Friendship between bee and clover / Freundschaft zwischen Biene und Klee

in photography •  7 years ago  (edited)


All pictues show a 'honey bee' (Apis mellifera) on 'red clover' (Trifolium pratense).

It is true that honey bees like 'red clover' but they can only get the pollen (rich in proteins, vitamins and lipids) of the flower. Its nectar (which contains several kinds of sugar as well as minerals) is so deep inside the bloom that the proboscis of the bees is too short to reach it. Only insects with long proboscises, like for example some bumblebee species, can reach the nectar. Other bumblebees (for example Bombus terrestris) with shorter proboscises are able to bite holes in the lateral walls of the flower tubes to gain the nectar, and in these cases clever honey bees can benefit as well by using the bumblebee holes. :)


Alle Bilder zeigen eine 'Honigbiene' (Apis mellifera) auf 'Wiesen-Klee' (Trifolium pratense).

Es ist wahr, dass Honigbienen 'Wiesen-Klee' mögen, allerdings können sie nur dessen Pollen (reich an Proteinen, Vitaminen und Lipiden) sammeln. Der Nektar (der mehrere Arten von Zuckermolekülen sowie Mineralien enthält) befindet sich so tief im Innern der Blüte, dass der Saugrüssel der Bienen zu kurz ist, um ihn zu erreichen. Nur Insekten mit langen Saugrüsseln, wie beispielsweise einige Hummelarten, gelangen an den Nektar. Andere Hummelarten mit kürzeren Rüsseln (zum Beispiel Bombus terrestris) sind dazu in der Lage, Löcher in die Seitenwände der Kronröhren der Blüten zu beißen, um ihr Ziel, den begehrten Nektar, zu erreichen. Von solchen Löchern profitieren dann auch die cleveren Honigbienen. :)

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I love bees... In a coloring book I published there is a page dedicated to bees :)

Do you have a link to that book?

I sure do! I sell it on Amazon. All 37 illustrations are hand drawn by me :)

That's a really nice book you made there.

@jaki01: Sorry for hijacking the comment section for this. Your article is, of course, also very nice. :-)

No problem! :)
Interesting book!

aww thank you! :) Thanks for asking about it. I love sharing my work with the community.

Vielen Dank für die tollen Bilder und die sehr gute Erklärung über die Zugänglichkeit von Pollen und Nektar für Bienen und Hummeln ;)
schönen Tag noch! :)

du wirst mir noch zu Natur Fotografen!!

Ich bemühe mich. :) (Allerdings entstehen auch immer sehr viele Fotos, die ich aussortieren muss.)

üben...üben....üben.... die zahl wird weniger werden mein freund....

Echt tolle Aufnahmen - ein bekannter von mir hat einen eigenen Bienenschwarm und stellt selber Honig her - es macht mir immer totalen Spaß den Bienen beim Ausfliegen zuzuschauen :)

Hello @jaki01, I believe it is always very important to talk about bees. We should know if honey bee is extincted humans will suffer in the worst scenario extinct too. That is why we are also focusing on encouraging people to start bee keeping and discouraging them to stop using chemical pesticides in our conservation program in Cameroon. Let me please use this opportunity to ask you for a favor to help us develop and implement following fundraising project which could finally help many other great ideas to be curried out.Water for Cameroon - Tree Planter Voting Bot; plant trees and get paid for it!

My mother is an apiarist. Honey is a very powerful food. We must take care and save our bees.

You are being followed by a coin puppet!

Please follow it back ;)

Sehr informativ und schön danke dir für diesen tollen Beitrag @jaki01 !

جميلة تصوير هذة الزهور صديقى شكرا على مشاركة

Very good post and great closeup photos. So interesting.

Great shots of our friend the honey bee.

That friendly bee is feeling sexy thanks to your focusing camera :)

I absolutely love bees. it is a shame that these bees are facing harm on earth. I hope we can find a way to save these wonderful beings

Great photos i like

Hübsche Bilder. Als hättest du absichtlich die ganz gut passenden Farben in gelb, rosa-rot und grün kombiniert ;-)
Und außerdem: Wieder was gelernt! Wer hätte schon gedacht, dass es für manche der Tiere schwerer ist, mal den Rüssel zu halten, weil er so lang ist und andere haben es leichter? :-)

Did it not hurt you while capturing? You captured the nature's creativity at its best.

Normally bees are not aggressive as long as one doesn't make hectic movements or try to catch them ...

Ya might be it was feeling like an upcoming star who may feature on the front page of TIME of FORBES magazine that is why it did not hurt you. LOL

Steemit is even better than Forbes or TIME, haha. :)

Ya I missed that point.

hi @jaki01 , thats a nice post, like a symbiotic mutualism
follow n upvote @rahmathidayat097


amazing! Its so important for us as a global society to understand the delicate relationhips in our ecosystem, and the honey bee is perhaps one of the best examples as modern society would suffer severely if the honey bee populations continue to decline.

I fully agree!

Beautifull picture

Thanks @jaki01 for the wonderful photos I noticed that you like flowers! I give you poppy from Ukraine!

Thanks - very nice! :)

Nice post @jaki01

Very nice photo shoot @jaki01

So awesome @jaki01

Nice to read that you like it! :)

amazing @jaki01