RE: It appears as if some people believe nukes are fake..

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It appears as if some people believe nukes are fake..

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

First off, it's fear porn.

That's not nearly enough evidence. Just cause something is scary doesn't necessarily reflect on how true it is.

Atom as anyone knows comes from "Akhenaten" shortened to Aten and also spelled Atum/Atom, which represents the sun disk aspect of Ra/Re-

And this can also be likened to "Adam" in the biblical story.
While I appreciate your clear intelligence in this area enough to even go into some historical aspects like this, I'm still not convinced of your claims.
In fact.. I don't think you can prove your claims.. Not sure anyone can disprove the existences of nuclear weapons.
It's like trying to prove Santa isn't real. As much as most people understand that it's just a myth, to actually prove that he's not real.. Isn't really possible. This is why it's important to distinguish the burden of proof, and who is making the claim and why.

You are claiming nukes are fake, how do you possibly, expect to prove that? Do you have access to all the secret underground bunkers of all governments in the world?
Even if you proved all the videos were fakes, that still wouldn't disprove nukes.. You have to go a LOT further, you almost need godlike knowledge, like to know everything about all classified and secret government stuff.

Which reminds me.. I wanted to ask if you also believe in flat earth and that we are the center of the universe? Cause that's the vibe I'm kinda getting.

...Now unfortunately there used to be a great article with compiled sources and explanations on the fallacy of the atomic bomb but it's been deleted.

I wonder why it was deleted and not backed up anywhere?

You made a lot of claims about a lot of things I don't feel like you can prove. But let's just stick with the original one right now.. How do you propose to PROVE that nuclear weapons are fake? And I mean prove it without a shadow of a doubt.

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It being fear porn isn't a good basis for a claim, but the point of the mention is to put into perspective part of its use. I did originally write that in my post but as I revised it I removed it and forgot to put it back in.

The point of most of my writing, is again understanding the bigger picture rather than the minuet scientific details cause people will argue about those too anyway, and once you do get to arguing it, people eventually fall back to there being "no point of it" after all. It's all up in the air to people who are just following an official narrative anyways- so it feels better to be on the "same page" of the rest of society I guess?

It's really simple, but I don't expect people to get it because it's simple.

The problem with your burden of proof is that you don't have proof of either side of the story, you are simply going by what your bias, or mind has been better instructed to believe in therefore making the contrary require more substance than what you've been already taught. There is only superficial reasons to believe in a well educated lie over an uneducated truth or intuitive reasoning. so I find the burden of proof does not warrant its assertion.

What is true does not need to be proven, even if claimed, that is the reality because people who understand will know, and find for themselves it is correct instead of sweeping it under the rug.

It boils down to "who ever indoctrinated you first wins" which isn't a surprise.

I've provided the context in which anyone can begin research that nukes are a lie, it doesn't require any god like powers, any secret government knowledge (unless you want coverage on all possibly existing weapons of mass destruction)- but that's a great radical skeptic view to limit how much one can actually understand about a pretty good lie. You can research Einsteins plagiarism, his equations were derived from electrical engineers and re-imagined to be about space-time. Most of these hoaxes are built on his frauds so if you can get to the bottom of it, it's not hard to figure out. There's also Stephen Crothers who disproves Einsteins equations and the existence of Black Holes.

Even with my quote of the inspection the aim for criticism comes down to a deleted article. The reason why I liked the article is because it was a really big compiled source- but the format was atrocious, and if it was deleted that would be my guess since the rest of the article was on a website that welcomes that sort of publication.

There's enough conclusive evidence to say that Japan was not atomically bombed and it was nothing other than propaganda. It simply defied majority of the claims that were made, and all people have to resort to is guilt in offending what people believe to have endured.

so it feels better to be on the "same page" of the rest of society I guess?

No. If you knew me you would know I'm pretty far from that. I do however try to be as accurate and fair as possible with my language and I try not to speak of things as fact and absolute, especially when I know I can't prove them.

I'm just another truth seeker, yet.. As I sorta said.. I make a good effort to be accurate in my language and I will attempt to correct virtually anyone about virtually anything cause I feel like language is really important and the more we can be clear with each other in our understandings the better.

The problem with your burden of proof is that you don't have proof of either side of the story, you are simply going by what your bias, or mind has been better instructed to believe in therefore making the contrary require more substance than what you've been already taught.

Not necessarily.. Cause.. I'm not trying to prove anything. :) You are. I'm just learning and expressing my opinions.. When someone attempts to claim something is fact or reality, then it's up to them to prove it.. So when you say nukes are fake or whatever, that's up to you to prove. Not me. I'm not really trying to prove anything.

What is true does not need to be proven, even if claimed, that is the reality because people who understand will know, and find for themselves it is correct instead of sweeping it under the rug.

Okay I guess no one needs to talk about anything ever then...

I've provided the context in which anyone can begin research that nukes are a lie

Your statement is loaded when you state it IS a lie cause you're assuming a position that can't be proven.
But I also provided people information to research the possibility of it being a lie as well, difference is.. I stated it's a possibility, you claimed it as an absolute. Another difference is anyone can research the possibility sure, but my point was it would take God like powers for you to be able to prove what you are claiming is true and that is true. You would need god like powers to prove your case without a shadow of a doubt.

and if it was deleted that would be my guess

Why didn't they fix the format and reupload it? Why didn't it go more viral? To me it sounds more like the information was so unreasonable even they admitted it and took it down. But hey.. I don't really know much about that and I admit that is a leap in my logic to assume all that without knowing a LOT more.
At least I can admit it when I'm taking a leap in logic and I can usually admit when I'm wrong too. It's a good quality to be that humble in my opinion.

You never answered my question about if you are a flat earther who believes the earth is the center of the universe.
Would you answer?

"Not necessarily.. Cause.. I'm not trying to prove anything. :) You are."

I'm not trying to prove anything, making a claim is not trying to prove something, but on the contrary you assume a position that maintains a belief in something that must be proved against which is a key point of the burden of proof.

"Okay I guess no one needs to talk about anything ever then..."

There's some truth in that. I'm past trying to go even more out of my way to provide people with links, in depth explanations and then have to debate with them endlessly.

"Your statement is loaded when you state it IS a lie cause you're assuming a position that can't be proven."

Who says it can't be proven? You're waiting for a green light, I've already got mine. There's no assumption on my end despite my unbacked assertions.

Looking back at
-"so it feels better to be on the "same page" of the rest of society I guess?"

""No. If you knew me you would know I'm pretty far from that.""

and seeing

"Why didn't it go more viral?"

your questions are contradicting to the character you believe yourself to be.

Too many things wrong with that question to begin, but I'm sure you will understand with it pointed out.

It can be summed up as follows: "uncontrolled fission of atoms just produces heat that boils or melts the surrounding that prevents further fission. Nuclear power plants have suffered it. Any a-bomb would just melt before exploding."