Oompa Loompa Now: The coming Apocalypse

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Hey, Daddy, I want an Oompa Loompa! I want you to get me an Oompa Loompa right away!... I want an Oompa Loompa now! - Veruca Salt

There is a lot of talk about class gaps and they focus heavily on the economic potential and opportunity provided, they talk of privilege and entitlement, access to education or healthcare. What they often fail to talk about however in regard to this is what an individual can do about it.

For the most part, they give them image that a better position is something that can only be granted by those above and those on the other side of the gap are at the mercy of a ruling class. Yes, this is not completely without merit but, is there nothing one can do to close the gaps?


I see that there are going to be plenty of future differentiators between those with and those without if we are not careful. The largest of these is likely to be the consumer/creator gap where consumers are unskilled in their abilities to develop new and the creators are those who have imagination and creative talent. I think that even now as automation and artificial intelligence creeps in, we are seeing a slice of the future.

Retraining is not always possible however as although people would like to be politically correct in their speeches, not everyone has the same opportunity. I am the first to admit that I am not smart enough to work at NASA or cure cancer. For example, as self-driving cars come to the fore, how many taxi and truck drivers can retrain to become creatives?

I can talk more about those things at another point perhaps however now, there is a more immediate separator to consider that will drive a wedge between populations and can be readily witnessed here at Steemit.

The instant/delayed gratification gap. An immediate problem is a little bit of a pun, isn't it? The problem is that many are similar to Veruca Salt, they have the desires but not the means to achieve them which translates as reliance on others, for Veruca, it was her Daddy, for you?

Having the means is something that either requires inheritance, favour or... work and more often than not, inheritance and favour are in short supply, ironically often because of instant gratification fulfilment of immediate wants. This leaves work but, again, it is not just work. Earning isn't enough if the majority of what is coming in is going straight back out again.

For some here at Steemit, perhaps this is necessary but like I have said before, what did they do before Steemit and, what will they do if for some reason their earning stops here? Living off Steem without investing into it is very very risky in my opinion and people should avoid having to do it as much as they can. Though, for the most part, people do not need everything they earn yet spend all of anyway on what other may consider luxuries.

This is not an issue per se until we factor in the advertisers who are driving for more and more consumption all the time. This means that there is always a new toy to buy and hand to mouth soon turns to hand to debt servicing. We are constantly being encouraged to buy now, pay later and this is going to further widen the gaps as more get trapped deeper into a debt cycle.

But, thinking short is not just a problem for the investors, it affects many things like skill development itself. Most skills of value take time and effort to build but if one is driven by a desire to gratify quickly, the skills chosen to acquire are more easily obtained. Easily obtained means many can obtain them making them valueless.

Do you see the coming apocalypse? The instant gratifiers are going to be short on skills, short on opportunity, short on economic stability but, still have the feelings of entitlement to expect Daddy to do something about it. The delayed gratifiers however will have deeper level skills and the opportunities and reward that affords plus the satisfaction patience to prepare a strong foundation for the future.

What happens in this situation when the more responsible are forced to take care of those who chose not to invest in themselves yet, those who did not invest think it is not their fault at all? There are going to be some issues that arise.

Vast differences in resource allocation is always going to create conflicts and equality itself is never likely to be reached. But, expecting others to close all the gaps without developing the understanding and habits to support closing gaps is not going to help fix the problems. It takes all people involved to play their part which means all people to take responsibility for their part.

Maybe Veruca Salt is someone some people might look up to but those who demand and have their wishes granted by parents are called spoiled. Those who demand and expect their wishes to be granted by authorities might just be called delusional.

[ a Steemit original ]

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Let me dash for a bucket of sand ~ again, you are on fire!

Instant gratification is usually non sustainable ~ far better to take the long view, work hard and master new skills whatever your age.

Invest time and money if possible ~ just today I spent my last available disposable cash on SBD and powered up in the belief that this will reap longterm rewards when coupled with my strong work ethic. (Blimey, thanks to you, I even have a voting slider for a bit! ~ Be still my beating heart, haaah.)


It is good to realize that while investing in Steem takes future orientation it's basically a gamble. If you had invested, say, in the shares of an American funeral home chain you could expect much slower but much steadier gains. Anyone who only powers up on Steem is not exactly at the extreme deferred gratification end of the spectrum.

Having an awfully nice but dim moment here!

Please explain further:

... Anyone who only powers up on Steem is not exactly at the extreme deferred gratification end of the spectrum...

And ~ life is a gamble and, to my mind, it is this that holds my interest! :)



Having an awfully nice but dim moment here!

Please explain further:

... Anyone who only powers up on Steem is not exactly at the extreme deferred gratification end of the spectrum...

And ~ life is a gamble and, to my mind, it is this that holds my interest! :)

By investing in Steem, an investor takes a big risk in exchange for big and relatively quick potential gains. By investing in something utterly boring, steady, predictable and unsexy on the stockmarket an investor can have the same gains with less risk but over a much longer time, that is, demonstrating a stronger tendency toward delayed gratification than the Steem investor.

At this time, the valuation of STEEM the cryptocurrency is based on future expectations alone. There is no external revenue stream of any kind. Nobody is buying STEEM to gain a financial benefit from the attention of crowds using the services built on top of the Steem blockchain at the moment. This is like investing in an early stage technology startup. It is a very risky thing to do especially if one does not practically have any control over how the business is run (no minnow has and only a handful of the biggest whales who work for Steemit Inc. have).

I keep powering up with most of what I earn here but with full awareness of the risk. If I weren't blogging here, I'd be blogging somewhere else with no actual or potential financial benefit to myself whatsoever, so the loss isn't that big in any case.

Thanks ~ that's kinda what I thought you meant but I wasn't quite sure :)

Most appreciated.


As the saying goes: She who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; she who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

The staggering number of lottery winners that go bankrupt prove that capital isn't the issue keeping people back. If it was purely a money issue winning 30 million dollars would be enough to elevate yourself and your entire family to a new class providing opportunity for generations to come.

Instead it leave most in a worse financial position then the day they purchased their winning ticket.

The problem is mindset. The mindset of instant gratification is one of the worst. Making kids earn their own money and then spend that money on things they want is a very important lesson that every parent should be imparting on their kids. The "I want it NOW" tantrums end when it's their own money being spent.

Parents need to learn to be parents and stop trying to be their kids best friends.

What proportion of lottery winners really go bankrupt? The lottery winner who leads the quiet and satisfied life with his financial house in good order is not newsworthy. It's the broke spendthrifts we hear about when they sell their stories to the yellow press out of desperation.

In fact, about 70 percent of people who win a lottery or get a big windfall actually end up broke in a few years, according to the National Endowment for Financial Education.

I'm in the US and using US stats. Not sure about the rest of the world, but seriously doubt that it's any different.

Give a poor person money and they will still be poor, give someone who just happens to be broke money and they will use it properly. Being poor is a mindset, being broke is just someone's current situation.

I have been broke a few times in my life and come back each time. Never felt that I was a poor person. Have never used the bankruptcy route to escape debts even after a massive business failing leaving me nearly homeless. Instead I worked harder then ever and satisfied all my debts, saved the house, and keep food on the table for the family (wasn't much or very good, but it was food).

If I had the mentality of a poor person I would of taken the easy way out. Filed BK and cried about all of the ways I got screwed over and so forth. Instead I scrapped and clawed my way back and today we are on solid ground living a good life. Everything could fall apart again one day and I would still find my way back up.

On the flip side people with a poor mentality always find a way to become poor again.

"In fact, about 70 percent of people who win a lottery or get a big windfall actually end up broke in a few years, according to the National Endowment for Financial Education."

I'm in the US and using US stats. Not sure about the rest of the world, but seriously doubt that it's any different.

Very interesting. Financial literacy is at an alarmingly low level. But is it any wonder because ballooning consumer credit is the only thing that has kept the US economy afloat in recent decades with the median salary falling behind. This is a problem in many developed countries, not just the US.

On the flip side people with a poor mentality always find a way to become poor again.


Very interesting. Financial literacy is at an alarmingly low level. But is it any wonder because ballooning consumer credit is the only thing that has kept the US economy afloat in recent decades with the median salary falling behind. This is a problem in many developed countries, not just the US.

Without ballooning debt loads the US economy would be in serious trouble. The public and the government both rely heavily on debt to fuel their purchases and lifestyle.

That could come to an ugly end.

Completely agree. What I think most miss is that the ugly end won't just be an US issue, but a far reaching global one. US consumerism fuels economies around the world. Without it the house of cards will fall.

Yes, it will. It would be best if consumption increased in those countries and manufacturing increased in the US. Rebalancing world trade is one of the themes that got Trump elected. But what can one national government do about it?

Most lottery winners aren't Finns ashamed of their win ;D

Heh. But seriously, is the average person really that stupid with money?

In any case, money and stupidity are like oil and water.

There are many who unfortunately are. I have seen bits of a few documentaries, reports and stories about them. People buy a Ferrari and don't factor in insurance, 10,000 for a set of rubber, service, etc. Same for homes and the like. Many forget that there are service costs involved but don't take the care to make sure the money is working well for them. Financial literacy is not of primary concern unfortunately, instagram and facebook literacy is vital however.

Financial literacy should be a subject in school or at least a recurring theme in many subjects such as maths and civics.

Thank you for the warning. I think that the difference and the gaps are sadly inevitable, this is a type of natural selection and we have to interrupt that process. But honestly there is no chance to really help to an entitled victim

Coming from a country where there is no middle class, its either the upper class who are very very rich and the lower class who are very very poor i understand the difference between class levels. "Oompa Loompa" sounds scary

@tarazkp should we invest in steem now is it good time

I don't give investment advice other than never invest what you aren't willing to lose completely.

wow even you also donate your steem doller to the poor people.nice thats great.i saw your image.thank

I was given a book by @ericvancewalton. "One Word at a Time - Finding your way as an indie author." As a fiction writer, I find it indispensable.

Eric mentions the importance of being able to have a job during the day that also allows you to find time to write. I think it's very important to be able to continue to write, or blog, and hopefully make money doing it.

However, unless you're already making lots and lots of money it's probably not a good idea to quit your day job.

Get an easier one? Maybe. But outright quit working? Bad idea.

I run my own business full-time, I am not in this boat.

The problem is that many are looking for easy ways or excuses not to get work or improve. All want life to be easy so they don't have to work. I want to be crazy rich so there is no end to the work I can do.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That must be nice. Well I'd like to write full time, and I will one day. As for those that don't want to work so they can watch TV all day? Well that's just lazy and boring.