There had been a corruption anomalies in my government health insurance and it was still in the local news here in my country. Then as a result they changed the administration of the "Philhealth" and basically in effect they just deferred the supposed extension use of our health insurance if all our dialysis allocations which is 90 sessions per year had been used-up.
Now the dialysis patients who had already used-up their dialysis allocations have no choice but to cash-out or pay out of pocket for their succeeding dialysis treatments.
It is a bad news because dialysis treatment is a specialized kind of medical care although common is still hard to afford if you are a poor patient with no clear means of income.
But there is a silver-lining unto this big problem as some government charity agencies and social welfare branches are giving support if one could not be able to pay for the said treatments.
The bad thing is that the patient or their relatives or guardians will have to submit and queue their papers to these government agencies which of course is a big hassle since there is a pandemic and you do not know who that you will mingle with have the CoViD or not considering the age of my parents/mother.
My dialysis allocation will get used up by the 14th of this month so now my mother will be busy in searching where she can get some financial assistance the we can use to patch-up for my succeeding hospital bills.
I am not worried too much because I still have some saved funds that I can use to pay but my mother just do not want to touch my money as much as possible because I am using it for to buy my medicines.
But anyway I do think that we can still refund the cash-out money that we will use to pay for my succeeding dialysis from Philhealth which at least would soften the blow to our pockets. So all in all it is a pain still and I might again witness other dialysis patients skipping their sessions after this.
It is hard to skip sessions because I had been there and it is not a good thing to experience, it is just my body really at that time until now is a hard nut to crack, it could be a punishment or a grace from God which ever you want to look at it but dialysis or not it had been a very bad kind of life for me, I never experienced to be very happy in this world, it is all hardship and grief which is why I needed all the love that I can get because I had been through a lot lately and it is not good at all.