Brandon Smith of Zero Hedge has been on a roll with some great thought provoking articles...

in phlosophy •  8 years ago 

There are three articles I want to point out here, and I will quote from each of them, but I encourage you to read them yourself. I found them to be thought provoking. I have not quite digested them and found where they will fit within my own mental paradigm yet, but they did give me some serious food for thought.

How Globalists Predict Your Behavior

The globalists seem to have an overarching obsession with data collection. As we have seen with revelations from multiple government whistle-blowers, the establishment spends most of its time, energy and manpower collecting information not just on known threats to their supremacy, but information on EVERYONE through FISA-based surveillance protocols. This is because the establishment sees every individual as a potential threat.

He then goes on to mention something I've considered several times myself.

There was a time not long ago when this notion was considered “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream, but with multiple exposures from Wikileaks to Edward Snowden it is now common knowledge that the government (and the globalists) spy on us en masse.

Brandon references an Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google) quote in the article:

"With your permission, you give us more information about you, about your friends, and we can improve the quality of our searches. We don’t need you to type at all. We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about."


For the establishment, though, the internet is quickly becoming, for all intents and purposes, the all seeing eye.

He then follows that up with a second article in this series...

How To Predict The Behavior Of Globalists

In my last article, 'How Globalists Predict Your Behavior', I outlined the primary method globalists use to measure public consent, or, public dissent. The use of macro-analytics and the hyper-monitoring of web traffic is a powerful tool at the disposal of the establishment for gauging shifts in public consciousness in real time.

For example, in early 2016 the elites were entirely aware of the rise of conservative and sovereignty movements in the U.S. and Europe. In fact, the dangers of growing “populism” were all that elitists and their publications talked about for the first six months of the year. At first, this notion seemed a little odd to me. Generally, when globalists are attempting to manage public opinion, they are careful not to reveal the slightest hint that conservative movements exist beyond an “extremist fringe”. They certainly never suggest that there is a massive undercurrent of nationalism ready to topple the globalist structure.

In fact, whenever such movements do arise the establishment is swift to obstruct them or co-opt them. I witnessed this first hand during the Ron Paul campaign in 2008 and 2012 – the mainstream deliberately refused to acknowledge Ron Paul's existence, because attacking him repeatedly would have been a zero sum strategy that would have given him greater public attention and free publicity.

I saw it during the Neo-con co-option of the Tea Party, a movement that I was involved in long before Fox News latched onto it and long before mainstream RINO Republicans not only jumped on the bandwagon but hijacked the horse. In a matter of months the Tea Party became a defunct entity, a shell of its former self. Luckily, most liberty activists simply left it behind and started their own separate groups and projects rather than being absorbed into the Neo-con fold.


I can say that I was also witness to many of these same things. I was a delegate in 2008 and planned to endorse Ron Paul. I did not go all the way through the process. I was also a delegate in 2012 and I did publicly endorse Ron Paul and I went all the way up through the process all the way to the Colorado State Convention. I did not choose to go to nationals, though I helped get other Ron Paul supporters sent there. Watching the selective use of rules when convenient, and ignoring them when convenient by the establishment within the GOP was an eye opener. Watching them steal the flyers off of chairs by some groups at the convention and replace them with new flyers with different names was an eye opener. They were caught in the act and some took steps to reverse the damage, but it was not complete. Watching them call a vote and then declare the AYES have it when that was not even clearly the case, yet seeing "the AYES have it" on the teleprompter caught by a cell phone video before the vote was even called. That was an eye opener. The mainstream media selective reporting and editing out of reference to Ron Paul I saw in 2008 and they just continued it.

I also was around when the term Tea Party came out as part of the Ron Paul movement only to be hijacked by Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck about 6 months later.

The point is, the elites dominate the political system. Nothing happens within it without their say. So, for those same elites to suddenly and openly suggest that “populist movements” were threatening to overtake the world and destroy the global economy was suspicious, to say the least.

He says several things worthy of being read, but I jump to the gist of it with this following excerpt:

The most important element of predicting globalist actions is to know what they ultimately want; to know their ultimate goals. If you know the specifics of what any group or individual desperately wants, those people become highly predictable, because there are only so many useful paths to get to any goal.

He has quite a few examples of putting this into practice, and he covers it detail with some links to a lot of different things. Then it comes down to the following few sentences:

My goal in this article is to make EVERY liberty activist adept at predicting globalist driven events. So, here is a good place to start:

I would do YOU and HIM a disservice to try to quote excerpts from it. If you are interested at all in what the above couple of sentences quoted imply then I recommend you go read his article for yourself.

Here is the third article... This is actually the point I stumbled across these, and it inspired me to go back and read the other two articles that lead up to this one.

How To Defeat The Globalist System

In my last two articles, 'How Globalists Predict Your Behavior' and 'How To Predict The Behavior Of Globalists', I explained the base fundamentals behind a concept with which most people are unfamiliar. They are so unfamiliar with it, in fact, that I didn’t bother to name it. In this article I hope to explain it, but I highly recommend people read the previous articles in this series before moving forward.

What I outlined, essentially, was a beginners course on 4th Generation Warfare. This methodology is difficult to summarize, but here I will list what I believe are some of its core tenets.

Fourth Gen warfare is based on a primary lesson within Sun Tzu’s The Art Of War. Sun Tzu argues in the classical military tome that the greatest strategists win wars by NOT fighting, or at least, by not fighting their opponents openly and directly. That is to say, they win by convincing their opponents that fighting back is futile and that surrender is preferable, or, they convince their opponents to destroy themselves through internal conflict and psychological sabotage. Sun Tzu felt this method was far superior to engaging in direct combat in a real world battle space.

While this might sound bizarre to some, it is becoming more and more apparent (in my view) that 4th Gen warfare is now the go-to weapon for globalists. Defeating the system established by the globalists, a system prevalent for decades, is an impossible task unless 4th Gen warfare is understood.

A classic example of a tried and true form of 4th Gen attack is to initiate a civil war within a target population, and in most cases, control the leadership on both sides of that conflict. Another method is to conjure an enemy, an outside threat which may be legitimate or entirely fabricated, and use that enemy to push a target population to unify under a particular banner that benefits the globalist cabal in the long run. Fourth Gen requires patience above all else.

In fact, I would say 4th Gen is the weaponization of patience.

A 4th Gen attack is not carried out over days, or months, but years. To find a comparable experience is difficult, but I would suggest people who have the tenacity set out to learn how military snipers operate. Can you train for years mastering long distance marksmanship, crawl for hours from an insertion point to an observation point, then sit in a hole in the ground (if you are lucky enough to have a hole in the ground) for days waiting to take just one shot, perhaps the only important shot you will ever take in combat, at a vital target, and do it with certainty that you will not miss?

I am not going to quote more excerpts from this article. I find that it is difficult to skip paragraphs as they all have great meaning and value. I encourage you to read the article if it is something that your are interested in.

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A very powerful article I wish most people could understand and have the wisdom to see it in action as it unfolds before their eyes or over them... Sadly it would not be the case. You surely deserve the @lordvader award. Thank you for such information as it badly needs to rise in the masses consciousness. This sort of education is primordial for our efforts to save the face of the pain stricken "democracy".

The methods underlined up above are blatantly, to me anyway, used today on a range of size starting from the individuals to groups spanning the globe. These seeds of war find themselves growing to a certain extent everywhere, as I see it every day in our kids regurgitating the medias' slogans to each other as they "play" as well as by the way they interact socially or on a one to one basis when they argue and/or fight.

The adult versions presented needs to be exposed under as many of their facets as possible for the public to become aware, if not hyperaware, of these methods spreading through mindsets and media propagation like invasive species in nature:
1- "(...) Convincing their opponents that fighting back is futile and that surrender is preferable, or, they convince their opponents to destroy themselves through internal conflict and psychological sabotage."

2- "(...) Initiate a civil war within a target population, and in most cases, control the leadership on both sides of that conflict."

3- "(...) To conjure an enemy, an outside threat which may be legitimate or entirely fabricated, and use that enemy to push a target population to unify under a particular banner that benefits the globalist cabal in the long run."

Again, thank you for underlining these disease of our cultures and by the same token help us disarm and and or create a antidotes to make sure we aren't going to infect our minds and hearts. "Patience", on that level, will thus become even more so the "Mother of All Virtues". All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thanks for all the effort! I'm defenitly going to read this later on when I have some more time! Really interresting topics!

The Snowden documentary was an eye opener.

Yeah. There is a lot of good information out there. We just have to be willing to keep an open mind, and put forth the effort to seek it.