Hello friends
I think this Sunday is well worth a tribute to these great rock gods
They almost formed the group when I was born and today they are still at the top and will continue for many years.
What am I going to tell you that not everyone knows?
We found this on a Sunday when Sundays were normal and the activity of the city was like a party.
We all walked without worry or fear, without looking at the one next to you.
The music went far and we got closer.
The body moved us only to the beat of the music.
Music that grew with us as if it were a lullaby.
We could say that even if we didn't understand the lyrics, if we understood the feeling and that makes the body move, that's why they say that music heals and I think I agree.
We stayed a long time
The puppeteer did it well and filled all of us who ran to listen and see.
The puppets were faithful to the singers and it was a pleasant and happy moment.
Now it seems like a thing of the past, but it was a few months ago when our life was normal.
That is why I have transformed them into sepia by removing the red and intense tone that they had.
Canon PowerShot SX730 HS
Happy week
Original content by Original content by @txatxy

¡ @juancar347](https://steemit.com/@juancar347)