
in photography •  7 years ago 

After a couple of rainy days, Summer finally arrived in Edmonton. We have 28 degrees Celsius which is quite hot for Alberta. Usually, we have a week or two above 30, but not often.

The grass is growing like crazy, not to mention weed and dandelion. A lot of work to keep the lawn nice and clean. Today is the busy day and I just prepared a few photos.

I saw some posts for architectural photography contest and decided to show you a different more simple form of architecture. Nothing fancy but skilled eye will find an interesting detail or two.

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When stones are too monotonous it's time for a brush and some paint.

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We had some experienced mason at work here.

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A simple staircase with proper decoration.

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When I entered this narrow street in Barcelona I had a bad feeling.

Did you ever see on YouTube how the bull run in Spain looks like?

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They spoiled this piece with these lids or I did.

I should really choose a different angle.

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A different kind of stones from Dubai.

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It looks like they got the materials on the nearby landfil for this one.


Stne wall and greenery it's always a winning combination.

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In mountains in the middle of the desert.

The hose with water for the bushes is a must here. They hide it well.

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Another symbiosis of rocks and plants. In Guell Park in Barcelona this time.

My lawn mower is ready and waiting. I must go now.

See you tomorrow, my friends.

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Top notch architecture, amazing photography shoot from the master himself @oldtimer great job Mentor!

They looks so antique, a bit overwhelming but you can tell I can't even have enough, it's sweetly amazing 😀😀😀 the gr

Photography architecture is so amazing,i have to learn a lot from you my brother,@oldtimer

howdy there @oldtimer! hey oldtimer.."Today is the busy day and I just prepared a few photos." this is the same excuse you use everyday! lol, and I love it because the photos are so good and interesting! great job sir thank you!

Steemit can be quite time-consuming. It's a lot of work. First, you need to get your ars out and get some photos. Copy them to the computer, then edit if necessary. Find a topic. Write a few words(English is my second language, btw), check the text with Grammarly. And that is just a post. Not to mention reading and answering comments and voting.
In one word; It's a full-time job for me.
And then I have also the real life to live.

yes sir I understand. well it looks to me like you're handling it pretty darn well! What is your first language, Spanish?

They do look very nice and yeah that narrow street does feels like that ;)

The 1st one does looks colorful than the rest ;) While liked the wall that has flowers over it as well ;)

Wow amazing architecture.A very interesting and beautiful city


Hello @oldtimer
Are you still living in Slovenia?

Not anymore. I live in Edmonton Canada.

🤗 ooo nice. I did to leave Slovenia, no f..... jobs :( now I m in Austria ... its ok. Love to visit canada, maybe next year. Whistler 🤘
Lep pozdrav iz Graza 🍀

I love stone walls because they look like puzzles and you can see progress and strategy in every stone laid. You are right about the narrow street in Spain I expect the bulls to be coming around the corner at any moment. The wall from Dubai looks like it has petrified sponge that came from the bottom of the sea and the beautiful photo of the wall with the flowers needed a lot of little wedge stones to finish the job!

It's easy to build a brick wall. But for the stone one, you need a good eye, some imagination, and precision too.

You should do bridges next.

Because of that phrase about building bridges instead of walls. Would be cool.

Good idea, my friend.

I am looking forward to your post then.

Estas fotografías me gustaron muchísimo son muy fantásticas

Lovin the summer pics! It’s around 100 degrees this whole week in Las Vegas 😭 😂

Do you have any mosquitoes down there?

narrow street of Barcelona looks scary.

Well, one can't deny these are really nice walls :) cool post!

Super interesting material presented I recommend
The cool combination of colors is a great greeting

here in dalian ,it's also getting very hot after the rain, the temperature is about 26-32 degrees , summer is really coming now .

Heat and rain is not the best combination I guess?

haha , really good combination. it's the best to adjust the development of the nature . right ?

Great photography of the brick, rock walls. I loved it, but my favorite was the narrow street in Barcelona which is something I have not seen and it would be pretty cool walking through it, but bit scary in a way.

Felicidades @oldtimer por la llegada del Verano a Canadá, he escuchado que allá los inviernos son muy duros y tardan mucho tiempo

it is a beautiful wall!

Wow! What a collection! I like the last one best, but they are all beautiful in their own way.

They are very beautiful structures, I love how they look is wonderful the work you do! :D

I want to say that the paint work on the stones are really great to watch and in my opinion that's the beauty itself means, we should stay artistic wherever we go and that will give great essence to us.

Those staircase from any view not reflecting as simple and instead it's so beautiful and those plants are doing effective work by giving that natural essence to us and good to explore the beauty of it.

Dubai stones are really unique and i have to say that raw stones can give more natural and beautiful essence, and literally these pieces are great to watch and for sure making the stuff really eye-catching.

Last picture is just like an gem view because we can see the beautiful combination of grass and stones and this idea is really appreciable and it can attract anyone and in my opinion the most importantly it's spreading the positive essence.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

lovely pics
the bull run is quite excitingly scary to watch

Beautiful shots..:))