One of my more important rants in a while. (It's a decently long read though, so here's your warning)steemCreated with Sketch.

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sometimes I don't understand why people are so incredibly brainwashed..
Especially in this day and age with all the technology we have.
However.. I have to try to remind myself that I was sort of like that not too long ago.

I've been lucky to grow up in an environment which allowed me to be very open minded, most of my life.
I started my journey for knowledge in my mid or young teens.

And I mean unless you're born into a family that's involved in these secret societies and the occult, we're all pretty much equal in our ability to learn about such.
And also equal in our ability to be kept in the dark about such. What I mean by that is..
People who grow up in esoteric families get to know a lot of stuff regular exoteric people do not.
Though.. I would posit even like.. 90% or more of those people are misinformed as well by the top of the pyramid.
They become a sort of enforcer class sort of like police officers or the army or whatever in the sense that..
They have been given special knowledge, so they think they know more than the regular people and this creates a barrier.

When people in groups have secret meanings they share with each other but exclude the rest of people from knowing they tend to develop a..
Umm.. An "us vs them" sort of mindset.. And it may not even appear that way to them, BUT.. When you have secret knowledge and you're in a group you tend to look at others who don't have that knowledge as "outsiders".
So immediately we have this sort of.. Class differential being set up. Similar to poor and middle class and wealthy.
Or even men and women to individual skin colors and ethnicities, slang, culture, gangs, etc.
Which is great for the people in power, cause then they can sort of have these groups fight each other or be confused by each other while never or almost never quite being able to see beyond that strife of separate groups.

So.. Anyways.. Back to what I was saying.
Unless you're born into an occult family, we're pretty much all sort of.. Ignorant to such things.
Before 9/11 happened.. Secret societies didn't mean much to me, and I didn't understand the military industrial complex either.
But I was aware of some corruption in the world, like.. The medical industry and Christian history..
Those were probably my first two major subjects I studied that got me into all of this.

Because of my father's disability and my own desire to understand health, I devoured that subject pretty early on.
While I didn't totally grasp the critical importance of veganism yet, I was vegetarian for most of my life actually, or at least.. I ate very little meat when I did eat it.
And also, I discovered that the medical industry kills a jumbo jet full of people every day with side effects from drugs.
Which is probably WAY higher now.. And.. Those numbers are probably over 15 years old.. So imagine how many people have died from the side effects of drugs since then.. smfh

Furthermore I got into the history of Christianity and read about how they massacred basically anyone who didn't agree with them and tried to exterminate all other beliefs from the history books.
Genociding whole peoples and burning their libraries to the ground, and this also was definitely not what I expected based on the general image of Christianity.
Nor did I expect the medical system to be basically operating like a modern day Nazi concentration camp.
SO.. I was more open minded than others even in my young teens.. Then 9/11 happened.

Took me like.. Half a year to a year to really start getting into the conspiracy theories, I actually almost signed up for the military when it happened with my old friend cause I was still brainwashed and wanted to help.
Glad I didn't. The main reason was because of my father who has muscular dystrophy and I'm his only son.. So if I died.. Makes it rough for our line of the Irvine's to continue.
And there's actually I believe a legal way to get out of a draft if you're an only son.. I may be wrong about that.. But I think that's true.

Though in reality whatever the law says the government can do whatever it wants, it has the power to basically take anything and anyone it wants and put them into work camps or whatever.
This is official executive orders. We have no real freedom, it's illusionary because it can be taken in a second.
Though.. It's still much more real than those in other places in the world where the freedom is obviously much less of an illusion.
Either way it's not real freedom if they can just take it away in the blink of an eye like that through legislation.

K.. Moving on.. Sorry.. This is going to be a long one.. I wanted it to be a quick update, but it's taking a bit of backstory to get to my point.

After I started researching 9/11 conspiracies.. I went pretty deep. Fast. And I advocated some stuff that ended up later being wrong.
Like.. "FIRE DOESN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS GUYZ".. Which was just silly cause no one even argued that the steel ever melted in relation to the actual collapses.
The argument was that fire weakened the beams enough to lose structural integrity which then could no longer support the insane amount of weight above.
Which makes a lot more sense! But that's besides the point. I still believe the buildings were assisted, it's just important to be able to admit when one theory is bunk and doesn't make sense.

I also started learning about Judy Wood's space beams and no planes and all that shit and I was open minded to it.
You know I still am to an extent. I admit I don't know much.
Yet.. I started a quest to learn, I thought and still do think 9/11 was the most important issue to many of the major problems we face.
Especially the wars and loss of civil rights.
And.. I got to the point where I was in a community of skeptics, and I asked my questions and lurked and learned...

I learned so much just from watching other high level scientists and various kinds of experts debate.
This was where all the big names met in a neutral place to discuss..
I once debated one of the original authors of the collapse theory that is still used and was able to call him out on another subject he was wrong about. :)
I also debated many other high level people you may recognize in the various movements around.
And I turned more and more into a skeptic and went away from hardcore conspiracies.

Now I was challenging the conspiracy theorists even more than the official story defenders cause I felt they made less sense most of the time and were just parroting bullshit that had long been debunked if they had just bothered to look.
This was healthy and I'm grateful for my path into skepticism.. Skepticism is one of the most important things in life.
So many people claim all kinds of crazy and impossible to prove things, if it wasn't for skepticism.. Life would be indescribably more ridiculous.
And it's kinda funny.. But I got to a point with conspiracy stuff where the official story defenders hated me about as much as the conspiracy theorists, lol.
Sorta like how in politics I get both the left and right hating me and in almost every field cause.. I don't buy the accepted lines and question everything.

While I still retain a stubbornly healthy in my opinion amount of skepticism..
A couple years ago.. I stumbled onto a conspiracy video on YouTube about hidden 9/11 symbolism in the back to the future movie.
And while it was compelling and interesting info which I think could be true for the most part...
It wasn't that that changed me.. It was seeing the "all seeing eye" hidden in the background in one of the scenes..
It just totally made me question why.. WHY.. Why was it there? It doesn't make sense to be a joke, no one would even get it!

And that started my search into CRAZY conspiracy theory territory in a way I can never return from.. Cause.. Now I know a lot of this crazy stuff is real. I know it.
I feel like I can satisfactorly prove it to a high level as well to just about anyone who is moderately reasonable.
I've done an insane amount of research since then into the occult and it's changed my life and how I look at the world.

I used to think this line of research was sort of a waste of time cause we can never know the secret societies, and if we do they'll just scatter like cockroaches and create a new group.
I used to think.. Let's just focus on what's obvious like innocent children being murdered in war and stuff like that.
But.. Now I realize that all of that horrible shit often stems from this secret shit. Pun intended.

A couple years ago I would chuckle at Free Mason stuff or Illuminati stuff, but I wouldn't laugh at it like those who surrounded me mostly did.
I just thought it was kinda like I mentioned.. Something you can't prove so why focus on it.. It's kinda silly.
But most people around me, they would make fun of conspiracy theorists like.. Atheists make fun of Christians or whatever you know?

I'm not saying that as a blanket statement either, I don't mean ALL Atheists are like that to Christians or that all skeptics are like that to conspiracy theorists..
It's just sort of the group mind I mentioned up above where people in one group think they are better than another and they joke about and demean and put other groups down for whatever reasons, probably usually to make themselves feel better about themselves.

But anyways.. Just a few years ago.. I would chuckle at what I now think is dead fucking serious...
So I kinda get it.. But to return to my original point.. I kinda don't.. Cause the information is there.. It's in front of our faces..
You just have to genuinely look.

Now I'm not saying all secret information is available to us, what I'm saying is.. There's enough information out there to see that there really are all these secret societies and shit involved at high levels of government, and it goes way back into history too.
I also now actually know a number of people, some are my friends who are in secret societies..
It's not a "chuckle" that's silly.. It's.. Fucking.. Real.

The Free Masons, the Illuminati, and tons if not hundreds or even thousands of secret societies have historically existed and continue to, and they intertwine with if not mostly control public policy.
There's a quote out there from a former president that as far as I can tell is real cause it's alleged to be hanging in the Bohemian Club in CA where it's claimed something to the extent that "Anyone can be president of the United States, but few have any hope of becoming president of the Bohemian Club."
That's from a former president.. Nixon said that.

We even have our own EFFING presidents telling us that the office of president doesn't mean very much compared to occult positions.
Wake up people. If you still believe in how politics work.. PLEASE educate yourself more. Studies by prestigious institutions like Princeton have claimed voting is basically meaningless.
Not to mention all the claims of voter fraud of the various different kinds, especially electronic machines being rigged.
PLUS the corrupt media and the electoral college.. Lol.. Your vote means virtually nothing other than to show you're still buying into a fake system designed to control you and others.

I'm also personally sitting on information that I can't really talk about. Not yet anyways..
But.. This stuff is real, this is where the power really is. It's not the president and politicians.. It's the shadow presidents and politicians.
The public ones are part of it don't get me wrong, they are aware of the secret world and act sort of as a figurehead or symbol.
Yet.. It's not the public image we should be unmasking as much as it is the hidden one.
We need to unmask those who aren't showing us their faces, the ones hiding in the shadows pulling the strings of those puppets they put in place.

So.. I realize I probably sound like a crazy person to a lot of people when I talk about this kind of stuff..
I sort of get it.. Cause I was there only a couple years ago! And I feel like I've been an above average open minded person throughout my life.
Especially growing up outside of the indoctrination centers of churches and mostly outside of the public school system..
I didn't get all that brainwashing, I think that helped a lot.. Yet when I just think about it now.. It's just so incredibly obvious I don't get how people are so brainwashed..
Even though I was even just a couple years ago and I feel like I'm more open minded than is normal..
It's weird! It's almost like a contradiction. It doesn't make a lot of sense..

I guess that's sort of how ingenious their whole operation is..
It's kind of like that quote attributed to Hitler or one of Hitler's people which said something like..
"The best lie is the one that's right in front of your face" or something like that.

It really is sort of like that.. There's enough information out there now with anyone on their computer or phone to learn all of this stuff if they want to.
They could stop playing into these surface levels of control so much and the dog and pony show so to speak, the wag the dog..
The bread and circuses.. Etc etc etc..
But they don't.. They choose to look at sports, and Hollywood and entertainment with their free time, and continue to ridicule people like me who actually have spent a shit ton of time researching this..
And.. It's freaking frustrating..

It's so damn frustrating partly cause, it's so obvious now..
It reminds me of.. The Plato's Cave allegory.
You know there's the prisoners who have grown up in a cave and they know nothing else but the like dancing shadow puppets on the wall.
And one day one of them gets out and see's the world and realizes there's so much more to life than just that, and then goes back in to try to warn them and they think he/she is crazy.
That's sort of how it's really like! The parallels are fascinating.


It's like.. Me and others have made our way out of the cave and we come back trying to tell everyone that HEY.. There's a much bigger world out there than you've been led to believe!
And we often get ridiculed and attacked and marginalized and laughed off.. It's so strange.
Especially when so much is dependent on it.. If everyone immediately all at once woke up and realized just how corrupt and controlled things are, and that they aren't as free and principled as they appear..
Blood would probably run in the streets.


Yet.. These people that if they REALLY KNEW what was going on would revolt and riot and take physical recourse, seem content to watch American Idol or football or what the f ever instead of doing a lil bit of research to find out that something awful is happening with their blind consent that if they took a lil while to look into it would result in their completely changing how they look at life and trying to change things for the better.


And.. I'm going to end this long rant soon.. But.. I think that's one of the main reasons so few really get deep into this kind of stuff.
They are scared of what will happen to them or their family so they don't want to know that information that would change how they look at the world.
They wanna stay where they are, and continue looking at the world the way it is, cause.. They are more uncomfortable by the potential risks and threats than they are by the dishonest continuation of thousands of years of enslavement, brutality, rape and murder.

Maybe when people stop fearing for their own life and safety so much, the safety of ALL of us can genuinely improve.
Maybe in order to truly have a better world, we all have to become our own heroes.. And we can't become victims to the bystander effect and just hope someone else will do it.
Maybe we all have to venture out of the cave and see the world more for what it really is instead of just letting other corrupt people in power who have a benefit from our ignorance tell us.

But.. How to tell people this without having them insult you and attack you and laugh at you? Especially if venturing out of the cave means potential serious risks to them and their families?
Good question.. I guess somehow we have to show them that ignorance is not bliss, and that a dangerous freedom is better than an enslaved comfort.
Yet.. How many will really listen when ignorance is such bliss and enslaved comfort is so comfortable..?
Hmmm....... sigh


Gonna end this with a Matrix reference.. Cause.. It seems like "they" want us dependent and defenseless, sorta like a baby in the womb.
Thus "The Matrix" Matrix means womb. -.-
I think it's about time we bust outta this womb(cave) and live free, lol.

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Long, yes. Informative, very. Worth the read? HELL YES.

Very good post and well written apoly.

Thanks for taking the time to read it and to leave some thoughtful feedback royschuh!
Also thanks for the nice words.
Glad to hear you appreciated the content. :)

I had some typos in there at first which you probably noticed, but I got them all fixed now for anyone in the future who reads it. Cheers.

You are welcome, if there isn't any typos, it aint real haha

i like your post my friend

Interesting post!

Skepticism is one of the most important things in life.

This also describes it -> The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.(Christopher Hitchens)

And we often get ridiculed and attacked and marginalized and laughed off.. It's so strange.

You will have the last laugh. And one who laughs last laughs the longest.

Everyone likes status quo. But status quo is always temporary.

I guess somehow we have to show them that ignorance is not bliss, and that a dangerous freedom is better than an enslaved comfort.

The more time spent in "bliss" the more dangerous becomes the freedom.

I think it's about time we bust outta this womb(cave) and live free

Not a cave, it's sheer illusion.

Interesting post!

Thanks! Glad you thought so.

This also describes it -> The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.

That's a good quote! Thanks for sharing.

You will have the last laugh. And one who laughs last laughs the longest.

Perhaps.. At this point it's not really even funny anymore though. If it ever was. But I sorta get what you were saying.

Everyone likes status quo. But status quo is always temporary.

Yeah.. I guess, though it seems like there's always a status quo, so even though it's a perpetually shifting status quo, it still seems to be there in one form or another, heh.

The more time spent in "bliss" the more dangerous becomes the freedom.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean here.. I think I have an idea, but could you expand a lil bit on that?

Not a cave, it's sheer illusion.

Whichever metaphor you'd like to use, I tend to agree with illusion, that works for me.

Thanks for sharing your open and honest thoughts.
Once one questions everything, everything not so much changes but gradually shows what has always been there .......................Truth :)

You're 'rant' brings to mind a quote I once read that is more relevant now than ever:
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

You're welcome! Thanks for appreciating. :)

Once one questions everything, everything not so much changes but gradually shows what has always been there

That's a good one! I'd like to share that in the future. Did you come up with that or find it elsewhere?

And yeah I totally agree with the last quote you mentioned! I think about that one a lot actually..

Yes it came to me as I read your excellent post :) Exciting, stirring, crazy, insane & mad times hey........................ and we get starring rolls and stage seats all rolled into one. What a #@cking ride!
So many are awake/awakening yet so many are still asleep. What a contrast !! I moved out of town and went off grid growing food etc because of the insanity of many so blindly 'CONsuming' the lie ........What a CON! The CONtrolling CONseated CONstitution (in the name of DEMONocracy), signs are so obviously stuffed right up our arse, noses and in our faces ..................... the easiest way to fool is to tell a lie indeedy fucking do! BELIEf in this is to be that very LIE, how mad is that? Its fucking berserk hahaha ................ the ultimate flipping comedy.
The so called 'art of war' is sick and kicking via the divide and conquor process ...............thats all thats needed to send people looney ................... draw a fucking line and say, 'Right, you fucking people of the left are way fucking better that those crappy people on the right'. Then watch the arguing, fighting and wars begin. What a fucking bore, I'd rather watch my grandma squeeze blackheads than this shit! :)
I find it interesting how many words have so obviously different meaning (right in our face so easily overlooked)
Do you ever wonder how the fuck some people will ever wake up, what with distracting gadgets like dumbphones etc ............... pathetic plastic/fake so called celebrities pranching around while being worshipped and gloated over. Watching 'reality' shows while missing the best one ever going on inside many people minds ................... I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I actually am seeing all this.
When one observes and uses pure logic it becomes obvious that a massive game/CON/play is well under way and its beyond morals and has the lowest of ethics that the ethics scale dosen't even blink let alone move to this shit.
But hey my best friends are chickens, worms and bees so I have plenty to ground me to the beauty of random and utter creative beauty that no word or poem or song could ever truly touch (but some come pretty bloody close hahaha)

Gosh you've send me into a rant!!!! must be contagious!!! GOOD! FUCKING GOOD! hahaha

Smiles & waves from OZ :)

Cheers to your brilliance