Building on Commonalities

in philosophy •  6 years ago  (edited)

As someone who has his heads in the clouds a little too much, I happen to imagine quite often a future of amazing possibilities powered by the technology that allows this little blog of mine to exist. To me, the idea that we can one day skip the banks all together, achieve financial freedom, help charities (with accountability & transparency mind you), and exit the ugly rat race, keeps me engaged, enthused to participate in the sometimes conflictive trenches of ideological discourse.

trenches conflict.jpg

I've come to grips with the fact that we can't effectively eliminate conflicts. Not from this platform and not from society as a whole. It seems to be innate to our very nature. However, I wonder if we can at least come together enough to identify the bigger enemies that are impeding our economic revolution and build from those commonalities first.

In other words, as participants of the new paradigm we could attempt to put traditional monolithic identifiers aside, while we build the foundations of true freedom.

One would think that a reasonable statement like this could resonate with everyone, but that seems to not be the case, as we can't really agree on the very definition of freedom sometimes. The truth is that the concept is subject of much debate, it's strapped with associations that seem to be carved out of religious texts, making the discussions as conflictive as debating religion and faith.


Even the Dictionary Fails us at times

And I'm comfortable admitting that. Languages are not static and concepts evolve with the use, misuse and abandonment of words. It takes but a minute to read some shakespearean English to understand what I mean.


Does this mean that we should not try? Does this mean that the search for commonalities is a futile one? I happen to think that this is not the case. It simply can't be how we as a society choose to play the cards we have been dealt. And the main reason why I think we can overcome this challenge, has a lot to do with the abundance and speed of available information.

The very fact that I have the ability to sit down on a computer from the comfort of a home, and type this very blog entry proves without an inch of doubt, that the shift has already occurred. Information is available for those who seek, and as much as censorship tries to stay in the game, more and more it seems to fail on its regressive mission.

I'm not naive to say that tribalism won't make an appearance and do its number. The point I'm trying to make is that even standing from that perspective, coming from that angle, there is a bigger tribe that we might be failing to recognize. The human tribe that decided to tell the powers to be , "We are done playing the stupid game, we are taking back our freedom".

Maybe if we stand in that recognition, in that commonality, we don't have to move into the default action of "othering" our fellow humans, or worse dehumanizing cultures and ideologies that are different from our own.

Food for thought as they say...

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The day we allow freedom to rule, that's the day the whole world would know peace.

We strive over pointless issues. My culture is better than your, you language is better than mine and other things of no value.

How I wish everybody could come to the light of this post and allow true freedom of expression.

We are human and not animals, we all deserve to live our lives outside the cage.

brilliantly said my friend... brilliantly said.

Thanks friend.

If we speak of freedom, I think that we still have a long way to go to achieve full freedom, but we are on that path, although in some countries (like mine) we are going further back

I believe that to which you speak my dearest @Meno, is that of Good vs. Evil. The battle between good and evil is real and necessary for our existence, for it provides the boundaries and framework from which each of us can asses and draw upon our own personal interpretation of the world about us and how we place ourselves within the realm of such insanity and chaos. At the end of the day, and I know I’m beating a dead horse here of late, but what matters most is the underlying truth, however ambiguous such truth may persist… Underneath all the bullshit lies truth in one form or another. Each of those respective truths needs to be assessed and evaluated on every possible merit – and thereafter, perhaps, with a little bit of luck, the real-truth shall prevail in taking each and every one of us to the place that we belong.

So long as we “Tell the Truth” to the best of our ability – in my view, each of us who do so, shall be spared the anguish and sorrow of those who choose not to. ... The whole world is shaking now - can you feel it?

Derek Trucks on the slide!!! HELLZ YEAH!

The whole band is one big ball of truth! Ha-ha... I love each and every one of them including the infamous Eric, of course... :-)