The 'No maths math theory of destiny and stupidity'

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Do you believe in destiny? How about a soul? Are they incompatible?

This is a theory of mine but I do not have the math skills available to calculate it even at the basic level, let alone the universal. I am not sure if anyone ever could have but, since I like theories, analogies and philosophy, let's see if I can put them all into a mathematical model.

Warning: there will be no mathematical model.

Imagine you have a digital pool table and you have every possible characteristic available, surface values, material, careening values, weights, frictions etc calculable by the program.

Now, the cue ball is placed precisely, the 15 play balls are racked and ready and the game knows exactly where everything is. You draw back the digital cue, aim at the triangle of balls and release. What happens?

Well, the cue ball hits the balls, they knock against each other, split apart, careen into the walls, bounce again, some hit, some go fast, some slow until they all finally come to a rest. Right? Yes. The digital calculations are made to factor in all that the game has at whatever degree of real-world representation.

At what point does the program know where the balls will stop? At the end of the calculation right? So, it knows at the point the cue is released the force the program will give it, the direction, where it will hit, where the balls will bounce, how they will speed or slow and where they will all come to a rest. That happens at the start.

This means that the destiny of the balls are known from the first movement. It also means that if the force and starting positions are known, any snapshot of the balls as they are in motion can be calculated back to the starting point or forward to the final resting point. Yes? Any snapshot as essentially, with all things remaining equal, there is no other possible position they could be in. Fate?

Now to do this in a real-world environment instead of a digital is much harder as there is variation in all things that we have no way to actually calculate with absolute precision but hypothetically, it is all predictable from the point the cue ball is hit. Yes?

So that means that if all of the calculations are known and precise, the travel and eventual resting fate of the balls is completely known. Again, any snapshot in time during that travel can be calculated backwards or forwards if the starting positions and forces are known.

Now, I think most mathematicians believe that every physical act is calculable, at least in theory if not practice and this is predictable all the way down to sub atomic levels and all the way up to heavenly bodies, right?

But, that makes it much like the billiards game, doesn't it? If you know the starting points and force, everything is completely predictable. Including your disbelief and the realisation that every thought you have and your eventual demise, that of all you know and the very end of existence itself, is already known.

With an impossibly complex mathematical modelling tool, even your continued thoughts about this are predictable, always were and always will be. Every tiny, minuscule atomic movement from the start until the end of time can be calculated mathematically. If so, this means that not only your destiny, but the fate of all movement from the start til there is no more is knowable.

This would raise some interesting questions would it not? Things like free-will would become impossible as would being able to blame a criminal as since the start of time, their destiny was inevitable. With a snapshot of the dinosaurs roaming around, the predictability of the flashcrash this morning was absolute, as were the thoughts surrounding this article. It also means that the price of Steem at Midsummer is already known also. It is going to be 16.45 for anyone counting. (How awesome if that is correct and now on the blockchain)

What of the soul then, love, god? I don't know but many mathematicians seem to be atheist. Perhaps they did the calculations. But, this also means that their achievements in science or math, their brilliance is also not theirs, it was predestined billions of years ago. Why then be proud for we are not responsible for any of it?

If they do believe they are responsible and have control over their actions, this means they are admitting that there is a force that lays outside of the system as it is able to change the pathways of destiny. Are they admitting there really is a God if they do this?

And, much like the billiards game, it definitely points to a very predictable model that will not be dissimilar in appearance to a simulation, would it not? Is it hackable? After all, it means that the cure for cancer is already in the pipeline and if we could model the point it is discovered, we will have it now. Does that count as time travel?

Of course, other questions get raised too. Where did the cue ball come from, if it is an energy enclosed system as many believe it to be, why did it start to move at all? If it was still, it needed a catalyst from outside. When is the next players turn to hit the ball coming?

You may be saying something along the lines of well, 'Technically, this may work but it is irrelevant for it can never be proven and raises questions that have no possible answer.'

Perhaps though there is an answer but wejust haven't travelled far enough along the timeline of reaction to be smart enough to see it. Maybe it is actually very simple. Do you know? Perhaps you are too stupid like me but don't feel bad as there is nothing you can do, it is fate.

All mathematical modelling and theories are based on the timeline and attached to a specific model and perhaps looking for a theory of absolutely everything is quite useless but, what is to be found along the way?

[ a Steemit original ]

Hopefully you enjoyed this one and I welcome some comments to join in the discussion. Not that it really matters what you write as technically it is already written and your upvote is already marked on the blockchain, so don't mess with the Spacetime continuum, it is your destiny ;)

source images 1 2 (the last two are mine)

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Every physical act can indeed be measured and modeled, but with some degree of error due to quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle. At the sub-atomic level we simply have to guess either the position or velocity of particles. The universe has provided us randomness to the mathematician's and scientist's dismay.

The universe isn't as certain as one may imagine it is. There are different legitimate choices that we make. I don't believe in destiny, I'm not a fatalist. But I do believe in a deterministic universe, but one where the choices matter and impact the end result.

There's a subtle difference in the two. Maybe the difference is that I take responsibility over my choices. Who knows? It's really hard to understand.

But I guess that is the job of philosophers? To make things really hard to understand so they can interpret these theories for everybody else.

but with some degree of error due to quantum mechanics and the uncertainty principle

Is it uncertain because it is random or because we are not precise enough?

But I guess that is the job of philosophers? To make things really hard to understand so they can interpret these theories for everybody else.


Is it uncertain because it is random or because we are not precise enough?

It is even less mechanistic than random at the subatomic level. It is subjective in the sense that subatomic particles do not even have locations or velocities until measured. This has very little practical meaning, though. Even assuming that you had no free will in a deterministic universe, you couldn't be excused by it in any form or fashion. If you committed a crime and stated in court that you have no free will in your defense, the judge could and would say the same and send to up the river any way.

the judge could and would say the same and send to up the river any way.

Of course he would, what else could he do? ;)

The Uncertainity principle, I made a post about that, a while ago.


the other possible states of the electrons, they all happen in some other inaccessible dimension. OR there's a hidden variable we don't know about yet.

Where you look is where the ball will go.

Never lose focus of your objective. Every action you take should be an action to get you closer; every step should be about moving forward and setting up.

Good answer

Thax ;)

This is a very interesting topic to discuss. On my own point of view I am a firm believer of faith at the same time I can work on my destiny but I believe I don't have fully control of it. Not to confuse everybody. It is really hard to explain to an atheist, mathematician or a scientist that God exist because in science for example, you've got hypothesis, you've got theories and you've got facts. In religion, you've God scriptures,manifestations, personal testaments of people who felt the power of God in their lives, save by faith, etc. Faith is believing without seeing. Now destiny, can we direct where are we heading today based on our present actions? Yes! For example, if we save a lot of money today then we have more money tomorrow. But there is one catch. Can we control the events that is going to happen from right now until tomorrow? I do not think we have full control of it, say like right now I am writing a comment then I plan to go to the store to buy something to drink and along the way I got into an accident.Somebody hit my car. Do I have a control over that? No. So my conclusion,I am a firm believer of faith and at the same time I can't really completely control my destiny because of different factors that plays in my life.I am not perfect and I have flaws but as to science my genes are physically perfect but humans are holistic beings . We are not only made of physical, but emotional,psychological,sexual aspect,etc @tarazkp very interesting article for everybody to comment.

For me it doesn't matter whether God exists or not, it changes nothing in my actions moment to moment as in each I do my best. If there is no God, then I will have done the most I could to reach my potential, if there is a God, it would respect the attempt. So God or No, it is all the same for me.

Since there are so many things that math and science can't explain for one reason or another, I think it is difficult to use such a level of certainty with the existence or non-existence of anything. We as humans are limited in our capability of understanding, and even with the aid of computers and other technologies, we are still limited in the amount that we are able to understand or draw verifiable conclusions.

I think all of this is very interesting to consider and think about, however, with the lack of complete knowledge and certainty, at the end of the day it all winds up as just an "educated guess" :)

Or an uneducated guess as the case may be ;)

The beauty of science is that there is no end to it, there is always more to discover.

The beauty of science is that there is no end to it, there is always more to discover.

Until everything in the universe is known and understood ;-)

I am getting close....

Me too... I know that crypto is outrageously volatile. That's my nugget share of the day...


Numbers & Mathematics, same as pool balls, are just loose pieces to organize and order in an eventual triangled rack as you wish.

And yet, future, fate, destiny, faith, God and 'results', are simply your own interpretations fluttering in your mind. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Interesting post and thought process. What you mention is effectively what anglo-saxon philosophers thought in the early 20th cent. However the reason why the universe is not predictable was settled in both science and philosophy by Illya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers in the 1980s. And then the general answer of what a model tends towards it being understood as a social construction (ok it goes deeper than that, look up constructivism and actor-network theory if you go into it in more detail). Many scientists are just lagging on reading any philosophy and sociology of science which is why you still get outdated models haha

The models that are models now will be outdated at some point too. It is the inevitability of modeling, none are perfect, at least not yet. Each generation always feel that 'now we know' yet, each generation thus far has been proven wrong in a myriad ways. It is with all things humans do though.

Yes the principle of falsification is the basis of experimentation etc. But my point is that models are social constructions, and mediated by our sense, our social understandings, and the machines we use to gather data. So experimentation is a social exercise. That's why (scientific) knowledge and theories are described in terms of degree of belief or expected frequency. So the problem now for many models is not that new knowledge is replacing them, it's that they're proving inadequate - expected frequencies are not being measured and evidence is not supporting reasonable belief. The problem lies in how and what kind of knowledge, and therefore what models, are produced. Scientific disciplines don't all operate along the same lines, some sit in different worldviews which approach data, evidence and theory in a much more grounded way, like ecology (sorry, bad pun). Others are beating a horse with a dead stick and need to reassess their methodology. Hit me up if you want to discuss this more!

Interesting analogy you have the life or the facts of everyday life, you have made the comparison with a pool table, others do with a chess board, anyway! The issue here is that it seems that everything is calculated and that in fact everything has a purpose or an end, personally I do not believe in coincidences, but in the causes of events in life, every cause has a consequence, good post , regards.

Mathematics can be used to analyse many different areas. Data Science tends to bridge the gap between maths and real-world scenarios to help solve problems.

Really great post sir.Thanks for share.

wow its nice... i impressed to see it..... i waiting for your next post ...... i wish for your best of luck brother

it depends on the force and velocity. Satellite launches into space.

That's great to know upvote and resteem tnx for sharing.

Good post sir, a very definite and quick way to understand things in a good way.

love to read it, have a nice day..

Explicitly ! You give examples in their place ,,,
For example, in a billiard game you can not tell where all the balls will go, because you are studying the direction of only one ball or 2

i believe in my destiny.....i also believe in that man is the maker of his own fortune..........

Amazing post i like this sir.

I knew this comment was coming, my model is improving.

Sir, yes Sir! Resteem and upvote done, Sir!

No reach around?