More, much more, importantly, is that my posting can only mean to impose. This is not a nice thing to do.
Suppose I just slipped in and out, it would be so sophisticated, but I think I come from farming stock somewhere in my ancestry. It is not conducive to the Eternally Feminine to impose or to sit stubbornly - be it on your high horse or in another man'sgutter. Of course, everybody is allowed to have a presence - but not wherever they choose to. Think of the beggar on the street. Fine, especially if it's his choice, but not in front of my door, thank you very much. We might discuss further the myth of choice.... but that would mean to impose already: you never asked; all that is given that is not asked for is an imposition. Sometimes, an intervention is necessary, but no often. Usually trespassers (incl. messengers) will get shot.
It cannot be done that I only visit your gardens. I can speak of the Grand Canyon in München, even bring you photographs, animate it in our midst, but it's not the same as if we would be shoulder to shoulder looking out over the red dust together.
I didn’t come here for me.
Lift up the receiver
I have struggled to draw the line that would make the path for us.
We all have a stick and this Steemit is the sand. All someone needs to do is draw a line that makes a beach someone else likes enough to walk along. On one side the sand, and a sea on the other, yours, mine, and a horizon beyond, ours.
I track the direction we are walking in by our footprints, before the waves naturally wash them out every tide again. I purposely walked the stretch non-stop, unbrokenly to keep the line steady. The direction is not a line, it is a presence, and an accountability, counted out by the footprints present.
There are some who walk together for a longer stretch (regardless of how frequently they posted or commented, or how well they ever “saw eye to eye”. The good thing about a beach walk is, you walk side by side, keeping straight, never arguing about which fork to take.) Most go off, though, on an anabasis, land inwards, to build a hut, a retreat, a monument to themselves, again (the Discord effect, but also the upvoting contracts).
I am not going anywhere when I am gone. Nowhere to go.
Pentecost is about becoming a believer.
It is to eat of that bread and drink of that wine and sit at that table.
But then what? The Bible ends (apocalyptically). Our prophets draw charts, and read seizmographs and count the queues for maize and milk. The power struggles continue. The oil will run out, the electrical mites will sleep deprive us all, and we will go blind from all that light.
All we can do, is ask eachother to walk together into the sunset. Who know what then: the greatest insights have come to men and women silenced by the beach - someone in a wavy line of quivering faith drew.....

Who then? If you didn't come for you?
And, what do you mean that your postings impose?
"...all that is given that is not asked for is an imposition." You said your mother and sister say the same.
What of the reality of union?
Heavy robes in drapes and folds.
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I asked myself that question many times - am I not also (at least) here for me. Look at all the things I've picked up along the way, new skills I've learned (photoshop, markdown, tips on photography) and I shall miss this conversation that almost feels like something from real life;
For Unity, yes, that is why I am here. But it is impossible to "do" anything for it here. Steemit fragments my flow so dramatically (compared to the work I am used to doing) that it's been a massive endurance test for me, too. Catering to several hundred voices is not for me. Talking to the ones you know is also not possible because you all don't know me (and why on earth would you be interested in little me) and noone yet has shown sufficient interest to help me in my research, which leaves me with very little at the end of every posting.
Yes, of course, I am you and you are me and we are all in this God-child together. But I am not here like most are here, because they like to be here or chose to be here (even if only because there is nothing better). I am incredibly short on time if I am to continue with my research, which I would only put aside if something "better" (more meaningful) cropped up. It did not. In fact, I end up with my research entirely ignored if not misunderstood. But that is fine (I am used to that) only what am I looking for here? #cahlen bumped into similar issues back home, and he has found a reason for being here. So, I'm not knocking Steemit, but it's not for me.
Doing something for me is no longer possible. Using me for a beneficial (greater good) purpose is another thing, but a difficult one. Like a child offering a sucked sweet to their mother. Or a repulsive man trying to court you (I never said no when that happened, because am I not just as ugly in the face of someone, too?). Half of it may only be hyper self-consciousness (and in need of psychotherapy, but I am passed all that) but the other half also has much to do with persistent circumstances giving me no choice (karma). So be it. My elegance can only lie in accepting this.
Do you get a bit what I meant, now?
Of course, one must be careful not to become brain-washed by two (or a whole bunch of ) people, anyway, who just don't like you and find your presence unwelcome (mother/sister). Also they don't mean it in every single possible way (only in nearly every possible way) and besides there are different kind of people in the world to try yourself out on. However, the inner child can only get knocked on the head so many times before she needs to be carried and that pretty much becomes the priority of the Leading Self.
It is important that one gets the sense of being likeable. Of having one person at least (at most even!) rooting for you, for a lengthy period of time (reliably). I have never known that, ever. So by the time you reach 50, you either retreat entirely (cat lady in the attic). Or you do as you are told.
Who gets to tell me anything that I take seriously? That is another matter, and a discussion for another day.
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Yes, it does make more sense and I do know what you mean about the fragmentation and the community is vast and broad, but in that spread a depth is lost. At the same time, I have had the pleasure of encountering souls like you who are thinking/exploring deeply and that has been a source of refreshment for me as many I encounter in day to day aren't willing/able or doing the same.
When I was a little girl, my mother would drop me off all day at a skating rink. I begged to go and even though I was maybe 6-8 years old, by myself. There was always a big girl there (maybe they were different each time), but someone older who was skating fast and fantastically around the rink. I'd set my eyes on her and try to copy the way her feet moved, usually crashing on the curves, but getting up over and over again in a persistent effort of emulation. In some way, you seem that big girl on the rink, or like me, we are both determined to be better skaters--not better gardeners or bowlers, or golfers, but are particularly interested in the skating. Maybe, poor analogies, but I think you'll get my point. We seem on the same trajectory of spirit.
Like you, I don't know that I'll be here forever, or devote as much time as I have my own ideas of research/work in the works and would like to start offering more to my literal community by way of what I've learned and coming to discover. Not even sure how I ended up on Steemit? I sort of just stumbled on it after getting interested in crypto world after a woman at a dream workshop started going off about it all in humanitarian terms rather than a way to get wealthy. That is why I came. I haven't even spent the time researching all of how the system of earning or sharing works here beyond reading and writing and I guess I don't care to spend the time figuring it out. Maybe, it'd be better if I did and grew enough that more than you and a couple of robots were responding to my posts, but maybe not?
There is great elegance in your acceptance of karma and a rule above the importance bestowed by society. I am just coming to that and even wiping the slate clean as far as paid employment which greatly hinders my efforts, I find I barely have enough time, am always busy and how to explain to others? I just don't try anymore.
Oh, how I fear becoming the cat lady in the attic, or doing what I'm told because I'll never be that person. I keep on trying in the relational realm.
Do you remember that British comedy, Butterflies? I used to watch it as a young mother in my twenties and I'm not sure why I found it so fascinating at that age, but I did. The actress is probably around our age now and has two teen son's living at home. Her life is a huge bustle while husband and kids are around, her making sure they're fed, have clean clothes and then during the day she wanders around daydreaming.
Good book to write, titled, Cat Lady in the Attic. A compilation of stories of women of mature age and their thoughts on spiritual pursuits/purpose (Jungian attic).
Now, I am back upstairs to paint the trim.
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Yes, remember Butterflies.
Isn't it odd: stumbling in and stumbling back out?
How will it feed more than the cats?
Ready to see, to experiment, but also tired at the thought that it's hardly going to make a dent in the (dream) work that needs to be done.
The time to dream alone, however, is most certainly over. The butterflies confirm that (Steiner wrote much and highly esoterically about the nature of butterflies as etheric connectors of worlds.)
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Yes, it is odd. And, I'm not sure? All a grand experiment. Perhaps, just enough in knowing that there are other owls & butterflies, swooping and flitting in different parts of the world who are also going about their business in solitary ways. Maybe, we are the front-fliers for the others in making these etheric connections in a world growing ever more split from spirit?
But, like you have said, the real play gets lost in the forever corridors of the worldwideweb. Both children and adults ought to touch the dirt, talk to the stars, play horse in the backyard. Always, a delicate balance.
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