The pragmatic dream: earning a voice.

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Have you ever started a business? If so, what were your expectations? You likely overestimated initial earnings and underestimated the work involved but, you also likely felt that it was worth it, that the long hours for little return would one day come to pay off.

Ever failed at a business? It likely doesn't feel good but for those that have, the attempt itself probably had value and in hindsight, one may even do it all again. Granted, one may make a few changes to better fit the market to increase the chances of success.

If you were starting a business, what kinds of returns are you expecting, how fast, what risks are you willing to take, what are you willing to lose, what are your realistic chances of surviving, let alone being successful? If you knew all if the challenges facing you, would you still take the shot?

Last night, my wife and I again talked about future possibility as she has come to realise that there is a chance for us to actually make something out of this, and it scares her. In her words:

The better you do, the more I worry.

She worries because of the potential for loss, the potential for any number of things to step in and take all that we have worked for away. The interesting thing is, is that this is new behaviour from her.

I have a business and she has encouraged me over the last four or so years to put in the long hours, chase customers, work hard. And I have. Not at one point did she say the same though. She never worried that it may fail even though the odds of success for a one-person business consultancy run by a foreigner isn't overly high.

She never worried about us 'losing it all', she never asked if I should take some out 'just in case'. For me, this is the sign of opportunity, this is why I will put my nose to the grindstone and ramp up my efforts to learn and invest. The uncertainty she feels, is our opportunity.

Where is the ceiling on a one-person business consultancy? How much per hour will a customer pay? How many customers can I fit into a week, a month, a year? what is the cost of adding an employee? What happens if the economy drops like it did in 2008? Businesses such as mine are the first to be cut from the budgets. There is a high uncertainty but, because it is in a 'normal' business area, very few identify the ceiling capacity or the risks of failure.

For me trying to have some kind of financial freedom, there is nothing more practical than putting in the effort and dreaming that Steem, cryptocurrencies, SMTs and all of the associated offshoots will boom. It is a pragmatic dream.

I was asked yesterday what I was doing with the SBD I earn. Trading for Steem and powering up is the answer. Is it silly, is it a risk, could it backfire? Yes, It could. I could lose everything that I have put in and my wife will ask 'Why didn't you take some out earlier?' After all, something is better than nothing right? I don't think so, not just because of the feelings of regret if Steem does take off but, the idea that I would have not been true to myself and given in to the FUD, the fear. I would have sold myself out.

The uncertainty my wife feels is because this is in an area that few understand, even those that are deep inside. The technology is one thing but the upside potential is something altogether new for most people's experience, and definitely from the experience of people that aren't around the industry at all.

How many times in history have you heard of people being told by parents, friends and family that they are crazy to try, crazy to invest into some business or another, crazy to take a chance on uncertainty, something where there is few rules, no market, low information? How did it turn out? Who knows how many have failed under such circumstances, how many have proven their family correct. But, some have not failed, some have rolled the dice, invested themselves and benefited enormously to become voices of strength and supporters of many.

This is not about money for me alone although I would be dishonest to say it isn't a part of it. This morning I took a bus and am now on a train to a client company in the middle of nowhere. I needed some coins for the bus and was rummaging through a drawer and a little box for 3 euros. I remember not so many years ago I was doing the same to buy groceries, even though I had a job, even though I was pushing each day.

I was working hard, doing all I can and still struggling to make ends meet but what was the ceiling on my activities, how far could I climb or would I always be destined to struggle? But no one ever feared for it, no one ever said stop investing your time into something that has such a low ceiling no matter the work you put in. Why not? Why did I spend so long fighting for so little and not even enjoying the experience in the fight? Was day in day out working for scraps practical? Who is the one dreaming when the chances of success in traditional industry is almost zero?

At some point, I will take some of what I have earned out but, this is not the time. There is too much potential in the near future, too much upside from staying in, than skimming. It is a risk. Traders say never risk what you can't afford to lose. Affording is one thing, willingness to lose another.

My wife understands this attitude but it does scare her as she knows what a few hundred or thousand can do for us at the moment. But, she is also starting to understand what potential there may be, what doors we could open, what dreams we could realise, who we could support.

We are living in uncertain times where job losses through automation, pressures from climate change, poverty, starvation and a growing threat of war and conflict is where we live, how we live. Me and others like me who are playing at the safe and secure game is what has led to these situations, we have lost our ability to act, we have given up our voices. We blame others, but this society is ours.

To get a voice in this world, we need capital and to get that, we must work to create it and we must work where the traditionalists fear, for to try and beat them at their own game is a losing battle. And to create enough for us to have a voice, we need to make sure we do not sell out early for to do so is to hand over our voices to those who do not sing for us.

If we want to do good in the world, want to improve your situation, save the environment, end poverty, feed the hungry, go to Mars? We are going to need capital, we have to stop relying on others to provide it for us. I may end up scrounging in drawers for coins once again but, what happens if dreams come true? In the case of failure, at the very least I would have tried at something I care about, tried to earn my voice.

[ a Steemit original ]

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It takes money to make money ,that is just my personal opinion. We invest and watch out if our investment will take off one day. The world is full of uncertainty but we must keep the faith.

Wow man, powerful piece. It struck deep things in me. I opened a steemit account to see if people will like my writing and photography. I had this dream in the back of my mind: "maybe if I do good on steemit, our local currency is weak, maybe I can make enough to buy that oven..." I want to open a small business. I am currently studying philosophy on a bursary and live with family that cares a lot. But none of these things brings any money.

I started baking bread a couple of years ago, there is a really big demand in my city for bread. I can ride the wave, but I need money to buy the oven and, like you siad, to bring my own voice in. I want to earn the voice, create bread people line up to eat. But this needs money. I am all into steemit (or as much as possible) to see if I can make this dream come true.

So your post hit gold with me. I feel everything you said: the fear of opportunity. The fear that comes with freedom, but this is also good. It will help you to work hard and not give up.

Thank you for sharing this, and good luck with all your business etc. as well! I am looking forward to hear from you.

Keep working, keep posting, keep stacking. All these little amounts are going to add up. No ceiling.

Yes that is the idea! In South Africa, the rand (our currency) is not doing well against the Dollar. So every cent literaly helps here.

Wonderful piece. The last line of the penultimate paragraph is golden.
I've haven't had a job since I left college. I've started and failed at many a business and have scrounged in more than a few drawers; but I wouldn't swap the freedom and boundless possibility, oft terrifying as it may be, for the dubious security of employment.

There will be many more drawers in my future. I hope I will find some lost private keys :P

Thank you for your inspiring post. It's like talking to my son, exyle, who is more or less in the same situation. But I think you and he are right to believe in the power and the future of Steemit.

I think for those willing to do the hard work even when times are 'bad' there is a lot to gain here. I wish more would see the potential and stay in as much as they can afford (even 10 percent) as it is silly to miss out completely due to short vision or a little bit more of something unnecessary. If it is for food, buy food though. :)

How many times in history have you heard of people being told by parents, friends and family that they are crazy to try, crazy to invest into some business or another, crazy to take a chance on uncertainty, something where there is few rules, no market, low information?

Stay going ahead with your 'pragmatic dream' bro. And never forget that everything, every noise outside your own inner intuition is just that: ¡Noise!

Annoying noise usually called: "Paying attention to gallery audience" ¿What they can know from where it is below or from where it is above without them having tried your same path before? ¿How can they assume if you are going up or down through your chosen pragmatic dream?

Yes brother, neither those on the left side nor those on the right can tell for sure where is the top. Because it is enough that you observe this same image above, through the reflection of a mirror and then nobody will know ever where the hell they are heading to. }:)

I have no idea when I look in the mirror either ;)

In fact, there is no need. Objectively speaking, there is no such thing like top/bottom, above/below and Up/Down when you look in the mirror.

Just step in/out from there as many times as you please. :)

Thanks my friend for sharing the trade topic you must calculate all the positive and negative sides and sure will generate you the following profits

Nice write up on business,i think am inspired

Thanks u for sharing brother

Hi @tarazkp, I thought your sharing was pretty raw and honest. The questions you ask, are questions people ask themselves all the time. Heck, even after 15 years of running businesses, I still ask myself during the night.

Of course, then my follow-up question to myself would be, "Is there something else I would rather do with my life?"

And then, I feel a certain kind of calm washing over me. A certain kind of peace.

I'm carving some time at night, about an hour or so, to be active on Steemit, writing first, and then making new connections. And for that, I earn a few SBD. Like you, too, I used it to Power Up my account, because I don't have use for the money yet.

As for your wife's concerns, well, I think she just loves and cares for you. No one in their sane mind wouldn't worry about their other half. Over time, the reassurance comes, early for some, later for others. Sometimes, they never do, and that's where the relationship may strained. That's speaking from my own experience.

But if both of you are having open conversations, which I'm sure you are, I think you guys are gonna do well.

The funny thing is, a few years down the road, you both will look back at this time, and just laugh at it. That's the gift of hindsight. :)
