Are You Smart or Wise?

in philosophy •  7 years ago 
I've just read this essay titled 'Is it worth being wise?' and I liked it a lot. I encourage you to do the same as I think the author touched some important aspects of the difference between being wise and being smart. However, I don't agree with the author's distinction between the two and my reply got a little longer than I expected, so I decided to post it here.

First of all it isn't stated anywhere in the essay that the common goal of both being smart and wise is to be able to act in unknown situations. Were we talking about known situations, the ability to act would really be only about how much experience one has gathered and how much knowledge one was able to extract from the experience. By extracting knowledge from experience I simply mean learning how to act the next time the same situation occurs.

Both wise and smart people have to extract knowledge from their experience, but in my opinion the difference is how they use the knowledge.


I see wisdom as the ability to appropriately apply the knowledge to the unknown situation. To see what's common and what's different between the current situation and what one has experienced in the past. Acting is then based on heuristics of how to adapt the behavior which worked in the past to this new situation.


Whereas intelligence is according to me more about the ability to generate possibilities how to act, to predict what effect the actions will have, and efficiently search though the alternatives, which includes evaluating only the relevant ones and expanding them further while disregarding the irrelevant ones.

Of course what I described here were just simplifications, because no two situations are identical, so everybody has to be wise to some degree and also wise people usually consider more alternatives. But I hope you get my point.

I am curious to see what you think about both the essay and my reply to it.

Thanks for reading!

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This was very interesting. I enjoyed reading it too.

My initial thought about the difference between wisdom and intelligence, argued in Is it worth being wise? is that they're just compartments of the same thing. Words. Probably found in the same paragraph in any thesaurus. Splitting hairs.

Smart vs wise.

I agree with your take on wisdom, @hr1 . Wisdom is distilled knowledge, born from experience. After spending a lot of time with much older people, I learned that time doesn't equal wisdom. Plenty of dumb old people. Reading 'wisdom' memes doesn't imbibe you with wisdom either. I'd add that wisdom isn't always about making the right choice. It can be about considering and understanding, not necessarily linked to actions or choices. Not necessarily with a goal in mind.

Smarts or intelligence: if you look at 'street smart' this is about distilled knowledge and experience applied to real life.

Whereas a few years ago I read an interview with a mathematician who said that most nights he went to bed discontented, feeling he hadn't made enough progress. … Is the mathematician a small man because he's discontented? No; he's just doing a kind of work that wasn't very common in Confucius's day.

This sounds more like neurosis to me. I don't think it's to do with variations in employment.

I disagree with Paul Graham about the path to wisdom being through discipline. I think you distill information, store it. When new or conflicting info comes along, you consider it alongside all the stuff you've stored. Then you calibrate everything as a whole. This is continuous.

Half of his physicists are on Prozac. Lol. Half of everybody's on Prozac! Them's the times we're in. Big Pharma's eating everyone.

Thanks. It was interesting to chew over these matters.

PS I know I'm late to the party but it was just too juicy to not say anything. Thanks for posting it.

It's funny, I wanted to respond about discipline being an important aspect for gaining wisdom by citing Confucius, which went in my head as:

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by limitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

And I was interpreting the 'limitation' as purposeful limitation of own actions, which I think of as discipline. Of course it didn't quite make sense to me for it to be the 'easiest' option. But if you think about it, forbidding yourself some actions does make your life easier, as you don't need to consider them anymore.

Anyway, I've just found out the quote goes in fact like this:

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

Anyway thank you for joining in! I think it's never too late to discuss things that matter. Hope to read your thoughts on my future posts as well..

LOL ahahahah I'm glad you found the real quote. I'd have tortured myself with considering 'limitation'. But isn't it interesting how we can throw 'limitation' in with everything and make it fit the model. Humans: we gotta make everything make sense somehow. We love our patterns. You may have taken philosophy in a new direction. Confucius who? HR1's in town now :D

You'll deffo see me in your future posts. I'm into all this type of thing. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. And thanks for the lovely upvote too.

@Hr1 and @anjkara, my name is Lori. ✨I am amazed.

LOL ahahahah I'm glad you found the real quote. I'd have tortured myself with considering 'limitation'. But isn't it interesting how we can throw 'limitation' in with everything and make it fit the model. Humans: we gotta make everything make sense somehow.

I find this interesting and yet... very heavy with truth. It is an incredible lesson in the word-fumble between limitation and immitation.
I think that is strikingly fitting to a fundamental irony in humanity.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ What I mean is, if we enjoy an activity very much, it often times is something we ought not to do too much- like eating a donut or sleeping.
What is it with humanity that restricts the pleasures and freely delivers all the hard tasks in abundance? Challenges are all around.
Actually... if things are overly abundant they become less pleasurable I guess.
Rarity is a feature that adds value to a pleasure. It’s odd that we are like this and it seems like a form of self - cruelty. After all, if we are always more interested in the things that we don’t yet have, are we able to truly enjoy the moment that is happening now? I wonder how difficult it would be to change these patterns of thinking. It might not be an instinctual activity. I think we might be trained to think this way by our collective, silly society. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️F9F3A39A-1F3C-41D2-9E93-9602D01161C1.jpeg

Great post!, I am glad I tracked it down through your comment feed hr1. Thanks for the support and I am really enjoying all the great content here on steemit! Happy to be a new member of the family. I believe wisdom and intelligence come from a love and devotion to your craft. I never went to college but have fallen deep for my passions and have grown very wise through making mistakes. Great article and thanks again bud!

Lol Prozac.
Wonder what confucius wood thank about that. or um maybe im just comfused...
sorry had to, after reading first reply...but i think you nailed it
@anjkara you are very wise and kind.
thanks for the knowledge +1

you nailed it man. I personally like the way you simplified the whole thing and I think you are making so much sense. If each individual can make these opinions of yours a point of reference whenever they are in positions to give verdicts and views about issues, they definitely will be regarded as great men and women. thanks for this post.

Fantastic post @hr1 I agree with your responses. As for me I would say wisdom is about doing the right thing and knowing what that is. Making the more ethical decision and reaction. I am called an old soul because I always do what's "right" and go deep into the reason of why it is better for your overall life, mankind, ect. That is where I see the difference in wisdom and intelligence is just the common correct answer, the status quo if you will.

Great post I loved this and I love wisdom! :)

That's a good point that ethics also come into play here..

@hr1 Thank You for your kindness and STEEMIT Wisdom, The Bunker Lady and I appreciate it.

Yea I believe so. I actually just did a "wisdom" type post you can see HERE... Would love to hear your thoughts. Keep these great posts coming though my friend!

So enlightening @hr1 really there is definitely a distinction between wisdom and intelligence, I for a person agree with your definition of wisdom as the application of knowledge,i think there is an extra to that, I see wisdom as a force that propels the individual to apply his knowledge. You know most people say knowledge is power but always stand to debunk that school of thought by saying applied knowledge is power, because one can have knowledge of a thing to cause a tremendous Change in his life and maybe even society and never acts on it. But the one who act his knowledge to change the course of events is wise and that is wisdom.
Thank you, I have followed you. I will be making a series of post soon on three kinds of wisdom,

dear @hr1 i am waiting for your new articles. your papers are great brother. I'll been glad to see and upvote ur new artticles. thanks bro! peace

Thank you so much @hr1

You always upvoted my posts.
But, whenever I want to show gratitude to you, by upvoting you or by resteem your post.
I really wanna say thank you so much..:)

I agree with you #bitdollar (That's the difference between me and my husband #fitzgibbon... I'm wise, he's smart...)

Must admit, there is some truth to that, oh wisest and fairest lady

Wow, that's wise dear husband!

Haha wisdom is great! :)

I agree with @bitdollar! Ethics are a huge part of how we use our wisdom! We could be brilliant, but still be an asshole. If we use our wisdom in a servants heart kind of way we always get it back... Without even expecting. @hr1... This is a really sold share! I like what you said about adapting behaviors. Very thought provoking! Thanks so much for this!

I prefer being wise to being smart. I have searched about some examples to compare between smart people and wise people you may want to know. Smart people- they acquire and apply knowledge quickly. Wise people take more time but they will understand it deeply.
Smart ppl process information in systematic and logical way. With the wise, they process logically and emotionally.
Smart ppl want to talking to express their opinion but wise ppl want to listen and add comment.
Smart ppl may impose their thought on others sometimes. But wise ppl accept the differences.
Smart ppl base on their knowledge to solve problem. Wise ppl base on their judgement and intuitive to solve problem.

Recently I have realize that you keep upvoting for me. ^^. Thank for your support. This is wisdom. Know to express thankfulness to keep longer relationship. Haha

I wouldn't contrast wisdom and intelligence on the same scale. Intelligence is the ability to learn and understand facts. Wisdom is the ability to learn and understand how to live. Intelligence manifests in many ways, as does wisdom. There can be mentally slow and mentally quick wise and intelligent men.

Wow! I love the way you juxtapose between smart and wise people. I agree with you based on this. Especially, wise people processing information or situations in a logical and emotional manner. They would try not to hurt the feelings of the interactants or participant - whichever case it may be. #OWB

Wow. I am smart the most of the time but there are moments when I am wise. I just found myself 🤣🤣🤣🤣😎. Interesting conclusion @hr1, but I agree with you

Interesting topic for sure! I like your description of intelligence being the ability to generate possibilities for how to act. To me intelligence is removed of any ethical or moral component (thanks @bitdollar for mentioning ethics as I don't think you can reasonably discuss this topic devoid of ethics.) So that would mean that intelligence could be used for nefarious purposes - like the typical example of AI gone wild. But wisdom? I'd be curious if anyone would argue that wisdom could be used for evil. So maybe we can say that intelligence is simply the ability to reach an intended outcome by applying known information, while knowledge encompasses that plus the ability (learned or inherent?) to assess the situation for the best possible outcome. Which obviously leads to the question of who decides what is "best". And that, I'd say, is where wisdom comes in. :)

I'd be curious if anyone would argue that wisdom could be used for evil.

That's an excellent point! Maybe we should strive for Artificial Wisdom instead of Artificial Intelligence :)

I wouldn't. Being wise you take your time and you apply something when reached "perfection". This is how I managed to recover my freedom, after 10 years of being raped by my ex. I had to be selfish and to think about how I felt at that time. You have the ability to be "cold" and to take "wise" decisions.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts at a time when I am looking for posts to read in my feed. I finally have found content from you in my feed.

Why do I say that? Because many of my posts have been receiving upvotes from you and I always wanted to read from the angel supporter. Haha!

Wisdom & Smartness

I think after reading your post and thinking about both, I can say the following.

Wise people see what's not there; future, unexpressed feelings, hidden pains, broken but untold dreams etc. Smart people analyze what's presented to them in form of information or data and take a good decision based on that information.

Loved reading the post and I wish more people would read genuine content like this so I'll just resteem.

And why would I see a post from you. This is your first blogpost in 6 months. My entire Steemit experience is of 6 months. Based on what I read, I would like to read more from you. Please keep sharing.

To me, intelligence can be destructive on the world where wisdom cannot be so. Let's pretend there are two people, one with only the intelligence to build an atom bomb but lacking in wisdom. The other person has the intelligence to build the atom bomb but also has wisdom. The wise person would not have built such a thing even with the intelligence to do so. Where the intelligent person is just looking to "further his craft" without any concern for how it would affect the world.

This is why our modern world has been taught to celebrate intelligence much more than wisdom. Intelligent people can be much easier manipulated by those in power to further their ends and those with wisdom cannot.

A story from Utah Phillips goes as so: He was hanging out in a town doing nothing productive when a man came up to him and said 'Why don't you get a job?' Utah being a well read man and being aware of the Socratic method asked him 'Why?' the man replies 'You can earn some money that way' Utah continues with his socratic method and asks again 'Why?' The man says 'you can earn so much money that you could save up and live good and never have to work again' Utah replies 'Thats what I'm doing now'. That is wisdom to me.

Nice POV to be honest. I read the essay, for real what I thought was wise, wasnt so wise after all.

I see wisdom as the ability to appropriately apply the knowledge to the unknown situation. To see what's common and what's different between the current situation and what one has experienced in the past.

That sentence above, to me, can also be applied to being intelligent. More than often, I believe wisdom is the ability to see what cannot be seen, to look between the lines and make judgement based on the situation. He has a ton of experience and a ton f knowledge in any given area.

A wise person can see the outcome of your actions to a high degree before you take it(like the way an elder tells you youll hurt yourself if you do that )

An intelligent person, is just what you describe in your post.

Then again, being intelligent, is a step in the right direction for being wise.

so everybody has to be wise to some degree and also wise people usually consider more alternatives.

this sums it all.

Very interesting post boss, I am glad I saw you post today.

I agree with you on some parts. Here is my take on the difference between them:

For me Intelligence is the ability to find solutions. While wisdom comes from experience. Wisdom is the knowledge we have gained from past situations.

"First of all it isn't stated anywhere in the essay that the common goal of both being smart and wise is to be able to act in unknown situations."

I think the "goal" of intelligence and wisdom is problem solving.

To illustrate the difference let's suppose we have two individuals with the same intelligence who are asked to do a sophisticated job.

The one with wisdom will do the job better, because he or she had done a similar job before and could apply that knowledge for this job (which is your point).

In other words, to me intelligence is the ability to find solutions, while wisdom is knowledge that we have gained from a past experience to solve a particular problem.

This was a really good thought to start my day! Also I wanted to thank you for supporting so many steemians!

You are a hidden hero of Steemit!

Nice to meet you! I am a new-bie from S.Korea, and got to visit your blog with curiosity, whick your voting-up my post had made. And accidently I saw this post and I think that it is very critical analyze and makes sense to me. Especially the part of pointing the difference for "situations".
Though my english is bad, plz excuse me and I will often visit here and read good posts. Have a nice day :-)

His theory about intelligence is totally acceptable, but adding that the prediction is an intelligence capacity, I would say yes, but the prediction is more for a wise person. A wise person can predict the events that can occur based on the knowledge already stored, while the intelligent person has to put together a puzzle to arrive at a prediction. What makes a wise person faster in making decisions.

I came to the same conclusion that being wise helps you react more quickly, because the mapping between what is and the right action is more direct. For a smart person it takes much more thinking, weighing and imagining to make a decision of the same quality.

My initial thought was that wisdom is confused with emotional intelligence so the question doesn't matter. It's all a form of intelligence. In the article that is the first thing he shoots down by using the wisdom of the engineer as en example. Forced me to rethink, but as a concept wisdom still seems to abstract.

Essay author writes:

What is wisdom? I'd say it's knowing what to do in a lot of situations. I'm not trying to make a deep point here about the true nature of wisdom, just to figure out how we use the word.

I think this is the boundary determination of the problem being discussed, and that's "just to figure out how we use the word".

While the author's phrase, "A wise person is someone who usually knows the right thing to do", here he has touched upon a major problem in philosophy, which is about "the right thing". How to determine the right thing to then we can determine who is a wise person?

But I will ignore this issue, and just focus on "it's knowing what to do in a lot of situations."

So my opinion, if wisdom is understood like this then between smart and wise actually do not need to be concerned about the difference because in many situations it is two faces of the same coin.

The issue of the difference between smart and wise, can only be discussed just after you have mentioned the ability to act in unknown situations. This is just a matter of philosophy, seeking the right response for something that has not happened yet and is unknown. It is only here that intelligent and wise can be distinguished, the wise are the ones who know the unknown situations and have thought about what actions to take when that happens. Even when an intelligent person has acted appropriately in a situation, the wise man already knows, or at least predicted, the effect and end of the action. In other words, in my opinion, a wise person is who has views that can penetrate into various dimensions of various situations.

That is the special meaning of wisdom and the wise, whereas in public speaking, wisdom and intelligence can be expressed in the same meaning. And the last mentioned, that is about public speaking, I don't think it will be the subject of philosophy in particular, but in the science of public communication or sociology.

That is quite a cool train of thought.. Though the intelligence you describe sounds very much like creativity. .. im not sure if they are linked together though i do have the idea that people who are creative most of the time (not always ;D) find problem-solving to be entertaining as it challenges their creative part of the brain..

That's a good point, it actually is very similar to creativity. Only creativity is unconstrained while intelligence is more linked to problem solving.

I agree @hr1

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

go spam on youtube..

As I'm growing old I'm feeling Swise ;-)


I would also like to add my two cents on the issue and raise another question about the difference of wisdom and intelligence.

A conflicting situation in which a person has to decide, I believe the one who prefers wisdom (the one the author of the essay describes - the attribute coming mainly from humility and discipline) will first tend to look at the big picture and weigh all the possibilities to reach a conclusion best for everyone.

Meanwhile, a person that is more intelligent than wise (a.k.a. has good peaks of performance rather than good performance in general) will first think of him/herself and attempt to capitalize on his/her knowledge of the grander scheme of things rather than seeking to create a more beneficial outcome for all involved.

In short, I believe wisdom itself is a virtue while intelligence is not and intelligence itself is basically what wisdom is save the humility, empathy and intuition.

Intelligence is calculative, discontent about everything and it makes you scheme and invent constantly while wisdom is deep-rooted. It does come from experience but only the kind that you not only go through, but the one you accept, grow over and learn your lesson from.

Intelligence itself is a trait that can make you in fact super unhappy - just look at all of us - the hyper-intelligent milennials who truly are very smart, clever and fast, but how many of us are in any way happy, satisfied or inspirational?

Intelligence breeds deppression while wisdom soothes it and gives borne to serenity - our better selves.

Anyway, the essay is very alluring and it raises some important points while exhaustively covering all the possible and impossible probabilities and angles to view the issue from.

Overall I agree with your reply, @hr1, but I don't think you're focusing on the correct aspects of these two attributes and that the essence of their intricate dissimilitude lies more within their exact nature than in the abilities that their presence provides and applies.

To me, intelligence is reason. Emotionless, calculative head.

Whereas wisdom is that plus the heart's guidance - conscience of one's self in connection with empathy (the knowledge and respect for the existence of more than just one's self).

A very refreshing topic to be raised. Thanks for making me think about this!

Thanks for support me!

Good thoughts! Wisdom can sometimes be NOT acting, too! For me, it comes down to seeing things as they happen, more than making things happen... What do you think?

I think one important feature of being wise is the principle of minimal necessary action (or intervention). Which means that you not only know and take the action which makes the situation unfold in the right direction, but also you choose the action of minimal effort of all the possible actions achieving your goal.

Sometimes the minimal necessary action is simply no action.

'I wink, therefore I am...'

Hi @occupywallets!

Indeed, great addition to the discussion! Right you are, both of you, in fact! I believe what You and @hr1 are talking about can be described simply as patience, another virtue naturally stemming from the presence of wisdom - it helps you calm down and respect the natural order of things, further rendering you peaceful.

What I find somewhat humorous and powerful at the same time is the association I just got from this discussion; what we are talking about is in another way described in the code of the Jedi - the wisdom contained in characters like Yoda - even though fictional, but still an emodiement of wisdom in a way.

Realizing this, I now believe the wisdom in the movies is definitely a part of Star Wars' spell, at least that of the old trilogy - it's all about humility - the slogans are clear; "Trust in the Force!" is just another way of saying "Be humble and do not presume to be correct about everything all the time." For indeed we are creatures whose wisdom is mainly borne of mistakes and errors, but the same things can trigger the exact opposite - bitterness, hate and discontent. That is, as I believe, what the universe calls "a path to the dark side". It is essentially a warning from acting under the influence of impatience, fear and anger - the opposite of wisdom.

These are definitely enlightening revelations for me, thank you both again!

Patience is nice, but I am actually talking about SEEING... Not anything along WITH the seeing, just observing all without preconception... And did you know where George Lucas borrowed The Force from? Why, from Taoism, of course! Star Wars is cool, but I would get life teaching from thousands of generations of monks and masters, not from Disney, LOL!

Yoda V Monsanto.gif

pretty cool that your post is almost one month old and still very active.

Not sure if someone mentioned this as I did not read all 405 responses, but a good summary is an intelligent person can create multiple solutions while a wise person can pick out the best solution. It all makes sense now why they go hand and hand. Thanks.

oooh you are alive @hr1

sorry my friend maybe I misunderstood ... According to me .. Well smart and wise people must know the deadlock where and where the way out where. then from there was born the solution what is the problem and there is a way out.
if I think more make the experience as a teacher and science ... sorry friends there may be words that are not good .. and maybe I'm wrong understanding .thank for you @hr1 and good post

test 0

Wisdom comes with time if you pay attention to your surroundings and don't block your mind with dogma. ​As long as you have​ an​ open mind wisdom will come to you in time.

I guess you're right. I would just add that you have to actively try to remove all dogmatic beliefs from your mind as they are not gonna go away themselves...

Posted using Steeve

test 1

thank you for vite her friend, hope you continue victorious

test 2

test 3

Greetings, sir.
In my appropriation of these concepts, the intelligent is not necessarily wise, since his actions may be contrary to wisdom.

An intelligent man will build a nuclear bomb, and he will be proud of his feat. The same intelligent man but also wise, will discern previously on the effect of their actions, and will take the decision that benefits or less damage to humanity and itself. Wisdom applies to oneself and to others.

Wisdom does not imply knowledge of books, but it does not exclude them either. Wisdom does not imply knowledge acquired in experience, but it does not exclude them either. Wisdom is a virtue that has an innate quota and another acquired quota.

That’s a great way to describe the difference between smart and wise!

Thank you very much for your comment.

Data --> (x,y) coordinates of bullet holes on airplane
Information --> the pattern of the bullet holes on airplane
Intelligence --> which part of the airplane to reinforce
[ no, it is not where the bullet holes are,
but where the bullet holes are not; because those aircraft who got shot in the other places did not manage to make it back home. ;-) ]
Wisdom --> How to avoid war, or win without fighting (a
la Sun Tze)

Awesome topic

One of my favourite one liners on the subject:
Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

Hello @secondstar!

That is an excellent saying indeed for it basically sums up our entire discussion in a couple of simple words. The saying itself contains wisdom.

I think I am both wise and smart but not for this world, at least for the worst of this world... Anyway I just passed by to thank your upvote in my recent post. Keep in touch my friend! :)

Hand in hand with age - old and wise :D
Kids get lucky and smart ;)

Really interesting theme. I enjoyed your handwritings, interesting and educational. @hr1

Thank you so much for your upvote. I will like to read more about this theme. :D

Have a beautiful and relaxing weekend! :D

Experience gives us lot of understanding and knowledge. This help us tackle future problem or similar situation nicely.

It's so sad to know that not everybody have the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right.

If you are wise you could be smart. You can be smart but not wise.

I don’t know if you can compare smart and wise. Smart seems to be related to knowing facts, while wise seems to be knowing, but not necessarily knowing facts. Related, like the two sides of a coin. One is inner. One is outer.

For me, wise is a different kind of knowing. The kind of knowing that is hard to describe with words. (As I’m beginning to realize here.)

Here’s an example of wisdom... always assume everyone else in the room is smarter than you.

If you do that, you will increase your opportunities to get smarter by asking questions of those people in the room. Being wise is knowing that.

always assume everyone else in the room is smarter than you.

That's a good example of wisdom. Not everyone else needs to be smarter or wiser than you, but they definitely have different experiences than you so you can always learn from them something.

Hello @hr1
It's nice to see a post from you
Life is full with ups and downs
How we act in this unknown situation is all that matters
Wisdom and Intelligence are needed to take the required action

Have been looking for medium to say thanks to @hr1 for his support upon my life. Day in day out, i visit your blog just to see if you have posted but none, not until today am really happy. Thanks i appreciate for all your support.

as per the article, this is not a topic you can just run a conclusion on, it is truly broad as alot of things needs to be concluded before we can truly decide. To me been wise may be the ability of you to show wisdom from experience while smart maybe seen as been fast in learning so in my own case both points to different channel and the ability for you to acts in unknown situation explains all.

@tfame3865 want to build an Youtube Empire check my Blog.
You will be able to rank 3.4 Million YouTube Videos within short time

Thank you for your thoughts.

Soul in which there is no wisdom— dead. But if you enrich it with teaching, it will come to life, like an abandoned land on which rain has shed. (Abu-l-Faraj)

Very intelligent post ;)

I was surprised to see you writing a post after so long.

Life goes fast. Stay strong, learn from your mistakes, be intelligent and act Wisdom.

Have a good day / night man.

( And thanks for some uptoves i got from u from time to time )

nice post @hr1. Being smart doesn't mean you are wise. You can be smart and the smartness can put you into trouble. Being wise doesn't mean you are smart. Wise doesn't determine by age.
But I think if you are smart and wise, you may have the chance of doing things with ease.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the upvote
Am delighted

Gracias por compartir me lei completamente todo y creo que esta muy acertado en su interpretacion el sabio sabe por experiencia que si acelera un carro a cierta velocidad el carro fallara y puede volcar, el inteligente prueba el carro y va midiendo hasta que velocidad puede llegar podria decir que ambos llegan al mismo camino de formas distintas pero habra que poner dos en practica porque el inteligente siempre buscara hacer las cosas mas faciles.

Thanks for your upvote .!

Isn't the point to "Be" IN Consciousness and not to try at anything? I think Yoda was on to something.... Wise and Intelligence perhaps stands for Heart Action/Mind Action

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For me being wise is having to meet an unknown situation and being able to handle it a way that everybody looks at it and say YES this was the wisest thing anyone could have done. Then as for being smart..well smartness has to do with experience of a path that has been trailed. So if you don't know anything you cant act appropriately. I am happy that you ate back... Thanks for the encouragement on my posts offlatr

Excellent post and this is something I have seen through the years of working. Intelligent people make great workers as they know what they know and don't know what they don't. But would much rather hire a wise person as they more more diverse and aimed at solving problems. If they don't know something they are more opt to go out and figure it out without question. An intelligent person usually would say they don't know how to do that. This is over a decade of managing teams. although both are essential but if i were to have to choose it would be wise.

Sincerely a great contribution, highly recommended!

I feel like wisdom usually comes with age (experience) and intelligence can be valid for everyone. Wisdom can 'predict' a situation (from experience) and with intelligence you can react to a situation or try to imagine a possible outcome. 😊 Thank you so much for your upvotes and support!!

This is very insightful.

good post brother interesting content many congratulations

Knowledge is power, but ignorance is bliss...

But others would say there is no knowledge that is not power, but that is only true depending on the way you interpret the knowledge,

While others claim that Ignorance is Strength....

Classic Blue or Red Pill analogy! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

One who act his knowledge to change the course of events is wise and that is wisdom. Thks for share hr1

I just wanted to thank you for the support you give Me by ocasionally upvoting my posts, I just spend some time reading your posts and I think I understand how Steem works a little more.
That being said, this was the wisest and more inteligent place to let you know how much I apreciate how you support my original content :)

@hr1 inspect element my comment

Hi! Nice to have you onboard for our Bali journey :)
I was checking out your blog but it's kind of quiet here. Too bad because I like this post. Gets you thinking about stuff you don't necessarily think about on a daily basis. Hope you find some time and inspiration to get some thoughts out here :)
See ya!

Awesome post @hr1 ! I hardly agree with your responses. Upvoted and Followed. Nice to see you posting again.

And what do you think about the correlation between Wisdom and Intelligence? Do Wisdom need Intelligence to exists?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

In my opinion people usually have a combination of both, but I can imagine cases with just one, or just the other.

You can get wise after you've experienced a lot and learned from it and you don't need to be very intelligent. You can also be very intelligent without being wise. But intelligence can speed up the process of becoming wiser if that's where you aim it.

I think wisdom mainly consist of knowledge of how to act. And this knowledge is just conveniently compressed experience. You can get it either by experiencing really a lot or by using your intelligence to get as much as possible from your (possibly limited) experience.

good post, thank's for give information @hr1

@hr1 The most important thing is not only the intelligence but to apply it with wisdom. Excellent reflections friend. Best regards

Thanks for vote to this post!

2018 새해맞이 피지 여행 bula~ 1. 피지 도착, 쉐라톤 호텔

This post is story about travelling fiji,

maybe u didn't know what was this post means, but you voted me.

Thanks a lot.

But you have no post which was written within 7days..

so i will vote here^^

I really enjoyed reading this! Thank you for sharing.

When I read your article. The conclusion is. 50%smart 50%wise in my life this for Mr @hr1

Thank sir to vote my post😉

Good job

@hr1 nice post, I agree with your responses

@hr1 how are you? @hr1

You described it well.........i will say wisdom is god gifted and intelligence is how to use wisdom. action

Hola, leí este post y debo confesar que me dio mucho que pensar, por la inmensa cantidad de opiniones que se dan con respecto al tema.

De mi parte pienso que una persona inteligente es quien ante un problema logra con sus conocimientos adquiridos conseguir varias soluciones.
Mientras que una persona sabia, encuentra solo una solución y en general es la moralmente correcta.

Lo interesante es que una persona sabia no necesariamente tiene que ser inteligente. Y una persona inteligente no necesariamente tiene que ser sabia. Sin embargo una persona puede ser ambas o puede no ser ninguna. Así que concluyo que sí hay una gran diferencia entre ambas.

Vine porque votaste en uno de mis post y quería agradecértelo, pero me encantó encontrar este interesante debate.

This was an awesome article man, good job, really good work!

Thank you very much for voting in my post. You are a good man. @hr1

@hr1 te invito a pasar por el blog de @gythanobonfak. Tiene buen contenido.

I see intelligence as ease and speed with which you learn and wisdom as the ability to incorporate what you know into daily life.

genius!!! : D
Thank you

I appriciate wisdom because the wisdom person is always more hard working and curious about everything. And they learn from that. The intelligent can solve the problem very quickly and it's really effective ? I am not sure about that


It's best to be a wise person. Because if you say "YOU'RE SMART" it just only means that you're good only in something specific activity or doings while if you say "YOU'RE WISE " it means that no matter problems you encounter in your life, you can able to find ways to solve that problem properly and successfully or in other words you are flexible in life.

thank you @hr1

Based on the culture of most my people, smart tends to be tricky; where we are able to find a shortcut of solution. it's about a manner. The wise mean an ability to adapt any unlike condition for getting the main goal. it's about a response. Therefore, it seems defferent between them.

Knowledge makes a person intelligent. And the ability to quickly and adequately use your mind - wisdom. This is purely my opinion, and I do not pretend to impose it on someone. Good luck to you and good.

policy and intelligence are two sides of the currency, past experience of policy makers in the present situation. so in taking the policy should be smart. Thanks

I think you can't be wise without experience and you can't be intelligent without knowledge. But also wisdom has to be based on a good amount of knowledge as well. Great article.

Hello good morning, excellent article, you authorize me to translate this article into Spanish and I post it? Giving you author credit of course, thank you

intelligence comes from the mind. It may be just a sound intellectual activity, but wisdom is not limited to proper thinking, but followed by good behavior in practical behavior. It does not rely on reason only, but benefit from experience and guidance and from the aid of God to pray.

Wisdom is not just sound knowledge or good thought but it is at the heart of practical life its existence in good behavior .. if it was chosen at the same time. He succeeded in turning to wisdom.

The result is a wise quality procedure and a precise expression and safety measure.

Hello Friend. Very interesting your post. Certainly there are people who tend to confuse and say that intelligence and wisdom are the same, while intelligence is that ability that human beings have to resolve situations, understand more easily and produce information, is linked to multiple mental functions. Without noticing that Wisdom is that skill that is achieved through intelligence, it is based on experience. It also leads us to reflect on what may happen in our life, whether it is good or bad. In a few words, intelligence is part of the progress of wisdom in being human.

Thanks you

Hello Friend. Very interesting your post. Certainly there are people who tend to confuse and say that intelligence and wisdom are the same, while intelligence is that ability that human beings have to resolve situations, understand more easily and produce information, is linked to multiple mental functions. Without noticing that Wisdom is that skill that is achieved through intelligence, it is based on experience. It also leads us to reflect on what may happen in our life, whether it is good or bad. In a few words, intelligence is part of the progress of wisdom in being human.

So enlightening @hr1 really there is definitely a distinction between wisdom and intelligence, I for a person agree with your definition of wisdom as the application of knowledge,i think there is an extra to that, I see wisdom as a force that propels the individual to apply his knowledge. You know most people say knowledge is power but always stand to debunk that school of thought by saying applied knowledge is power, because one can have knowledge of a thing to cause a tremendous Change in his life and maybe even society and never acts on it. But the one who act his knowledge to change the course of events is wise and that is wisdom.
Thank you, I have followed you. I will be making a series of post soon on three kinds of wisdom

Good post

Buen día, de antemano un cordial saludo, quisiera expresarle mi humilde opinión al respecto, yo pienso que las personas inteligentes son aquellas que saben aprovechar una oportunidad en el momento en que se les presenta, no la dejan pasar y la reconocen automáticamente sin importar si tuvieron o no una experiencia previa.
La sabiduría yo pienso que consiste en saber cómo hacerlo, muchas personas aveces por confiados piensan en que saben hacer algo y se confían en ello y desafortunadamente fracasan. Albert Einstein decía yo sé que no se nada y él era un verdadero, ¡Padre de la Sabiduría!

I wana be wise or I'd rather be wise. Great post, worth reading

It's almost imppssible being who you really are qhen school is trying to turn you to a person you dont really know. And so is the aociety.

Tahnk you nice post

You said it as if that was a bad thing. You wouldn't survive a day without society... But it's not that you can't reflect on yourself and decide you don't like the external forces. Then you can try and do something about them.

You are correct. Thanks.

Thank you very much. Your article is very nice and interesting!
There is always going to be debates about this classification and definition which is really a semantic issue.
We as humans are conditioned by what we already know. So, to go beyond the known and to stumble upon something new we have to use a new way or technique of using our brain.
Have you ever came across J. Krishnamurti’s quotes or work on ‘thoughts’ ? Very fascinating!


Yo, dude! Thanks a lot for all of your upvotes! I appreciate it very much.

Also, great post. I am writing a long essay, titled "Toddlers Wiser Than Elders." I may extend it to book-length. I'll send it your way, once finished.

— NP

Hi, just say thanks for your continued support... from a looong looong time ago, really appreciated :)

I agree, intelligence is deciphering a situation without actual experience.
Thanks Always! #grateful

Smart @hr1

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Simply Superb article!!!
I absolutely enjoyed it. the way you simplified the whole article is just amazing. Personally I'm not a good reader, because of the language differences. My native language is Pashto. But the way you simplified this article is really easy to read. You are Awesome @hr1. Just followed you. Hope will see such an interesting article in near future too. Thanks