Lemon Sorbet

in photography •  7 years ago 


I finally got an ice cream maker!

What can be better than an ice cream cone or fresh sorbet on a hot summer day? Only a drink of Margarita, but this lemon sorbet is almost as good, I promise.

The recipe I used is simple and straight forward, I looked it up in the manual that came with my ice cream maker. I cannot wait to experiment with it a bit more and perhaps invent my own sorbet recipes, but for now this will do :).



  • 175 g sugar;
  • 175 ml water;
  • 125 ml lemon juice.


  1. Place sugar and water into a saucepan, bring to a simmer and cook for about a minute until the sugar is completely dissolved. Chill.
  2. Combine simple syrup and lemon juice and pour into the ice cream maker, follow your machine's instructions.

That is it!

Although I did have to allow it to freeze for a couple more hours prior to serving, after the machine stopped as it was still runny, but according to YouTube videos this is how that goes with about any ice cream making appliance.


The images were taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III and a Canon EF - 50mm - F/1.8 lens.

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Absolutely cool n so very interesting. A Great summer delight to relish n enjoy. I might try to decorate it with strawberries and or cherries!!! Though Berries look good too!. :)

Cool. Is @amitsharma your alt account to upvote your own comments?

Loved the lemon sherbert ann, it was very good. You could really taste the lemon. I'm sure once you get the hang of the new ice cream maker your gonna make some dam good ice cream. What about green pistachio, or butter peacan with cream. : ]="

Thank you! That sounds super good, I will need to try to actually make ice cream with it, I looked at some recipes and I would need to get different supplies for those, but it sounds fun!

@kotturinn, it's a great idea for my hot summer. Cool photos. You always have delicious berries in your recipes. Do you buy them or grow them yourself? Hope to see more of Your delicious experiments :)

Thank you, you're so nice @madlenfox, I'm happy you're into them!
I wish I was able to grow them in my yard, maybe one day. Surprisingly, we have various berries available in stores all year round, I do freeze a very small batch of them too to use for pictures :)

Oh, @kotturinn, it's so good to have fresh berries all year round. Here we can only enjoy the summer. In winter-they are all imported. So I try to freeze as much as possible ,heh.

This looks so nice and fresh for summer, I love anything with lemon, yum.

For sure! I've been really into lemons lately, got possessed hahaha


muy rico y de textural sutil

A simple ice cream mu easy you only need an ice cream machine although I think that in a blender maybe you can make

This is like a slushie?

I guess you could make it with a blender and a bucket of ice, this ice cream maker works a bit different though, you have to freeze the bowl prior to using it.
Not sure, I've had slushies before, but they are drinks and this is a dessert.


You don't know why you're on a diet? Figure it out haha.

Thanks and enjoy your trip.


So you're not on a diet, but just allergic to certain foods. A lot of people are :(.

Anyway, good stuff! Have fun!

nice photo here is my post

The Lost Chambers Aquarium at palm Atlantis.

Sounds delicious, is there a way to reduce or eliminate the sugar?

Thanks! I guess you can substitute it with honey/maple syrup :)

Фантастически аппетитные фото!


Super cool snaps and damn it looks tasty

If I may recommend a flavor of sorbet.... mojito, give it a try :)

Thank you, lady!

I wonder how you get a mojito flavor in a sorbet?

Google will help you with the most finest details on what you like!

But apart from that with sugar,limejuice, a bit of lemonrasp, sprite, rum, and mintleaves

not difficult! summer and booze in an icecream!

Thank you for the insight, I guess I was wondering if there was some sorta flavoring or something, that's a lot of ingredients, will have to figure out how to convert them into a sorbet recipe haha.

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