RE: Another Sunset / Ein weiterer Sonnenuntergang

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Another Sunset / Ein weiterer Sonnenuntergang

in photography •  6 years ago 

lol...that paints quite a picture sir johannpiber!

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Good evening @janton :)
White sheep with pink rubber boots, that's what I can imagine. I think, when the snakes see these sheep on your lawn, your snake problem will be gone forever ;)

lol! That would drive anything away! Yes livestock is very good for keeping snakes away because they don't want to get trampled.

OK, @janton, let's hope the Steem reaches a high price, that you will get your sheep from me - that's a promise :)

lol! I'm sure it will get to a good price but I think it's going to be 2 or 3 years. Can you wait that long? lol.

I can wait, but the question is: can you wait so long for your sheep?
We can't do much more than wait, and so, we will wait awhile :)