RE: A morning view of an upcoming development

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A morning view of an upcoming development

in photography •  6 years ago 

Oh, I see, I guess politicians are the same everywhere. Borrow borrow and borrow! let the next administration deal with the debt. Where you at, Honduras? What is the main source of income for the country? Do you guys export alot?

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I live in Roatan, Honduras. That is the northern Bay Islands.
We export basic goods and light manufactured goods. Mostly to the US and the region.
Among our most famous exports: bananas, coffee, cacao, and of course lots of cocaine passing through here from Colombia.

@janton , I appreciate your time and the in depth comments. This is exactly what I need to keep increasing my reputation. So, Thank you.
I will see you around here. You are an inspiring example of a continual writer.
See you around, my North Texas friend.

Howdy again sir deepwaters! Thanks for the information about Honduras and it's exports.

Yes, you need alot of engagement to get people to come to your blog, which I haven't been for awhile, sorry, I'll be over later. lol. Your English writing is perfect, where were you born?
Thanks for the kind words. My wife isn't always thrilled by the time I spend here but with everything they're doing to improve the strength of the Steem blockchain I think it's going to be a good investment.

My wife isn't always thrilled by the time I spend here but with everything they're doing to improve the strength of the Steem blockchain I think it's going to be a good investment.

I completely agree with you. I am also here for the long run.
I went to college in Texas, (Longview, Texas). LeTourneau University. That's where I get my English from.

Howdy today deepwaters! Oh, you're almost Texan then! lol. That is wonderful and that's a wonderful school, I've heard alot of good things about it, well done. Did you get a degree?

Yes, I received a degree from the Business School.
I really enjoyed my time in Texas in general. I wish I knew then what I know now, and I would have explored much more. Only once did I drive through North Texas. Overall, a wonderfull state!

Howdy again deepwaters! I agree that it's one of our greatest states. Are you married?

Yep, married and have kids too. A two year old.
How about you? are you retired from a previous career?

Howdy today sir deepwaters! Very good sir. One child, the two year old?
I was forced out of a lucrative real estate firm, our own, that my wife and I built. I loved it and we were making great money but she had to quit, the stress was killing her. There were Realtors dropping like flies all around us from cancer and heart attacks because of the stress.

She got another job and I was looking and then stopped when I found steemit. We'll see if that was the right decision in the next couple of years! But we have a 15 acre property with about 9 acres to mow and the place was a wreck when we bought it so it needs all kinds of work done so that's what I work on...remodeling or work on the property and then work on steemit.