RE: It appears as if some people believe nukes are fake..

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It appears as if some people believe nukes are fake..

in philosophy •  8 years ago  (edited)

"Not necessarily.. Cause.. I'm not trying to prove anything. :) You are."

I'm not trying to prove anything, making a claim is not trying to prove something, but on the contrary you assume a position that maintains a belief in something that must be proved against which is a key point of the burden of proof.

"Okay I guess no one needs to talk about anything ever then..."

There's some truth in that. I'm past trying to go even more out of my way to provide people with links, in depth explanations and then have to debate with them endlessly.

"Your statement is loaded when you state it IS a lie cause you're assuming a position that can't be proven."

Who says it can't be proven? You're waiting for a green light, I've already got mine. There's no assumption on my end despite my unbacked assertions.

Looking back at
-"so it feels better to be on the "same page" of the rest of society I guess?"

""No. If you knew me you would know I'm pretty far from that.""

and seeing

"Why didn't it go more viral?"

your questions are contradicting to the character you believe yourself to be.

Too many things wrong with that question to begin, but I'm sure you will understand with it pointed out.

It can be summed up as follows: "uncontrolled fission of atoms just produces heat that boils or melts the surrounding that prevents further fission. Nuclear power plants have suffered it. Any a-bomb would just melt before exploding."

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